mpesa requests for sandbox
Fast and quick deployment of M-Pesa listeners for B2C, C2B, B2B and Lipa Na Mpesa Online for daraja Daraja.
//Create a separate file for Oauth, call it oauth.js
var demo = require ('mpesa-requests-sandbox');
demo.oauth (); //the Oauth function where you will enter your consumer key and secret
//in another file put the request function, call it requests.js (this will be used to carry out requests, you will require the access token generated from the oAuth API)
var demo = require ('mpesa-requests-sandbox');
demo.b2crequest (); //for carrying out b2c requests to a given url(see npm install mpesa for setting up a listener)
demo.b2brequest (); //for carrying out b2b requests
demo.registerurl (); //for registering a c2b url to receive a notification
demo.c2brequest (); //for simulating a c2b request
//more to be added
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 0.10 or higher is required.
Installation is done using the
npm install
$ npm install mpesa-requests-sandbox
- Quick Deployment
- URLS automatically generated on running your js file
- Console.logs all incoming requests
- Confirms and validates all incoming requests
- Only takes 5 lines of code to deploy
- Executable for generating applications quickly
Docs & Community
- Website and Documentation
- GitHub Organization for Official Middleware & Modules
PROTIP Be sure to be checking for version updates
Security Issues
If you discover a security vulnerability in Express, please see Security Policies and Procedures.
Quick Start
The quickest way to get started with mpesa is to call the require function on [mpesa-requests-sandbox
Install the npm first
$ npm install mpesa-requests-sandbox
Create your .js file (this can be oauth.js)
var demo = require ('mpesa-requests-sandbox');
demo.oauth (); //the Oauth function where you will enter your consumer key and secret and generate a token
Run the file using node:
$ node oauth.js
Create another .js file for your requests (this can be requests.js)
var demo = require ('mpesa-requests-sandbox');
demo.b2crequests (); //b2c requests to a given url you will need the access token generated from oauth.js
demo.b2brequest (); //for carrying out b2b requests
demo.registerurl (); //for registering a c2b url to receive a notification
demo.c2brequest (); //for simulating a c2b request
Run the file using node:
$ node requests.js
We make it seemless for developers to integrate using our apis on the daraja platform to allow for easier movement of mobile money (M-Pesa).
The platform that allows users to easily integrate their applications to Mobile money and transforming lives for Kenyans.
The original author of mpesa is Arbaaz Wahid
The current lead maintainer is Safaricom