Empty dependency to be the last dependency in package.json
Last Dependency
To use as trailling comma to avoid git commit unnecessary while managing new packages.
This project was created to add as any kind of dependency on your own project, it was no functionality and work just like trailing comma. So you could install a dependency z
and do not worry about, for example, commit dependency line "y":"0.0.0",
only because the comma.
Check list
- [x] dependencies
- [x] devDependencies
- [x] optionalDependencies
- [x] peerDependencies
- [ ] peerDependenciesMeta
- [ ] bundleDependencies
To use type npx zzzzz-last-dependency help
and check the current options,
but its simple as it seem, using current npm flag options (-S for --save -D for --save-dev, ...) and -A for all and -N for none.
The negative form take precedence, so if you set true a option and explicit negate it (--no-S for example), so it will not install. The order is:
- -A: set all dependencies to true;
- -N: set all dependencies to false;
- -S, -D, -O, -P: set the specific dependency to true;
- --no-S, --no-D, --no-O, --no-P: set the specific dependnecy to false;
Always check in this order, so
npx zzzzz-last-dependency -D --no-D
andnpx zzzzz-last-dependency --no-D -D
has the same result.
By default install only dependencies and devDependencies in package.json, but you can stack for everything you need.
npx zzzzz-last-dependency -N -D # This code disable all modes and enable only the devDependencies
Check npm install documentantion for more info.
To manually install should change the aliasname: npm i zzzzz-last-dependency-aliasname@github:AngelsProgram/zzzzz-last-dependency