Zuper SDK
Zuper Field Service Management platform lets you reimagine field service delivery and delight your customers. Collaborate Seamlessly with your field teams anytime, anywhere.
Download & Installation:
npm i -s zuper-sdk
To generate API Key:
- On Zuper Webapp, Click on Settings from the left menu.
- Under 'General setting' click on "Account".
- In the "Account Settings" click on "API Keys".
- Under the "Your API Key" section, click on "New API Key", in the pop-up enter the "API Key Name" and click on create.
- Your API key will be generated and displayed.
| Module | Permitted Operations | | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Jobs | get, getAll, create, update, updateStatus, delete, updateSchedule, updateAssignment, getJobTimelogs, rollbackStatus, getAllRecurringJobs, getAssistedScheduling | | Property | get, getAll, create, update, updateStatus, delete | | Customers | get, getAll, create, update, sendEmail, delete | | Organizations | get, getAll, create, update, delete | | Users | get, getAll, create, update, delete, getWorkHours, getUserTeams | | Assets | get, getAll, create, update, getHistory, getInspectionForm, updateStatus, getPPM, delete | | Quotes | get, getAll, create, update, delete, updateStatus | | Invoices | get, getAll, create, update, delete, updateStatus | | Parts & Services | get, getAll, create, update, createTranscation, getTranscations, delete | | Activity | get, create | | Misc | notify ( Send Email / SMS ) | | Service Taks | get, getAll, create, update, delete, bulkAction, updateStatus, assignUsers, reorder | | Proposal | get, getAll, create, update, delete, updateStatus | | Requests | get, getAll, create, update, updateStatus, delete, rollbackStatus, createAssignment, createAttachment, updateAttachment, deleteAttachment | | Projects | get, getAll, create, update, updateStatus, delete, recover, assign, updateAssignment, linkJob, removeJob, createMilestone, updateMilestone, updateMilestoneStatus, deleteMilestone, createPhase, updatePhase, updatePhaseItems, getAllPhases, deletePhase, deletePhaseItems, createDependency, updateDependency, deleteDependency | | Transfer Orders | get, getAll, create, update,updateStatus, createAttachment, deleteAttachment |
const Zuper = require("zuper-sdk");
const zuper = Zuper.init("<origin>", "<Zuper API key>");
const jobs = async () => {
try {
let jobs = await zuper.jobs.get("<job_uid>");
console.log("Get Job details", jobs);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error:", e);
let jobsList = async () => {
try {
let options = {
page: 1,
count: 2,
filter: {
priority: "LOW",
let jobs = await zuper.jobs.getAll(options);
console.log("Get Job details", jobs);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error:", e);
- get(job_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(payload)
- updateStatus(job_uid, payload)
- delete(job_uid)
- updateSchedule(payload)
- updateAssignment(payload)
- getJobTimelogs(job_uid)
- rollbackStatus(job_uid, payload)
- getAllRecurringJobs(options)
- getAssistedScheduling(options)
- get(property_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(property_uid, payload)
- updateStatus(property_uid, payload)
- delete(property_uid)
- get(customer_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(customer_uid, payload)
- sendEmail(customer_uid, payload)
- delete(customer_uid)
- get(organization_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(organization_uid, payload)
- delete(organization_uid)
- get(user_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(user_uid, payload)
- delete(user_uid)
- getWorkHours(user_uid)
- getUserTeams(user_uid)
- get(asset_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(asset_uid, payload)
- getHistory(asset_uid, options)
- getInspectionForm(asset_uid, options)
- updateStatus(asset_uid, params)
- getPPM(options)
- delete(asset_uid)
- get(estimate_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- updateStatus(estimate_uid, payload)
- update(estimate_uid, payload)
- delete(estimate_uid)
- get(invoice_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- updateStatus(invoice_uid, payload)
- update(invoice_uid, payload)
- delete(invoice_uid)
- get(product_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(product_uid, payload)
- createTranscation(product_uid, type, payload)
- getTranscations(params)
- delete(product_uid)
- get(payload)
- create(payload)
- notify(module, entity_uid, payload)
- getAll(options)
- get(service_task_uid)
- create(payload)
- update(service_task_uid, payload)
- delete(service_task_uid)
- bulkAction(payload)
- updateStatus(service_task_uid, payload)
- assignUsers(service_task_uid, payload)
- reorder(payload)
- get(proposal_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- updateStatus(proposal_uid, payload)
- update(proposal_uid, payload)
- delete(proposal_uid)
- get(request_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(request_uid, payload)
- updateStatus(request_uid, payload)
- delete(request_uid)
- rollbackStatus(request_uid, payload)
- createAssignment(payload)
- createAttachment(request_uid,payload)
- updateAttachment(request_uid,attachment_uid,payload)
- deleteAttachment(request_uid,attachment_uid)
- get(project_ui)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(payload)
- updateStatus(project_uid, payload)
- delete(project_uid)
- recover(payload)
- assign(payload)
- updateAssignment(payload)
- linkJob(project_uid, job_uid, payload)
- removeJob(project_uid, job_uid, delete_job)
- createMilestone(project_uid, payload)
- updateMilestone(project_uid, milestone_uid, payload)
- updateMilestoneStatus(project_uid, milestone_uid, payload)
- deleteMilestone(project_uid, milestone_uid)
- createPhase(project_uid, payload)
- updatePhase(project_uid, phase_uid, payload)
- updatePhaseItems(project_uid, phase_uid, payload)
- getAllPhases(project_uid)
- deletePhase(project_uid, phase_uid, detach)
- deletePhaseItems(project_uid, phase_uid, payload)
- createDependency(project_uid, payload)
- updateDependency(project_uid, dependency_uid, payload)
- deleteDependency(project_uid, dependency_uid)
- get(transfer_order_uid)
- getAll(options)
- create(payload)
- update(transfer_order_uid, payload)
- updateStatus(transfer_order_uid, payload)
- createAttachment(transfer_order_uid,payload)
- deleteAttachment(transfer_order_uid,attachment_uid)