Zuora JS SDK
ZuoraSdkJs - JavaScript client for zuora-sdk-js REST API reference for the Zuora Billing, Payments, and Central Platform! Check out the REST API Overview. This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2024-05-20
- Package version: 3.2.1
- Generator version: 7.6.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install zuora-sdk-js --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your zuora-sdk-js from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g.https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var ZuoraSdkJs = require('zuora-sdk-js');
var defaultClient = ZuoraSdkJs.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer access token for authorization: bearerAuth
var bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new ZuoraSdkJs.APIHealthApi()
var start_time = new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"); // {Date} Start time of the volume summary. Format: `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmZ` Example: `2022-09-22T09:07+0800`.
var end_time = new Date("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"); // {Date} End time of the volume summary. Format: `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmZ` Example: `2022-09-29T09:07+0800`.
var opts = {
'accept_encoding': "accept_encoding_example", // {String} Include the `Accept-Encoding: gzip` header to compress responses as a gzipped file. It can significantly reduce the bandwidth required for a response. If specified, Zuora automatically compresses responses that contain over 1000 bytes of data, and the response contains a `Content-Encoding` header with the compression algorithm so that your client can decompress it.
'content_encoding': "content_encoding_example", // {String} Include the `Content-Encoding: gzip` header to compress a request. With this header specified, you should upload a gzipped file for the request payload instead of sending the JSON payload.
'authorization': "authorization_example", // {String} The value is in the `Bearer {token}` format where {token} is a valid OAuth token generated by calling [Create an OAuth token](https://www.zuora.com/developer/api-references/api/operation/createToken).
'zuora_entity_ids': "zuora_entity_ids_example", // {String} An entity ID. If you have [Zuora Multi-entity](https://knowledgecenter.zuora.com/BB_Introducing_Z_Business/Multi-entity) enabled and the OAuth token is valid for more than one entity, you must use this header to specify which entity to perform the operation in. If the OAuth token is only valid for a single entity, or you do not have Zuora Multi-entity enabled, you do not need to set this header.
'zuora_track_id': "zuora_track_id_example", // {String} A custom identifier for tracing the API call. If you set a value for this header, Zuora returns the same value in the response headers. This header enables you to associate your system process identifiers with Zuora API calls, to assist with troubleshooting in the event of an issue. The value of this field must use the US-ASCII character set and must not include any of the following characters: colon (`:`), semicolon (`;`), double quote (`\"`), and quote (`'`).
'path': "path_example", // {String} Filters the volume summary by API path name. You can refer to the api listed in the [API System Health Dashboard](https://knowledgecenter.zuora.com/Zuora_Central_Platform/Zuora_System_Health/B_APIs_dashboard) for the path name. Example: `/v1/accounts/{account-key}`.
'http_method': "http_method_example", // {String} Filters the volume summary by http method. Example: `Post`.
'zuora_version': "'2024-05-20'", // {String} The minor version of the Zuora REST API.
'zuora_org_ids': "zuora_org_ids_example" // {String} Comma separated IDs. If you have Zuora Multi-Org enabled, you can use this header to specify which orgs to perform the operation in. If you do not have Zuora Multi-Org enabled, you should not set this header. The IDs must be a sub-set of the user's accessible orgs. If you specify an org that the user does not have access to, the operation fails. If the header is not set, the operation is performed in scope of the user's accessible orgs.
api.getSystemHealthApiVolumeSummary(start_time, end_time, opts).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://rest.zuora.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- ZuoraSdkJs.APIHealthApi | getSystemHealthApiVolumeSummary | GET /system-health/api-requests/volume-summary | List API volume summary records ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingCodesApi | activateAccountingCode | PUT /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id}/activate | Activate an accounting code ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingCodesApi | createAccountingCode | POST /v1/accounting-codes | Create an accounting code ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingCodesApi | deactivateAccountingCode | PUT /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id}/deactivate | Deactivate an accounting code ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingCodesApi | deleteAccountingCode | DELETE /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id} | Delete an accounting code ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingCodesApi | getAccountingCode | GET /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id} | Retrieve an accounting code ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingCodesApi | getAllAccountingCodes | GET /v1/accounting-codes | List all accounting codes ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingCodesApi | updateAccountingCode | PUT /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id} | Update an accounting code ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | closeAccountingPeriod | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id}/close | Close an accounting period ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | createAccountingPeriod | POST /v1/accounting-periods | Create an accounting period ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | deleteAccountingPeriod | DELETE /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id} | Delete an accounting period ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | getAccountingPeriod | GET /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id} | Retrieve an accounting period ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | getAllAccountingPeriods | GET /v1/accounting-periods | List all accounting periods ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | pendingCloseAccountingPeriod | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id}/pending-close | Set an accounting period to pending close ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | reopenAccountingPeriod | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id}/reopen | Reopen an accounting period ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | runTrialBalance | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id}/run-trial-balance | Run trial balance ZuoraSdkJs.AccountingPeriodsApi | updateAccountingPeriod | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id} | Update an accounting period ZuoraSdkJs.AccountsApi | createAccount | POST /v1/accounts | Create an account ZuoraSdkJs.AccountsApi | deleteAccount | DELETE /v1/accounts/{account-key} | Delete an account ZuoraSdkJs.AccountsApi | getAccount | GET /v1/accounts/{account-key} | Retrieve an account ZuoraSdkJs.AccountsApi | getAccountDefaultPaymentMethod | GET /v1/accounts/{account-key}/payment-methods/default | Retrieve the default payment method of an account ZuoraSdkJs.AccountsApi | getAccountPaymentMethods | GET /v1/accounts/{account-key}/payment-methods | List payment methods of an account ZuoraSdkJs.AccountsApi | getAccountSummary | GET /v1/accounts/{account-key}/summary | Retrieve an account summary ZuoraSdkJs.AccountsApi | updateAccount | PUT /v1/accounts/{account-key} | Update an account ZuoraSdkJs.ActionsApi | actionPostCreate | POST /v1/action/create | Create ZuoraSdkJs.ActionsApi | actionPostDelete | POST /v1/action/delete | Delete ZuoraSdkJs.ActionsApi | actionPostQuery | POST /v1/action/query | Query ZuoraSdkJs.ActionsApi | actionPostqueryMore | POST /v1/action/queryMore | QueryMore ZuoraSdkJs.ActionsApi | actionPostupdate | POST /v1/action/update | Update ZuoraSdkJs.AdjustmentsApi | cancelBillingAdjustment | PUT /v1/adjustments/{adjustmentId}/cancel | Cancel an adjustment ZuoraSdkJs.AdjustmentsApi | createBillingAdjustment | POST /v1/adjustments | Create an adjustment ZuoraSdkJs.AdjustmentsApi | getBillingAdjustment | GET /v1/adjustments/{adjustment-key} | Retrieve an adjustment ZuoraSdkJs.AdjustmentsApi | getSubscriptionAdjustments | GET /v1/adjustments | List all adjustments of the latest version subscription ZuoraSdkJs.AdjustmentsApi | previewBillingAdjustment | POST /v1/adjustments/preview | Preview an adjustment ZuoraSdkJs.AggregateQueriesApi | createBatchQuery | POST /v1/batch-query/ | Submit an aggregate query job ZuoraSdkJs.AggregateQueriesApi | deleteBatchQueryJob | DELETE /v1/batch-query/jobs/{jobid} | Cancel a running aggregate query job ZuoraSdkJs.AggregateQueriesApi | getBatchQueryJob | GET /v1/batch-query/jobs/{jobid} | Retrieve an aggregate query job ZuoraSdkJs.AttachmentsApi | deleteAttachments | DELETE /v1/attachments/{attachment-id} | Delete an attachment ZuoraSdkJs.AttachmentsApi | getAttachments | GET /v1/attachments/{attachment-id} | Retrieve an attachment ZuoraSdkJs.AttachmentsApi | getAttachmentsList | GET /v1/attachments/{object-type}/{object-key} | List attachments by object type and key ZuoraSdkJs.AttachmentsApi | postAttachments | POST /v1/attachments | Create an attachment ZuoraSdkJs.AttachmentsApi | putAttachments | PUT /v1/attachments/{attachment-id} | Update an attachment ZuoraSdkJs.BillRunApi | cancelBillRun | PUT /v1/bill-runs/{billRunId}/cancel | Cancel a bill run ZuoraSdkJs.BillRunApi | createBillRun | POST /v1/bill-runs | Create a bill run ZuoraSdkJs.BillRunApi | deleteBillRun | DELETE /v1/bill-runs/{billRunId} | Delete a bill run ZuoraSdkJs.BillRunApi | emailBillRun | POST /v1/bill-runs/{billRunKey}/emails | Email billing documents generated from a bill run ZuoraSdkJs.BillRunApi | getBillRun | GET /v1/bill-runs/{billRunId} | Retrieve a bill run ZuoraSdkJs.BillRunApi | postBillRun | PUT /v1/bill-runs/{billRunId}/post | Post a bill run ZuoraSdkJs.BillRunHealthApi | getSystemHealthBillingDocVolumeSummary | GET /system-health/billing-documents/volume-summary | List billing document volume summary records ZuoraSdkJs.BillingDocumentsApi | createBillingDocumentFilesDeletionJob | POST /v1/accounts/billing-documents/files/deletion-jobs | Create a job to hard delete billing document files ZuoraSdkJs.BillingDocumentsApi | generateBillingDocuments | POST /v1/accounts/{key}/billing-documents/generate | Generate billing documents by account ID ZuoraSdkJs.BillingDocumentsApi | getBillingDocumentFilesDeletionJob | GET /v1/accounts/billing-documents/files/deletion-jobs/{jobId} | Retrieve a job of hard deleting billing document files ZuoraSdkJs.BillingDocumentsApi | getBillingDocuments | GET /v1/billing-documents | List billing documents for an account ZuoraSdkJs.BillingPreviewRunApi | createBillingPreviewRun | POST /v1/billing-preview-runs | Create a billing preview run ZuoraSdkJs.BillingPreviewRunApi | getBillingPreviewRun | GET /v1/billing-preview-runs/{billingPreviewRunId} | Retrieve a billing preview run ZuoraSdkJs.BookingDateBackfillJobApi | gETBookingDateBackfillJobById | GET /v1/uno/data-backfill/bookingdate/jobs/{jobId} | Find BookingDate Backfill job by ID ZuoraSdkJs.BookingDateBackfillJobApi | gETListBookingDateBackfillJobs | GET /v1/uno/data-backfill/bookingdate/jobs | Query all Booking Date Backfill Jobs ZuoraSdkJs.BookingDateBackfillJobApi | pOSTCreateBookingDateBackfillJob | POST /v1/uno/data-backfill/bookingdate/jobs | Create a new BookingDate Backfil job ZuoraSdkJs.BookingDateBackfillJobApi | pUTStopBookingDateBackfillJobById | PUT /v1/uno/data-backfill/bookingdate/jobs/{jobId} | Stop BookingDate Backfill job by ID ZuoraSdkJs.CatalogGroupsApi | createCatalogGroup | POST /v1/catalog-groups | Create a catalog group ZuoraSdkJs.CatalogGroupsApi | deleteCatalogGroup | DELETE /v1/catalog-groups/{catalog-group-key} | Delete a catalog group ZuoraSdkJs.CatalogGroupsApi | getCatalogGroup | GET /v1/catalog-groups/{catalog-group-key} | Retrieve a catalog group ZuoraSdkJs.CatalogGroupsApi | getCatalogGroups | GET /v1/catalog-groups | List all catalog groups ZuoraSdkJs.CatalogGroupsApi | updateCatalogGroup | PUT /v1/catalog-groups/{catalog-group-key} | Update a catalog group ZuoraSdkJs.ConfigurationTemplatesApi | deleteDeploymentTemplate | DELETE /deployment-manager/deployment_templates/{id} | Delete a template ZuoraSdkJs.ConfigurationTemplatesApi | getDeploymentTemplateDetail | GET /deployment-manager/deployment_templates/{id} | List all details of a template ZuoraSdkJs.ConfigurationTemplatesApi | getDownloadDeploymentTemplate | GET /deployment-manager/deployment_artifacts | Download a template ZuoraSdkJs.ConfigurationTemplatesApi | getSourceComponentDetails | GET /deployment-manager/deployment_artifacts/retrieve-settings | List all details of source components ZuoraSdkJs.ConfigurationTemplatesApi | getTemplates | GET /deployment-manager/deployment_templates | List all templates ZuoraSdkJs.ConfigurationTemplatesApi | postCompareTemplate | POST /deployment-manager/deployment_artifacts/compare | Compare settings between a source tenant and a target tenant ZuoraSdkJs.ConfigurationTemplatesApi | postDeploymentTemplate | POST /deployment-manager/deployment_templates | Create a deployment template ZuoraSdkJs.ConfigurationTemplatesApi | postMigrateTenantSettings | POST /deployment-manager/deployment_artifacts/deploy | Migrate settings from source tenant to target tenant ZuoraSdkJs.ContactSnapshotsApi | getContactSnapshot | GET /v1/contact-snapshots/{contact-snapshot-id} | Retrieve a contact snapshot ZuoraSdkJs.ContactsApi | createContact | POST /v1/contacts | Create a contact ZuoraSdkJs.ContactsApi | deleteContact | DELETE /v1/contacts/{contactId} | Delete a contact ZuoraSdkJs.ContactsApi | getContact | GET /v1/contacts/{contactId} | Retrieve a contact ZuoraSdkJs.ContactsApi | scrubContact | PUT /v1/contacts/{contactId}/scrub | Scrub a contact ZuoraSdkJs.ContactsApi | updateContact | PUT /v1/contacts/{contactId} | Update a contact ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | applyCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/apply | Apply a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | bulkCreateCreditMemos | POST /v1/creditmemos/bulk | Create credit memos ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | bulkUpdateCreditMemos | PUT /v1/creditmemos/bulk | Update credit memos ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | cancelAsyncCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/cancel-async | Cancel a Credit Memo in async ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | cancelCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/cancel | Cancel a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | createCreditMemoFromCharge | POST /v1/creditmemos | Create a credit memo from a charge ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | createCreditMemoFromInvoice | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/creditmemos | Create a credit memo from an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | createCreditMemoTaxationItems | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/taxationitems | Create taxation items for a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | deleteCreditMemo | DELETE /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey} | Delete a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | emailCreditMemo | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/emails | Email a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | generateCreditMemoPdf | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/pdfs | Generate a credit memo PDF file ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemo | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey} | Retrieve a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoItem | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/items/{creditMemoItemId} | Retrieve a credit memo item ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoItemPart | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/parts/{partid}/itemparts/{itempartid} | Retrieve a credit memo part item ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoItemParts | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/parts/{partid}/itemparts | List all credit memo part items ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoItems | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/items | List credit memo items ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoPart | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/parts/{partid} | Retrieve a credit memo part ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoParts | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/parts | List all parts of a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoPdfStatus | GET /v1/creditmemos/pdf-status | Retrieve PDF status of credit memos in a batch. ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemos | GET /v1/creditmemos | List credit memos ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | getTaxationItemsOfCreditMemoItem | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/items/{creditMemoItemId}/taxation-items | List all taxation items of a credit memo item ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | postAsyncCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/post-async | Post a Credit Memo in async ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | postCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/post | Post a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | refundCreditMemo | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/refunds | Refund a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | reverseCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/reverse | Reverse a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | unapplyCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/unapply | Unapply a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | unpostCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/unpost | Unpost a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | updateCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey} | Update a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | uploadFileForCreditMemo | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/files | Upload a file for a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CreditMemosApi | writeOffCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/write-off | Write off a credit memo ZuoraSdkJs.CustomEventTriggersApi | deleteEventTrigger | DELETE /events/event-triggers/{id} | Delete an event trigger ZuoraSdkJs.CustomEventTriggersApi | getEventTrigger | GET /events/event-triggers/{id} | Retrieve an event trigger ZuoraSdkJs.CustomEventTriggersApi | getEventTriggers | GET /events/event-triggers | List event triggers ZuoraSdkJs.CustomEventTriggersApi | postEventTrigger | POST /events/event-triggers | Create an event trigger ZuoraSdkJs.CustomEventTriggersApi | putEventTrigger | PUT /events/event-triggers/{id} | Update an event trigger ZuoraSdkJs.CustomExchangeRatesApi | getCustomExchangeRates | GET /v1/custom-exchange-rates/{currency} | List custom exchange rates by currency ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | deleteCustomObjectDefinitionByType | DELETE /objects/definitions/default/{object} | Delete a custom object definition ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | getAllCustomObjectDefinitionsInNamespace | GET /objects/definitions/default | List custom object definitions ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | getCustomObjectDefinitionByType | GET /objects/definitions/default/{object} | Retrieve a custom object definition ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | postCustomObjectDefinitions | POST /objects/definitions/default | Create custom object definitions ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | postUpdateCustomObjectDefinition | POST /objects/migrations | Update a custom object definition ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectJobsApi | getAllCustomObjectBulkJobs | GET /objects/jobs | List all custom object bulk jobs ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectJobsApi | getCustomObjectBulkJob | GET /objects/jobs/{id} | Retrieve a custom object bulk job ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectJobsApi | getCustomObjectBulkJobErrors | GET /objects/jobs/{id}/errors | List all errors for a custom object bulk job ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectJobsApi | pATCHCustomObjectBulkJob | PATCH /objects/jobs/{id}/cancel | Cancel a custom object bulk job ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectJobsApi | postCustomObjectBulkJob | POST /objects/jobs | Submit a custom object bulk job ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectJobsApi | postUploadFileForCustomObjectBulkJob | POST /objects/jobs/{id}/files | Upload a file for a custom object bulk job ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectRecordsApi | deleteCustomObjectRecordByID | DELETE /objects/records/default/{object}/{id} | Delete a custom object record ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectRecordsApi | getAllRecordsForCustomObjectType | GET /objects/records/default/{object} | List records for a custom object ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectRecordsApi | getCustomObjectRecordByID | GET /objects/records/default/{object}/{id} | Retrieve a custom object record ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectRecordsApi | patchPartialUpdateCustomObjectRecord | PATCH /objects/records/default/{object}/{id} | Partially update a custom object record ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectRecordsApi | postCustomObjectRecords | POST /objects/records/default/{object} | Create custom object records ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectRecordsApi | postCustomObjectRecordsBatchUpdateOrDelete | POST /objects/batch/default/{object} | Update or delete custom object records ZuoraSdkJs.CustomObjectRecordsApi | putCustomObjectRecord | PUT /objects/records/default/{object}/{id} | Update a custom object record ZuoraSdkJs.CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | createOpenPaymentMethodType | POST /open-payment-method-types | Create a draft custom payment method type ZuoraSdkJs.CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | getOpenPaymentMethodTypeRevision | GET /open-payment-method-types/{paymentMethodTypeName}/draft/{revisionNumber} | Retrieve a specific draft revision of a custom payment method type ZuoraSdkJs.CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | getPublishedOpenPaymentMethodType | GET /open-payment-method-types/{paymentMethodTypeName}/published | Retrieve a published custom payment method type ZuoraSdkJs.CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | publishOpenPaymentMethodType | PUT /open-payment-method-types/publish/{paymentMethodTypeName} | Publish a custom payment method type ZuoraSdkJs.CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | updateOpenPaymentMethodType | PUT /open-payment-method-types/{paymentMethodTypeName} | Update a custom payment method type ZuoraSdkJs.CustomScheduledEventsApi | deleteScheduledEventByID | DELETE /events/scheduled-events/{id} | Delete a scheduled event by ID ZuoraSdkJs.CustomScheduledEventsApi | getScheduledEventByID | GET /events/scheduled-events/{id} | Retrieve a scheduled event by ID ZuoraSdkJs.CustomScheduledEventsApi | getScheduledEvents | GET /events/scheduled-events | List all scheduled events ZuoraSdkJs.CustomScheduledEventsApi | postScheduledEvent | POST /events/scheduled-events | Create a scheduled event ZuoraSdkJs.CustomScheduledEventsApi | updateScheduledEventByID | PUT /events/scheduled-events/{id} | Update a scheduled event by ID ZuoraSdkJs.DataBackfillJobApi | gETDataBackfillJobById | GET /v1/uno/data-backfill/jobs/{jobId} | Find Data Backfill job by ID ZuoraSdkJs.DataBackfillJobApi | gETDataBackfillTemplate | GET /v1/uno/data-backfill/jobs/{type}/template | Download a Data Backfill template file ZuoraSdkJs.DataBackfillJobApi | gETListDataBackfillJobs | GET /v1/uno/date-backfill/listjobs | Query all data backfill jobs ZuoraSdkJs.DataBackfillJobApi | pOSTCreateDataBackfillJob | POST /v1/uno/data-backfill/jobs | Create a new Data Backfil job ZuoraSdkJs.DataBackfillJobApi | pUTStopDataBackfillJobById | PUT /v1/uno/data-backfill/jobs/{jobId} | Stop Data Backfill job by ID ZuoraSdkJs.DataQueriesApi | deleteDataQueryJob | DELETE /query/jobs/{job-id} | Cancel a data query job ZuoraSdkJs.DataQueriesApi | getDataQueryJob | GET /query/jobs/{job-id} | Retrieve a data query job ZuoraSdkJs.DataQueriesApi | getDataQueryJobs | GET /query/jobs | List data query jobs ZuoraSdkJs.DataQueriesApi | postDataQueryJob | POST /query/jobs | Submit a data query ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | bulkCreateDebitMemos | POST /v1/debitmemos/bulk | Create debit memos ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | bulkUpdateDebitMemos | PUT /v1/debitmemos/bulk | Update debit memos ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | cancelAsyncDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/cancel-async | Cancel a Debit Memo in async ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | cancelDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/cancel | Cancel a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | collectDebitMemo | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/collect | Collect a posted debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | createDebitMemoFromCharge | POST /v1/debitmemos | Create a debit memo from a charge ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | createDebitMemoFromInvoice | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/debitmemos | Create a debit memo from an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | createTaxationItemsForDebitMemo | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/taxationitems | Create taxation items for a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | deleteDebitMemo | DELETE /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey} | Delete a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | emailDebitMemo | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/emails | Email a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | generateDebitMemoPdf | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/pdfs | Generate a debit memo PDF file ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemo | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey} | Retrieve a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemoApplicationParts | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/application-parts | List all application parts of a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemoItem | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/items/{debitMemoItemId} | Retrieve a debit memo item ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemoItems | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/items | List debit memo items ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemoPdfStatus | GET /v1/debitmemos/pdf-status | Retrieve PDF status of debit memos in a batch. ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemos | GET /v1/debitmemos | List debit memos ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | getTaxationItemsOfDebitMemoItem | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/items/{debitMemoItemId}/taxation-items | List all taxation items of a debit memo item ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | postAsyncDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/post-async | Post a Debit Memo in async ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | postDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/post | Post a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | unpostDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/unpost | Unpost a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | updateDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey} | Update a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | updateDebitMemosDueDates | PUT /v1/debitmemos | Update due dates for debit memos ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | uploadFileForDebitMemo | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/files | Upload a file for a debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DebitMemosApi | writeOffDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/write-off | Write off an debit memo ZuoraSdkJs.DescribeApi | getDescribe | GET /v1/describe/{object} | Describe an object ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | deleteBusinessRegion | DELETE /v1/e-invoice/business-regions/{key} | Delete a Business Region ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | deleteServiceProvider | DELETE /v1/e-invoice/service-providers/{key} | Delete a Service Provider ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | getBusinessRegion | GET /v1/e-invoice/business-regions/{key} | Retrieve a Business Region ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | getBusinessRegions | GET /v1/e-invoice/business-regions | List business region ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | getServiceProvider | GET /v1/e-invoice/service-providers/{key} | Retrieve a Service Provider ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | getServiceProviders | GET /v1/e-invoice/service-providers | List Service Provider ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | postBusinessRegion | POST /v1/e-invoice/business-regions | Post a Business Region ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | postServiceProvider | POST /v1/e-invoice/service-providers | Post a Service Provider ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | updateBusinessRegion | PUT /v1/e-invoice/business-regions/{key} | Update a Business Region ZuoraSdkJs.EInvoicingApi | updateServiceProvider | PUT /v1/e-invoice/service-providers/{key} | Update a Service Provider ZuoraSdkJs.ElectronicPaymentsHealthApi | getSystemHealthPaymentVolumeSummary | GET /system-health/payments/volume-summary | List payment volume summary records ZuoraSdkJs.FilesApi | getFiles | GET /v1/files/{file-id} | Retrieve a file ZuoraSdkJs.FulfillmentsApi | createFulfillment | POST /v1/fulfillments | Create fulfillments ZuoraSdkJs.FulfillmentsApi | createFulfillmentItem | POST /v1/fulfillment-items | Create fulfillment items ZuoraSdkJs.FulfillmentsApi | deleteFulfillment | DELETE /v1/fulfillments/{key} | Delete a fulfillment ZuoraSdkJs.FulfillmentsApi | deleteFulfillmentItem | DELETE /v1/fulfillment-items/{id} | Delete a fulfillment item ZuoraSdkJs.FulfillmentsApi | getFulfillment | GET /v1/fulfillments/{key} | Retrieve a fulfillment ZuoraSdkJs.FulfillmentsApi | getFulfillmentItem | GET /v1/fulfillment-items/{id} | Retrieve a fulfillment item ZuoraSdkJs.FulfillmentsApi | updateFulfillment | PUT /v1/fulfillments/{key} | Update a fulfillment ZuoraSdkJs.FulfillmentsApi | updateFulfillmentItem | PUT /v1/fulfillment-items/{id} | Update a fulfillment item ZuoraSdkJs.HostedPagesApi | getHostedPages | GET /v1/hostedpages | List hosted pages ZuoraSdkJs.ImportsApi | objectGetImport | GET /v1/object/import/{id} | CRUD: Retrieve an import ZuoraSdkJs.ImportsApi | objectPostImport | POST /v1/object/import | CRUD: Create an import ZuoraSdkJs.InvoiceSchedulesApi | createInvoiceSchedule | POST /v1/invoice-schedules | Create an invoice schedule ZuoraSdkJs.InvoiceSchedulesApi | deleteInvoiceSchedule | DELETE /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey} | Delete an invoice schedule ZuoraSdkJs.InvoiceSchedulesApi | executeInvoiceSchedule | POST /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey}/execute | Execute an invoice schedule ZuoraSdkJs.InvoiceSchedulesApi | getInvoiceSchedule | GET /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey} | Retrieve an invoice schedule ZuoraSdkJs.InvoiceSchedulesApi | pauseInvoiceSchedule | PUT /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey}/pause | Pause an invoice schedule ZuoraSdkJs.InvoiceSchedulesApi | resumeInvoiceSchedule | PUT /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey}/resume | Resume an invoice schedule ZuoraSdkJs.InvoiceSchedulesApi | updateInvoiceSchedule | PUT /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey} | Update an invoice schedule ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | bulkCreateStandaloneInvoices | POST /v1/invoices/batch | Create standalone invoices ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | bulkPostInvoices | POST /v1/invoices/bulk-post | Post invoices ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | bulkUpdateInvoices | PUT /v1/invoices | Update invoices ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | cancelInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/cancel | Cancel an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | createInvoiceTaxationItems | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/taxationitems | Create taxation items for an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | createStandaloneInvoice | POST /v1/invoices | Create a standalone invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | deleteInvoice | DELETE /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey} | Delete an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | emailInvoice | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/emails | Email an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | getInvoice | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey} | Retrieve an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | getInvoiceApplicationParts | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/application-parts | List all application parts of an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | getInvoiceFiles | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/files | List all files of an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | getInvoiceItems | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/items | List all items of an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | getInvoicePdfStatus | GET /v1/invoices/pdf-status | Retrieve PDF status of invoices in a batch. ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | getTaxationItemsOfInvoiceItem | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/items/{itemId}/taxation-items | List all taxation items of an invoice item ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | postInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/post | Cancel an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | reverseInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/reverse | Reverse an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | updateInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey} | Update an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | uploadFileForInvoice | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/files | Upload a file for an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.InvoicesApi | writeOffInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/write-off | Write off an invoice ZuoraSdkJs.JournalRunsApi | cancelJournalRun | PUT /v1/journal-runs/{jr-number}/cancel | Cancel a journal run ZuoraSdkJs.JournalRunsApi | createJournalRun | POST /v1/journal-runs | Create a journal run ZuoraSdkJs.JournalRunsApi | deleteJournalRun | DELETE /v1/journal-runs/{jr-number} | Delete a journal run ZuoraSdkJs.JournalRunsApi | getJournalRun | GET /v1/journal-runs/{jr-number} | Retrieve a journal run ZuoraSdkJs.MassUpdaterApi | createMassUpdater | POST /v1/bulk | Perform a mass action ZuoraSdkJs.MassUpdaterApi | getMassUpdater | GET /v1/bulk/{bulk-key} | List all results of a mass action ZuoraSdkJs.MassUpdaterApi | stopMassUpdater | PUT /v1/bulk/{bulk-key}/stop | Stop a mass action ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | createNotificationDefinition | POST /notifications/notification-definitions | Create a notification definition ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | createOrUpdateEmailTemplates | POST /notifications/email-templates/import | Create or update email templates ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | deleteEmailTemplate | DELETE /notifications/email-templates/{id} | Delete an email template ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | deleteNotificationDefinition | DELETE /notifications/notification-definitions/{id} | Delete a notification definition ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | deleteNotificationHistoryForAccount | DELETE /notifications/history | Delete notification histories for an account ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | getCalloutHistory | GET /v1/notification-history/callout | List callout notification histories ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | getEmailHistory | GET /v1/notification-history/email | List email notification histories ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | getEmailTemplate | GET /notifications/email-templates/{id} | Retrieve an email template ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | getNotificationDefinition | GET /notifications/notification-definitions/{id} | Retrieve a notification definition ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | getNotificationHistoryDeletionTask | GET /notifications/history/tasks/{id} | Retrieve a notification history deletion task ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | postCreateEmailTemplate | POST /notifications/email-templates | Create an email template ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | queryEmailTemplates | GET /notifications/email-templates | List email templates ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | queryNotificationDefinitions | GET /notifications/notification-definitions | List notification definitions ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | resendCalloutNotifications | POST /notifications/callout-histories/resend | Resend callout notifications ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | resendEmailNotifications | POST /notifications/email-histories/resend | Resend email notifications ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | updateEmailTemplate | PUT /notifications/email-templates/{id} | Update an email template ZuoraSdkJs.NotificationsApi | updateNotificationDefinition | PUT /notifications/notification-definitions/{id} | Update a notification definition ZuoraSdkJs.OAuthApi | createToken | POST /oauth/token | Create an OAuth token ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryAccountByKey | GET /object-query/accounts/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryAccounts | GET /object-query/accounts | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryAmendmentByKey | GET /object-query/amendments/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryAmendments | GET /object-query/amendments | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryBillingRunByKey | GET /object-query/billing-runs/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryBillingRuns | GET /object-query/billing-runs | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryContactByKey | GET /object-query/contacts/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryContacts | GET /object-query/contacts | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoApplicationByKey | GET /object-query/credit-memo-applications/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoApplications | GET /object-query/credit-memo-applications | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoByKey | GET /object-query/credit-memos/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoItemByKey | GET /object-query/credit-memo-items/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoItems | GET /object-query/credit-memo-items | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemos | GET /object-query/credit-memos | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryCustomObjectBykey | GET /object-query/{custom-object-name}/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryCustomObjects | GET /object-query/{custom-object-name} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryDailyConsumptionSummaryByKey | GET /object-query/daily-consumption-summaries/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryDailyConsumptionSummarys | GET /object-query/daily-consumption-summaries | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryDebitMemoByKey | GET /object-query/debit-memos/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryDebitMemoItemByKey | GET /object-query/debit-memo-items/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryDebitMemoItems | GET /object-query/debit-memo-items | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryDebitMemos | GET /object-query/debit-memos | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryInvoiceByKey | GET /object-query/invoices/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryInvoiceItemByKey | GET /object-query/invoice-items/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryInvoiceItems | GET /object-query/invoice-items | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryInvoices | GET /object-query/invoices | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderActionByKey | GET /object-query/order-actions/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderActions | GET /object-query/order-actions | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderLineItemByKey | GET /object-query/order-line-items/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderLineItems | GET /object-query/order-line-items | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrdersByKey | GET /object-query/orders/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderss | GET /object-query/orders | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentApplicationByKey | GET /object-query/payment-applications/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentApplications | GET /object-query/payment-applications | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentByKey | GET /object-query/payments/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentMethodByKey | GET /object-query/payment-methods/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentMethodSnapshotByKey | GET /object-query/payment-method-snapshots/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentMethodSnapshots | GET /object-query/payment-method-snapshots | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentMethods | GET /object-query/payment-methods | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentRunByKey | GET /object-query/payment-runs/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentRuns | GET /object-query/payment-runs | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentScheduleByKey | GET /object-query/payment-schedules/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentScheduleItemByKey | GET /object-query/payment-schedule-items/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentScheduleItems | GET /object-query/payment-schedule-items | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentSchedules | GET /object-query/payment-schedules | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPayments | GET /object-query/payments | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceByKey | GET /object-query/prepaid-balances/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceFundByKey | GET /object-query/prepaid-balance-funds/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceFunds | GET /object-query/prepaid-balance-funds | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceTransactionByKey | GET /object-query/prepaid-balance-transactions/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceTransactions | GET /object-query/prepaid-balance-transactions | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalances | GET /object-query/prepaid-balances | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProcessedUsageByKey | GET /object-query/processed-usages/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProcessedUsages | GET /object-query/processed-usages | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductByKey | GET /object-query/products/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanByKey | GET /object-query/product-rate-plans/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanChargeByKey | GET /object-query/product-rate-plan-charges/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanChargeTierByKey | GET /object-query/product-rate-plan-charge-tiers/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanChargeTiers | GET /object-query/product-rate-plan-charge-tiers | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanCharges | GET /object-query/product-rate-plan-charges | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlans | GET /object-query/product-rate-plans | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryProducts | GET /object-query/products | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanByKey | GET /object-query/rate-plans/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanChargeByKey | GET /object-query/rate-plan-charges/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanChargeTierByKey | GET /object-query/rate-plan-charge-tiers/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanChargeTiers | GET /object-query/rate-plan-charge-tiers | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanCharges | GET /object-query/rate-plan-charges | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlans | GET /object-query/rate-plans | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatingResultByKey | GET /object-query/rating-results/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatingResults | GET /object-query/rating-results | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundApplicationByKey | GET /object-query/refund-applications/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundApplicationItemByKey | GET /object-query/refund-application-items/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundApplicationItems | GET /object-query/refund-application-items | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundApplications | GET /object-query/refund-applications | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundByKey | GET /object-query/refunds/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefunds | GET /object-query/refunds | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | querySubscriptionByKey | GET /object-query/subscriptions/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | querySubscriptions | GET /object-query/subscriptions | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | querySummaryStatementByKey | GET /object-query/summarystatements/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | querySummaryStatementRunByKey | GET /object-query/summarystatementruns/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | querySummaryStatementRuns | GET /object-query/summarystatementruns | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | querySummaryStatements | GET /object-query/summarystatements | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryTaxationItemByKey | GET /object-query/taxation-items/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryTaxationItems | GET /object-query/taxation-items | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryUsageByKey | GET /object-query/usages/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryUsages | GET /object-query/usages | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | queryValidityPeriodSummaryByKey | GET /object-query/validity-period-summaries/{key} | ZuoraSdkJs.ObjectQueriesApi | [queryValidityPeriodSummarys](docs/ObjectQueriesA