Api interface for zpool.com with typescript declaration
Zpool Api with typescript support library
import {ZpoolApi} from "zpool-api";
const client = new ZpoolApi()
const wallet = await client.getWallet('address')
const walletEx = await client.getWalletEx('address')
const status = await client.getStatus()
const currencies = await client.getCurrencies()
const blocks = await client.getBlocks()
const miners = await client.getMiners()
Response Types
interface ZpoolApiWalletResponse {
currency: string // example: "BTC"
unsold: number // example: 0.00050362 --currently in exchange or immature statuses
balance: number // example: 0.00000000 --matured ready for payment balance
unpaid: number // example: 0.00050362 --total unpaid unsold+balance
paid24h: number // example: 0.00000000 --total amount payed
paidtotal: number // example: 0.00000000
minpay: number // example: 0.0025 --payout threshold, can be configured using pl=
minpay_sunday: number // example: 0.0025 --payout threshold on Sundays
total: number // example: 0.00050362 --total unpaid + total payed
interface ZpoolApiWalletExMiner {
version: string // example: "ccminer\/1.8.2" --miners name
password: string // example: "d=96" --password configuration of your miner identified by a pool
ID: string // example: "d=96" --value specified in ID= param of miner's password
algo: string // example: "decred" --mining algorithm
difficulty: number // example: 96 --miner's current difficulty level
subscribe: number // example: 1 --subscribe extranonce flag
accepted: number // example: 82463372.083 --hashrate accepted by pool
rejected: number // example: 0 --hashrate rejected by pool
interface ZpoolApiWalletExPayout {
time: string // example: "1617480306",
amount: number // example: 0.00221229,
fee: number // example: 0.00001008,
tx: string // example: "fbe6338404fa3e8b33d545883ae68be0eadf56b01b50a1c40f2746d5fe68ea3b"
interface ZpoolApiWalletExBlock {
symbol: string // example: "TZC",
height: number // example: 1793180,
amount: number // example: 50,
algo: string // example: "neoscrypt",
confirmations: number // example: 207,
time: string // example: "1617595953",
category: string // example: "generate",
blockhash: string // example: "e3235d2451ea7680107b7b25f53e03a854b54d31be3ccf26cf3e0162aea269e3"
interface ZpoolApiWalletExResponse {
currency: string // example: "BTC"
unsold: number // example: 0.00050362 --currently in exchange or immature statuses
balance: number // example: 0.00000000 --matured ready for payment balance
unpaid: number // example: 0.00050362 --total unpaid unsold+balance
paid24h: number // example: 0.00000000 --total amount payed
paidtotal: number // example: 0.00000000
minpay: number // example: 0.0025 --payout threshold, can be configured using pl=
minpay_sunday: number // example: 0.0025 --payout threshold on Sundays
total: number // example: 0.00050362 --total unpaid + total payed
miners: ZpoolApiWalletExMiner[]
payouts: ZpoolApiWalletExPayout[]
blocks: ZpoolApiWalletExBlock[]
interface ZpoolApiStatusAlgorithm {
name: string // example: "allium" --algorithm name
port: number // example: 6433 --TCP connection port
coins: number // example: 1 --amount of coins available in subject algo
fees: number // example: 0.5 --pool fee in %
hashrate: number // example: 138059334 --total hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
hashrate_shared: number // example: 138059334 --shared mode hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
hashrate_solo: number // example: 0 --solo mode hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
workers: number // example: 80 --amount of workers mining in total
workers_shared: number // example: 80 --amount of workers mining in shared mode
workers_solo: number // example: 0 --amount of workers mining in solo mode
estimate_current: string // example: "0.00000346" --estimate based on last 5 minutes submmited shares per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
estimate_last24h: string // example: "0.00000341" --estimate based on last 24h submmited shares per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h: string // example: "0.00358" --actual earning based on last 24h found blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h_shared: string // example: "0.00355" --actual earning in shared mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h_solo: number | string // example: "0.00636" --actual earning in solo mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
mbtc_mh_factor: number // example: 1 --multiplier, value 1 represents Mh/S, 1000 represents GH/S, 1000000 represents TH/S, 0.001 represents KH/s
hashrate_last24h: number // example: 115385162 --average hashrate during last 24h
hashrate_last24h_shared: number // example: 114287097 --average hashrate during last 24h in shared mode
hashrate_last24h_solo: number // example: 1098065 --average hashrate during last 24h in solo mode
interface ZpoolApiStatusResponse {
[algo: string]: ZpoolApiStatusAlgorithm
interface ZpoolApiCurrency {
algo: string // example: "lyra2v2"
port: number // example: 4533
name: string // example: "Absolute" --coin name
height: number // example: 924762 --current blockchain height
difficulty: string // example: "1320.36013"
workers: number // example: 14 --amount of workers mining in total
workers_shared: number // example: 13 --amount of workers mining in shared mode
workers_solo: number // example: 1 --amount of workers mining in solo mode
shares: number // example: 0
hashrate: number // example: 11878047021 --current total hashrate for this coin
hashrate_shared: number // example: 5053286721 --current shared hashrate for this coin
hashrate_solo: number // example: 6824760300 --current solo hashrate for this coin
network_hashrate: number | string // example: 49744768222
reward: number // example: 1.5
estimate: string // example: "0.00156584"
estimate_current: string // example: "0.00000157" --estimated current earnings based on coin price per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
estimate_last24: string // example: "0.00000194" --estimate earnings mining subject coin based on last 24h price data per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h: string | number // example: "0.00210" --actual earning based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h_shared: string | number // example: "0.00222" --actual earning in shared mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h_solo: string | number // example: "0.00202" --actual earning in solo mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
mbtc_mh_factor: number // example: 1000 --multiplier, value 1 represents Mh/S, 1000 represents GH/S, 1000000 represents TH/S, 0.001 represents KH/s
"24h_blocks": number // example: 134 --amount of blocks found during last 24h in all modes
"24h_blocks_shared": number // example: 51 --amount of blocks found during last 24h in shared mode
"24h_blocks_solo": number // example: 83 --amount of blocks found during last 24h in solo mode
"24h_btc": string // example: "0.000019" --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in all modes
"24h_btc_shared": string // example: "0.000007" --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in shared mode
"24h_btc_solo": string // example: "0.000011" --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in solo mode
lastblock: string // example: "924753" --last block found height
timesincelast: number // example: 638 --time since last block found in sec
timesincelast_shared: number // example: 3946 --time since last block found in shared mode in sec
timesincelast_solo: number // example: 638 --time since last block found in solo mode in sec
noautotrade: number // example: 0 --value 1 - coin is not supported for auto exchange mining, value 0 - coin is supported for auto exchange mining
pool_ttf: number // example: 11
real_ttf: number // example: 477
minpay: number // example: 739.64497 --coin amount for payment threshold
minpay_sunday: number // example: 147.92899 --lowered coin amount for payment threshold on Sundays
symbol: string // example: "ABS"
interface ZpoolApiCurrenciesResponse {
[currency: string]: ZpoolApiCurrency
interface ZpoolApiBlock {
symbol: string // example: "XDN"
time: string // example: "1618048487" --unix timestamp
height: string // example: "355848"
amount: null | string //example: "5"
category: ['new', 'immmature', 'confirmed'] // example: "new" --new/immmature/confirmed
difficulty: string // example: "25406.253571" --difficulty at pool with applied multipliers
difficulty_user: string // example: "26507.381661" --difficulty by user's miner
algo: string // example: "bmw512"
type: string // example: "shared" --type of reward distribution shared o
finder: string // example: "bc1qgwf6t..."
type ZpoolApiBlocksResponse = ZpoolApiCurrency[]
interface ZpoolApiMiner {
algo: string // example: "neoscrypt"
version: string // example: "NiceHash\/1.0.0"
count: string // example: "4762"
interface ZpoolApiMinersResponse {
[currency: string]: ZpoolApiMiner