ZohoWorkDrive module, which makes communication with ZohoWorkDrive API easier
ZohoWorkDrive module, which makes communication with ZohoWorkDrive API easier.
npm i zoho-workdrive-api
Require module
const ZWorkDriveApi = require('zoho-workdrive-api');
const zWDApi = new ZWorkDriveApi(token, domain);
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
The following api methods do not require a domain and token if you passed them when creating an instance. But this structure allows you to make requests with other tokens and domains without creating a new instance of API
Return all user`s teams info
Returns: Object[] - User`s teams array of objects
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.zuid | String | Zoho user`s account id | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
zuid: 'Zoho user`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with info all user`s teams
// If you specified a domain and token when creating an instance and want to use them:
zuid: 'Zoho user`s id',
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with info all user`s teams
//This is typical for the following examples too
Return user`s team by id
Returns: Object - User`s team object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.teamId | String | Id of the desired team | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
teamId: 'Zoho team`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with team`s info
Return current user for team
Returns: Object - current user object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.teamId | String | Id of the desired team`s user | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
teamId: 'Zoho team`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current user info
Return current team`s workspases
Returns: Object[] - current team`s workspases array of objects
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | ---------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.teamId | String | Id of the desired team`s ws | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
teamId: 'Zoho team`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current team`s workspases
Return current workspase by id
Returns: Object - current workspase object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | ---------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.teamId | String | Id of the desired team`s ws | true | | params.wsId | String | Id of the desired ws | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
teamId: 'Zoho team`s id',
wsId: 'Zoho ws id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current workspace
Create new workspace
Returns: Object - new workspase object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.teamId | String | Id of the desired team`s ws | true | | params.name | String | Name your new workspace | true | | params.isPublicTeam | Boolean | Is public within team | false | | params.description | String | description for your new workspace | false | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
teamId: 'Zoho team`s id',
name: 'myWs',
isPublicTeam: 'true',
description: 'new workspace for example',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with new workspace
Rename current workspace
Returns: Object - object with workspase id and new name
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.wsId | String | Id of the desired ws | true | | params.name | String | New name your workspace | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
wsId: 'Zoho ws id',
name: 'renamedWs',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with ws id and new name
Delete current workspace
Returns: Object - object with message about delete workspace
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.wsId | String | Id of the desired ws | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
wsId: 'Zoho ws id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with message about removing ws
Return current workspase`s users
Returns: Object[] - current workspase`s users array of objects
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.wsId | String | Id of the desired ws | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
wsId: 'Zoho ws id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current workspase`s users
Add new user for current workspase
Returns: Object - new workspase`s user object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.wsId | String | Id of the desired ws | true | | params.email | String | New user email | true | | params.role | String | New user role (Admin, Organizer, Editor, Viewer) | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
wsId: 'Zoho ws id',
email: '[email protected]',
role: 'Admin',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with new workspase`s user
Change user`s role
Returns: Object - object with user`s id and new role
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.userId | String | Id of the desired user | true | | params.role | String | New role of user (Admin, Organizer, Editor, Viewer) | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
userId: 'Zoho ws user`s id',
role: 'Organizer',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with user`s id and new role
Delete user
Returns: Object - object with message about delete user
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.userId | String | Id of the desired user | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
userId: 'Zoho ws user`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with message about delete user
Return user`s privatespaces
Returns: Object[] - current user`s privatespaces array of objects
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.userId | String | Id user that desired privatespace | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
userId: 'Zoho team`s current user`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current user`s privatespaces
Return current privatespace`s files by id
Returns: Object[] - current privatespace`s files array of objects
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------------------ | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.psId | String | Id of the desired privatespace | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
psId: 'Zoho ps id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current privatespace`s files
Return info about any folder by id
Returns: Object - current folder object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.folderId | String | Id of the desired folder | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
folderId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current folder
Return info about new folder
Returns: Object - new folder object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.parentId | String | Id of parent folder for new | true | | params.name | String | Name of new folder | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
parentId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
name: 'myNewFolder',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with new folder
Rename current folder by id
Returns: Object - object with folder`s id and new name
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.folderId | String | Id of the desired folder | true | | params.name | String | New name your folder | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
folderId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
name: 'renamedFolder',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with folder`s id and new name
Copy current folder by id to folder with current id
Returns: Object - сopied folder object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.folderId | String | Id of the desired folder | true | | params.parentId | String | Id of the folder where will be copy current folder | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
folderId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
parentId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with сopied folder
Delete folder
Returns: Object - object with message about delete folder
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.folderId | String | Id of the desired folder | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
folderId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with message about delete folder
Return info about any file by id
Returns: Object - current file object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.fileId | String | Id of the desired file | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
fileId: 'Zoho file`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current file
Create file
Returns: Object - new file object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.parentId | String | Id of the folder where will be file | true | | params.name | String | Name of your new file | true | | params.zFileType | String | Type of your new file (zw - writer native, zohosheet - sheet native, zohoshow - show native ) | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
parentId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
name: 'my_table',
zFileType: 'zohosheet',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with new file
Upload file
Returns: Object - current file object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------------ | -------------------- | --------------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.parentId | String | Id of the folder where will be file | true | | params.name | String | Name of your new file | true | | params.overrideNameExist | Boolean | Override if same file exist in a folder | true | | params.readableStream | file | Readable Stream with file's content | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
parentId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
name: 'myImg',
overrideNameExist: 'true',
readableStream: readableStream,
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with current file
Download file by id
Returns: String - String, that simple transform to buffer
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.fileId | String | Id of the desired file | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
fileId: 'Zoho file`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with file in string format
Rename current file by id
Returns: Object - object with file`s id and new name
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.fileId | String | Id of the desired file | true | | params.name | String | New name your file | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
fileId: 'Zoho file`s id',
name: 'renamedFolder',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with files`s id and new name
Copy current files by id (more files) to folder with current id
Returns: Object[] - сopied files array of object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.idArr | String[] | Array with file`s id |true | | params.parentId | String | Id of the folder where will be copy current files | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
idArr: ['Zoho file`s id', 'Zoho file`s id', 'Zoho file`s id'],
parentId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with сopied files
Delete current files by id (more files)
Returns: Object - object with message about delete files
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | --------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.idArr | String[] | Array with file`s id |true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
idArr: ['Zoho file`s id', 'Zoho file`s id', 'Zoho file`s id'],
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with message about delete files
Move current files by id (more files) to folder with current id
Returns: Object[] - movied files array of object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | --------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.idArr | Object[] | Array with file`s id and new parentId | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
idArr: [
{ id: 'Zoho file`s id', parentId: 'Zoho folder`s id' },
{ id: 'Zoho file`s id', parentId: 'Zoho folder`s id' },
{ id: 'Zoho file`s id', parentId: 'Zoho folder`s id' },
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with movied files
Return info about all files by parent folder id
Returns: Object[] - folder`s files array of object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.folderId | String | Id of the parent folder | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false | | params.domain | String | Zoho api domain | false |
folderId: 'Zoho folder`s id',
accessToken: accessToken,
domain: domain,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with folder`s files
Return result get operation for current link (Only GET operation)
Returns: Object - result object
| Param | Type | Description | Required | | ------------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------- | -------- | | params | Object | | | | params.link | String | link for request | true | | params.accessToken | String | Zoho WorkDrive access token | false |
link: 'https://workdrive.zoho.com/api/v1/files/<id>',
accessToken: accessToken,
.then(data => {
// console.log(data)
// returns data with result object