This module provides a simple function for input validation using the Zod library in JavaScript/TypeScript. It validates a username and password based on specified criteria.
Input Validation using Zod
This module provides a simple function for input validation using the Zod library in JavaScript/TypeScript. It validates a username and password based on specified criteria.
Before using this module, make sure you have the Zod library installed. You can install it using npm:
npm install zod
// Import the z object from Zod library
import { z } from "zod";
// Alternatively, if you prefer CommonJS syntax:
// const z = require("zod");
// Function for input validation
function inputValidation(username, password) {
// Define input schema using Zod
let inputSchema = z.object({
username: z.string().min(1).email(),
password: z.string().min(6),
// Parse the input against the schema
const parsedInput = inputSchema.safeParse({
// Return the parsed input
return parsedInput;
// Export the function for use in other modules
export { inputValidation };
// Import the inputValidation function
import { inputValidation } from "./path/to/inputValidation";
// Example usage
const userInput = inputValidation("[email protected]", "securePassword");
if (userInput.success) {
console.log("Input is valid!");
console.log("Validated Data:", userInput.data);
} else {
console.error("Invalid input. Errors:", userInput.error.errors);
In the example above, inputValidation
is a function that takes a username and a password as arguments, validates them according to the specified criteria, and returns an object containing information about the validation result. If the input is valid, the success
property will be true
, and the validated data can be accessed through the data
property. If the input is invalid, the success
property will be false
, and the specific validation errors can be accessed through the error.errors