A lightweight framework using both MVC and publish-subscribe patterns to link its tiers
zMVC is...
a lightweight JavaScript framework separating data and presentation using the Model, View, Controller-pattern, while additionally providing a messaging system allowing you to run synchronous commands tying all the tiers together to form an application.
zMVC takes inspiration from, but removes some restrictions and simplifies the command pattern.
In zMVC, the Models and Controllers should be as "dumb" as possible, they should simply act as the middleman (in the Models case: for its data, in the Controllers case for its View), and broadcast changes via messages.
Your actual application should be Command-based. Commands are short functions that grab the zMVC actors they need to fulfill their role and update their status to match the new application state. Those of a Agile Methodology-bent can think of a Command as a user story (see more of this below under 'zMVC actors - Command / MacroCommand').
Publish - subscribe pattern
The actors Command, Model and Controller can send messages over the framework. A message consists of a type (a unique String identifier) and contains an optional data Object (can be any kind of Object). Controllers can subscribe to handle any kind of message type, while a Command can be registered to be launched whenever a specific message type is broadcast.
The basic interface to broadcast messages is :
(this.)broadcast( aMessageType, aOptionalMessageData );
Which broadcasts a message with type of given (String) aMessageType, with optional (*) aMessageData as the payload.
zMVC can be used in node.js / CommonJS projects. Using a tool like Browserify allows you to build the framework for use in the webbrowser.
zMVC is built on top of zjslib, but should you choose not to use zjslib components yourself, this shouldn't interfere nor dictate your workflow. zMVC is very simple and written in ES5, working on anything from IE9 onwards out of the box. You can also integrate zMVC easily in ES6 modules should you choose to.
You can get zMVC via NPM :
npm install zmvc
zMVC actors
Here the actors of the framework are explained. You can always reference the demo for in-depth usage.
The core framework actor. Your code should never interact with the core, apart from the setup stage. While MVC is responsible for broadcasting messages to subscribed components, you'd never invoke these directly, as these actions will be instructed by your setup.
Its "public" methods are:
MVC.registerView( aView, aController );
Registers a (View-prototype) aView to a (Controller-prototype) aController. Controllers are always unique and can only control a specific View. When a new instance of the given View prototype is added to the frameworks Stage (let's say your document.body) its associated Controller will be fetched, constructed and attached to the View.
MVC.unregisterView( aView );
Unregisters given (View-prototype) aView from the framework. New instances of this View will not be bound to a Controller.
MVC.registerModel( aModel );
Registers given (Model-instance) aModel in the framework. A model is always unique and should only have a single instance. Note that the model is now referenced inside the framework, overcoming the need to keep its reference elsewhere.
MVC.unregisterModel( aModel );
Unregisters given (Model-instance) aModel from the framework. The Model will now go out of the frameworks scope (and can be garbage collected if no other references remain). It is unlikely you will need to unregister Models during your applications lifetime, but you're the boss!
MVC.getModel( aModelName );
Retrieve the registered instance of the model with given (String) aModelName as its name (see Model on name identifiers).
MVC.registerCommand( aMessageType, aCommandRef );
Register given (Command-prototype) aCommandRef to be launched whenever (String) aMessageType is broadcast over the framework.
MVC.unregisterCommand( aMessageType );
Unregisters the Command-prototype that was previously registered to given (String) aMessageType.
MVC.broadcast( aMessageType, aMessageData );
Broadcast a message with type of given (String) aMessageType, with optional (*) aMessageData as the payload. You will likely use the method of the same name inside Commmands, Models and Controllers to broadcast messages.
The data layer. A model can simply hold collections of data, or can be made intelligent (for instance: to perform actions when data changes) as you please. A Model should have a unique NAME identifier so it can be retrieved from the framework.
Its constructor :
Model( aName );
Which creates a new instance of the Model, and registers it into the framework under given (String) aName as its identifier;
Its "public methods" are :
Returns unique (String) NAME identifier.
broadcast( aMessageType, aMessageData );
Its interface to broadcast messages.
The presentation layer. The View has no access to the framework in the sense that it cannot broadcast messages. Instead the Views link to the framework comes in the form of its Controller. (see Controller on how to interact with the View). Just like a Model the View needs a unique NAME identifier which allows it to be linked to a Controller. This identifier must be present on the Views Function directly, and not on its prototype, like so:
View.NAME = "aUniqueViewIdentifier";
Constructing a View:
View( aElement );
Where aElement is either a (Element) reference to an existing tag in the HTML document, or a (String) tagName. When tagName, a new Element of given tagName will be created and can be added to the DOM by using the "addChild()"-interface of the Sprite (see zjslib). When using the Sprite pattern to create Views, the Views Controller will only be attached after it becomes visible in the application (see zjslib "addChild()", "removeChild()".
If you are not interested in using zjslib's Sprite construction, simply pass in a reference to an existing HTML element that should be part of a View - Controller pairing to interact with the framework.
Instance properties :
A reference to the Views Controller.
A View is also an EventDispatcher, as such it can use a basic Event interface to broadcast and listen to messages :
view.addEventListener( eventType, callbackFunction );
view.removeEventListener( eventType ); // one callback per event type!
view.dispatchEvent( Event );
The Controller is the middleman between a View and the framework. A Controllers prototype is paired with a specific Views prototype (see MVC.registerView) during the application setup phase. When an instance of its associated View is constructed and added to the DOM, the Controller will be instantiated and linked to the View.
A controller can broadcast messages, subscribe to listen to certain messages (following the "Mediator"-construct of PureMVC) and can additionally request access to a Model.
View - Controller communication can be done using the following constructs :
- the Controller directly adds handlers to the Views components (the Controller has full access to the View, and a Controller should be unique to its Views type, as such it may know about the Views properties).
- the View dispatches Events to the Controller (also see zjslib EventDispatcher). This has the benefit that you can use abstract messages to inform the Controller of changes, if you feel the Controller shouldn't know about the Views presentation-related properties (e.g. listen to disptach of "LOGIN_CLICKED" instead of this.view.getLoginButton().addEventListener( "click" )...
The "public" methods of a Controller :
Invoked automatically whenever the framework creates a new instance of the Controller (when its associated View is added to the applications HTML document). This method will invoke the subscribe()- and onInit()-methods (see below). It is recommended not to override this method in your inheriting prototypes, but override onInit() instead.
Invoked automatically whenever the associated View is removed from the applications HTML document. This method will unregister the messages the Controller subscribed to and subsequently invoke onDispose() (see below). It is recommended not to override this method in your inheriting prototypes, but override onDispose() instead.
Invoked by the the init()-method described above. This method should be overridden in your derived class to return an Array of Strings. These Strings correspond to unique message type identifiers. This Array basically instructs the framework that the Controller is interested to be notified whenever a message of given type is being broadcast.
onMessage( aMessageType, aMessageData );
Invoked whenever the framework broadcasts a message the Controller has subscribed itself to listen to (see subscribe()). (String) aMessageType is the unique identifier of the message that has been broadcast, while (*) aMessageData is optional, and can contain the message payload.
This function should be overridden in your derived classes, like so :
ControllerExtension.prototype.onMessage = function( aMessageType, aMessageData )
switch ( aMessageType )
// aMessageData could be a JSON Object holding profile information
this.view.showProfile( aMessageData );
// aMessageData could be JSON Object holding error messages
this.view.showError( aMessageData );
getModel( aModelName );
Retrieve a model registered under given (String) aModelName from the framework.
Invoked by the init()-method when the Controller is constructed and linked to a View. You can override this method to execute custom code whenever your custom Controller initializes.
Invoked by the dispose()-method when the Controller is unlinked from its View and will be disposed. You can override this method to execute custom clean up code whenever your custom Controller is disposed.
broadcast( aMessageType, aMessageData );
Its interface to broadcast messages.
Instance properties :
A reference to the Controllers View.
zMVC Commands
Where things get interesting. A Command is basically a short function that takes whatever it needs from different parts of the framework to complete a single purpose. You can also nest individual Commands as part of a larger chain to complete a more complex set of operations. For instance you can have a command chain that should culminate in the user being logged in. Individual Commands of this chain could be :
"validate login form data"
"check internet connection"
"send login data to server"
"validate server response"
"on login failure : show error on screen" / "on login success : replace login form with profile data on screen"
You may notice this kind of reads like a user story, making your applications logic understandable in bitesize snippets. Why, you can even reuse the "check internet connection"-Command as part of other command chains, should you choose to.
Commands aren't constructed directly. Instead, during the setup phase a unique message type is associated with a Command prototype. For instance when message "LOGIN" is broadcast, the associated "LoginCommand" will be constructed and executed (see "MVC.registerCommand")
A Command is "alive" until it has called its complete handler (see below). When a Command completes, its reference is removed from the framework and can be garbage collected. When Commands are executed as part of a MacroCommand (that is a chain of commands), each subsequent command will only be executed when the previous command has called its complete handler. Once all sub commands have completed, the parent MacroCommand will complete and unregister itself from the framework.
A Command can broadcast messages and can request access to a Model.
The public methods of a Command are:
execute( aMessageType, aMessageData );
Invoked whenever the framework has launched the Command registered to message type of given (String) aMessageType. (*) aMessageData contains the optional message payload (for instance a data structure). Override this function in your derived Commands. Keep in mind the command will not complete when this function body exists, you must explicitly call commandComplete() (see below).
To be invoked by the Command whenever its operations have completed successfully. If the Command is part of a MacroCommand, this will inform the MacroCommand that the next queued Command in the chain can be executed.
To be invoked whenever the Command cannot complete its operations successfully (for instance: data is invalid, could not connect to a remote server, etc.). If the Command is part of a MacroCommand, this will also cancel the execution of the remaining subcommands (for instance in above example it makes no sense to send login data to a server if there is no internet connection).
getModel( aModelName );
Retrieve a model registered under given (String) aModelName from the framework.
broadcast( aMessageType, aMessageData );
The interface to broadcast messages.
A MacroCommand is treated by the framework like any other Command (as in : it is constructed and launched whenever its associated message type is broadcast). Internally however, the MacroCommand manages a chain of individual Commands. These Commands are executed in order when the previous Command has finished its execution. When the subcommands execute, they will receive the same message type and (optional) message playload Object that was broadcast when the MacroCommand was launched.
Custom MacroCommands should do nothing more than create a list of Commands to be executed.
The "public methods" of a MacroCommand :
To be overridden in derived MacroCommands. Here you can create a list of Commands to execute by using the addSubCommand()-method (see below).
addSubCommand( aCommandRef );
Adds given (Command-prototype) aCommandRef to the internal chain. When the MacroCommand is executed, it will construct and execute given Command in the order of addition.
Using this construct, you can recreate above example like so :
module.exports = CustomMacroCommand;
MacroCommand.extend( CustomMacroCommand, require( "zmvc" ).MacroCommand ));
CustomMacroCommand.prototype.init = function()
this.addSubCommand( require( "./ValidateLoginDataCommand" ));
this.addSubCommand( require( "./CheckInternetConnectionCommand" ));
this.addSubCommand( require( "./RequestRemoteLoginCommand" ));
this.addSubCommand( require( "./ValidateLoginResponse" ));
If any of these sub commands are cancelled (for instance login data is invalid, no internet connection is present or the remote reponse has failed validation), the subsequent pending commands are not executed. Be sure to broadcast messages from the individual commands to update the UI with the errors.
Extending the base actors
The Model, View, Controller, Command and MacroCommand actors of zMVC provide a convenient interfaces to extend their prototypes. This is done using their "extend()"-methods. An example to quickly create a new Model "class" :
module.exports = CustomModel;
var Model = require( "zmvc" ).Model;
function CustomModel()
this._name = CustomModel.NAME;
Model.extend( CustomModel, Model );
CustomModel.NAME = "UniqueIdentifierForCustomModel";
The actors mentioned above can also call extended methods of their parent prototypes using the "super()"-method. The super method has the following signature when called from a constructor:
base( thisObj, var_args... )
And the following signature when called from a function extended from an existing prototype function of the same name:
base( thisObj, "functionName", var_args... )
Where thisObj and var_args are the same as above, but where String functionName is the name of the function to call (should be identical to the prototype functions name).
function BaseModel( name )
this.greet( name );
BaseModel.prototype.greet = function( name )
console.log( "BaseModel says hello to '" + name + "'" );
function CustomModel( name )
Model.base( this, name );
Model.extend( CustomModel, BaseModel );
CustomModel.prototype.greet = function( name )
console.log( "CustomModel says hello to '" + name + "'" );
Model.base( this, "greet", "bar" );
var customModelInstance = new CustomModel( "foo" );
The above code will print the following in the console:
CustomModel says hello to 'foo'
BaseModel says hello to 'bar'
Demo / examples
Still in doubt after having read above documentation ? Example content can be found in the /example-folder inside the repository's root. To run the example, first resolve its dependencies like so:
npm install
After which you can run the following target inside the Gruntfile.js to preview the demo in your browser.
grunt start
Consult the file inside the /example-folder for a guide through the example application.