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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner








zl-docx2html --- docx文档转换为网页


  1. docx2html:将单个 docx文档/maekdown文档 转换为html网页文件,node环境可用
  2. batchDocx2html:将批量 docx文档/maekdown文档 转换为html网页文件,node环境可用
  3. addMenu2Page:解析html字符串,自动生成导航锚点菜单,node环境可用
  4. utils:开发过程中产生的一些工具函数
    • Md2Html, //将md文档转换为html字符串
    • addHtmlTag, //给html主体内容字符串包裹html,head,body标签
    • createEndMenuTempla,//返回要固定定位的菜单容器字符串
    • numberToChinese,//将阿拉伯数字转换成中文的大写数字
    • numToEng0_26,//通过ASCII码的方式将1-26转换为字母a-z(可大写可小写)
    • numToEng,//将数字转换为英文字母,大于26的数字也可以,并可控制大写和小写
    • resolveHtmlPageMenu,//传入能获取所有页面元素的$对象,从中获取由h1---h6组合成的树结构(你应该使用cheerio,适用于nodejs环境)


npm i zl-docx2html -S


const { batchDocx2html, docx2html ,util } = require("zl-docx2html");

// 批量转换docx文档为html(也可转换Markdown)
    dirPath: "./doctest",
    showWarnMessage: false,

// 转换单个docx文档为html(也可转换Markdown)
 const path = require("path");
 let { docx2html } = require("zl-docx2html");
 let fileName = "666.docx";
 let docxPath = path.join(path.resolve("."), fileName); //通过path.join可以解决mac和window路径规则不一致的情况
 let outPath = path.join(path.resolve("."), "/aa/bb/cc/dd/", fileName.split(".")[0]+".html");
 (async function () {
     await docx2html({
         docxPath: docxPath,
         outPath: outPath,
         showWarnMessage: false,


1. 转换md文档时,会将md文档所在目录下的 [assets]目录 或 [文件名_imgs] 目录 静态文件夹
2. 所以 整体写入到新生成的html所在位置,所以md文档中img路径需要为相对路径,

3. 你的静态资源目录应该是文档同级目录下的 assets 或 文件名_imgs 目录



    addMenu2Page,  //如果已有html字符串 就可以调用这个函数
    docx2html, //如果要从docx文档转换为含有菜单的html页面 就可以调用这个函数

    * @description 接收一个html字页面符串--给标题注入id-->得到tree菜单结构---》生成菜单模板--》注入到页面内容并返回
    * @param {Object} parObj 完整的参数对象信息
    * @param {String} parObj.html 要处理的html字符串
    * @param {String} parObj.fileName 生成的html文件名(如果存在html,head,外层的标签的话)
    * @param {Object} other 接收其他信息的对象
    * @param {Boolean} other.isAddHtmlHead  是否不给转换后的文档添加html,body等标签,默认为true
    * @param {Boolean} other.isAddMenu   是否给转换后的html文件注入锚点菜单,默认为true
    * @param {Boolean} other.isAddOrder   是否添加手动生成的序号,默认为true
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @example
    * let html = addMenu2Page(html, fileName);
export function addMenu2Page(html: any, fileName?: string, other?: {
    isAddHtmlHead: boolean;
    isAddMenu: boolean;
    isAddOrder: boolean;
}): any;


    * @description 传入一个目录路径,将此路径下的所有docx文件批量转换为html文件(不管层级有多深)
    * @param {Object} parObj 完整的参数对象信息
    * @param {String} parObj.dirPath 要处理目录路径,可传入绝对路径,也可传入相对路径
    * @param {String} parObj.outPath 要输出的html文档路径
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isAddHtmlHead  是否给转换后的文档添加html,body等标签
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isAddMenu   是否给转换后的html文件注入锚点菜单
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.autoHsSty   是否添加手动注入的h1--h6的大小样式
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isAddOrder   是否添加手动生成的序号
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isAddpagePadV   是否给页面注入默认的padding值
    * @param {String} parObj.manualAssignment   用户手动注入的样式对象字符串:·<style>...</style>·
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.showWarnMessage   是否显示docx文档转换为html时的警告信息(如果有的话),默认显示
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.showExeResult   创建html文件时,是否要显示提示信息
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isList2file   要转换的的文件树结构是否要写入文件
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.list2filePath   要转换的的文件树结构要写入文件时的文件路径
    * @param {Boolean}  parObj.imgTobase64  是否将docx文档中的图片转换为base64,默认false,不转换
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @example
    * let { batchDocx2html } = require("zl-docx2html");
    * batchDocx2html({
    *     dirPath: "./",
    *     outPath:"./HTML",
    *     showWarnMessage: false,
    * });
export function batchDocx2html(parObj: {
    dirPath: string;
    outPath: string;
    isAddHtmlHead: boolean;
    isAddMenu: boolean;
    autoHsSty: boolean;
    isAddOrder: boolean;
    isAddpagePadV: boolean;
    manualAssignment: boolean;
    showWarnMessage: boolean;
    showExeResult: boolean;
    isList2file: boolean;
    list2filePath: boolean;
    imgTobase64: string;
}): Promise<void>;


    * @function  传入docx类型文档,会解析成html,同时给这个html注入菜单,最后写入指定的路径
    * @description 这是个异步函数,因为调用转换docx的内置模块时是异步的
    * @param {Object} parObj 完整的参数对象信息
    * @param {String} parObj.docxPath 要处理的docx文档路径
    * @param {String} parObj.outPath 要输出的html文档路径,默认为当前docx文件所在目录
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isAddHtmlHead  是否给转换后的文档添加html,body等标签
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isAddMenu   是否给转换后的html文件注入锚点菜单
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.autoHsSty   是否添加手动注入的h1--h6的大小样式
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isAddOrder   是否添加手动生成的序号
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.isAddpagePadV   是否给页面注入默认的padding值
    * @param {String} parObj.manualAssignment   用户手动注入的样式对象字符串:·<style>...</style>·
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.showWarnMessage   是否显示docx文档转换为html时的警告信息(如果有的话),默认显示
    * @param {Boolean} parObj.showExeResult   创建html文件时,是否要显示提示信息
    * @param {Boolean}  parObj.imgTobase64  是否将docx文档中的图片转换为base64,默认false,不转换
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @example
    * var path = require("path");
    * let { docx2html } = require("zl-docx2html");
    * let fileName = "666.docx";
    * let docxPath = path.join(path.resolve("."), fileName); //通过path.join可以解决mac和window路径规则不一致的情况
    * let outPath = path.join(path.resolve("."), "/aa/bb/cc/dd/", fileName.split(".")[0]+".html");
    * (async function () {
    *     await docx2html({
    *         docxPath: docxPath,
    *         outPath: outPath,
    *         showWarnMessage: false,
    *     })
    * })()
export function docx2html(parObj: {
    docxPath: string;
    outPath: string;
    isAddHtmlHead: boolean;
    isAddMenu: boolean;
    autoHsSty: boolean;
    isAddOrder: boolean;
    isAddpagePadV: boolean;
    manualAssignment: boolean;
    showWarnMessage: boolean;
    showExeResult: boolean;
    imgTobase64: string;
}): Promise<void>;
export namespace utils {
    export { addHtmlTag };
    export { createEndMenuTempla };
    export { numberToChinese };
    export { numToEng };
    export { numToEng0_26 };
    export { resolveHtmlPageMenu };
export var __esModule: boolean;


const { util } = require("zl-docx2html");

let {addHtmlTag,createEndMenuTempla,numberToChinese,numToEng,numToEng0_26,resolveHtmlPageMenu} = util;

    addHtmlTag, //给html主体内容字符串包裹html,head,body标签


    * @description 如果内容没有外层的html,body包裹,则可使用此函数进行处理
    * @param {string} content 要处理的html字符串
    * @param {string} fileName html字符串的名字
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @return {string} 包裹了html,body的最终的字符串
declare function addHtmlTag(content: string, fileName: string): string;

    * @description 返回要创建固定定位的菜单容器字符串(固定格式),包含了html+css+js, 接收一个具体的菜单内容作为参数
    * @param {string} realMenu 菜单html字符串
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @return {string} 生成的最终的包含了样式和js逻辑的菜单字符串
declare function createEndMenuTempla(realMenu: string): string;

    * @description 将阿拉伯数字转换成中文的大写数字
    * @param {number} num 要转换的阿拉伯数字
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @return {string} 中文的大写数字字符串
    * @example
    * let n=numberToChinese(12);//返回'十二'
declare function numberToChinese(num: number): string;

    * @description 将数字转换为英文字母,大于26的数字也可以,并可控制大写和小写
    * @param {number} i 要转换的阿拉伯数字
    * @param {boolean} big true:大写,false|不传:为小写
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @return {string} a-z英文字母
    * @example
    * let n=numToEng(1);//返回'a'
declare function numToEng(i: number, big: boolean): string;

    * @description 通过ASCII码的方式将1-26转换为字母a-z(可大写可小写)
    * @param {number} num 要转换的阿拉伯数字1-26
    * @param {boolean} big true:大写,false|不传:为小写
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @return {string} 英文字母a-zA-Z
    * @example
    * let n=numToEng0_26(1);//返回'a'
declare function numToEng0_26(num: number, big: boolean): string;


    * @description 传入能获取所有页面元素的$对象,从中获取由h1---h6组合成的树结构
    * @param {object} $ 能获取所有页面元素的$对象,这里使用的cheerio
    * @author zl-fire 2021/09/01
    * @return {object[]} json树结构
declare function resolveHtmlPageMenu($: object): object[];