This package enables real-time tracking of employee attendance using ZKTeco devices. It seamlessly integrates with multiple devices and utilizes their IP addresses for efficient monitoring and management.
This package enables real-time tracking of employee attendance using ZKTeco devices. It seamlessly integrates with multiple devices and utilizes their IP addresses for efficient monitoring and management.
// Test code:
const ZKTeco = require("zkteco");
const test = async () => {
try {
// Define the IP address of the device.
const deviceIp = "";
// Ips
const ips = [""];
let zkInstance = new ZKTeco(devices);
// List of devices with their respective IP addresses and ports.
const devices = [{ deviceIp: "", devicePort: "4370" }];
let zkInstance = new ZKTeco(devices);
// Connect all devices
await zkInstance.connectAll();
// Retrieve users based on device IP addresses in the machine.
const users = await zkInstance.getUsers(deviceIp);
// Retrieve all devices currently connected.
const getAllConnectedIps = await zkInstance.getAllConnectedIps();
// Retrieve all disconnected devices by all devices ip.
const getAllDisconnectedIps = await zkInstance.getAllDisconnectedIps(ips);
// Create a new user: setUser(deviceIp,uid, userid, name, password, role = 0, cardno = 0)
await zkInstance.setUser(deviceIp, 12, "9", "Abu Huraira", "1", 0, 0);
// Retrieve all logs stored in the machine.
// At the moment, there's no filter to select specific device logs, it captures everything!!
const logs = await zkInstance.getAttendances(deviceIp);
// Retrieve the current time from the machine.
const getTime = await zkInstance.getTime(deviceIp);
// Power OFF by Device Ip
await zkInstance.shutdown(deviceIp);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === "EADDRINUSE") {
test(); // in the end we execute the function
There are many functions you can just visit zk protocol to see the command and put it in executeCmd function already existed in the library.
The function executeCmd accepts the command constant in constants.js
and the data if needed, and we can implement it as follows:
async executeCmd(device,command, data=''){
return await this.functionWrapper(
()=> this.zklibTcp.executeCmd(device,command, data),
()=> this.zklibUdp.executeCmd(device,command , data)
// unlock the door
executeCmd(device,CMD.CMD_UNLOCK, '')