react native starter kit and seperate module
Zkrn CLI
Inspired by Ignite CLI
________ __ ___ _______ _____ ___
(" "\ |/"| / ") /" \ (\" \|" \
\___/ :)(: |/ / |: ||.\\ \ | React Native
/ ___/ | __/ |_____/ )|: \. \\ | Starter Kit
// \__ (// _ \ // / |. \ \. |
(: / "\ |: | \ \ |: __ \ | \ \ | Author: Zaku
\_______)(__| \__)|__| \___) \___|\____\) Vers: 1.0.8
Usage: zkrn [command] <method/ appName ...>
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
init [appName] init the react-native application
remove [appName] Remove the application
module <method> [moduleName] You can create module folder. Try this: 'zkrn module --help'
route <method> [routeName] You can modify the route of App. Try this: 'zkrn route --help'
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
- Set default route easily:
react route [routeName]
- Support multi language & automaticly built
- Support theme inspired by Material
- Init application just single line `react init [appName]
- Typescript supported
- Redux supported
- Dark & Light Theme Mode
- Tablet & Phone supported
Why I have to create this
My app based on CBA(Component-Based Architecture). Therefor, The module(For ex: 'src/mobile/app/todo') contains both redux and view. That way make you easy to reuse in another appliaction and help you to save your time.
├── com
├── conf
│ ├── redux.ts
│ └── route.tsx
├── index.tsx
├── redux
│ ├── action.tsx
│ ├── actionType.tsx
│ ├── index.tsx
│ ├── reducer.tsx
│ └── selector.tsx
└── screen
├── detail
│ └── index.tsx
└── main
└── index.tsx
6 directories, 10 files
npm install -g zkrn
zkrn --help
1. Create app
zkrn init <appName>
Example: zkrn init myApp
appName could be snake case/ pascal case/ camelCase. Don't try to using space (Ex: App Name)
2. Create module
zkrn module create <moduleName>
Example: zkrn module create todo
Create a new module will include (saga, reselect, reducer, action, screen, styles) and auto register reducer/ saga/ action/ reselect/ screen.
3. Remove module
zkrn module remove <moduleName>
Example: zkrn module remove todo
Remove a module will include (saga, reselect, reducer, action, screen, styles) and auto unregister reducer/ saga/ action/ reselect/ screen.
4. Set router app
zkrn route set <routeName>
Example: zkrn route set todo
For who wanna test this screen first. It's will show this screen at begin.
5. Make router at default
zkrn route default
Make router at default (This maybe personal.)
Please help me to make this project awesome.
Be free to make issue.