Interceptor for instrumenting GRPC calls.
This lib is the interceptor for Zipkin to intercept your GRPC calls(unary/stream).
Project test status
[x] Tested with Node.js GRPC client <-> Node.js GRPC server
[x] Tested with Node.js GRPC client <-> Go GRPC server
How to use
Init Zipkin GRPC interceptor
// Your zipkin base url, like: http://localhost:65534 const zipkinBaseUrl = 'YOUR_ZIPKIN_BASE_URL'; const CLSContext = require('zipkin-context-cls'); const {Tracer, BatchRecorder, ConsoleRecorder} = require('zipkin'); const {HttpLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-http'); const recorder = new BatchRecorder({ logger: new HttpLogger({ endpoint: `${zipkinBaseUrl}/api/v1/spans` }) }); // `ConsoleRecorder` will be very helpful when you want to debug where is going wrong. // const recorder = new ConsoleRecorder(); const ctxImpl = new CLSContext('zipkin'); const tracer = new Tracer({ctxImpl, recorder}); global.ZIPKIN_GRPC_INTCP = new (require('zipkin-instrumentation-grpc'))(tracer);
Right before your GRPC client is ready to call the remote GRPC service
const metadata = global.ZIPKIN_GRPC_INTCP.beforeClientDoGrpcCall({ serviceName: process.env.MS_SERVICE_TAG, remoteGrpcServiceName: 'signInV1', xB3Sampled: '1' }); // Then do your GRPC call yourGrpcClient.remoteGrpcService(reqBody, metadata, (err, resData) => { // Your business logic as before ... });
Upon your GRPC server received the call from your GRPC client
// Apparently you need to initialize the `ZIPKIN_GRPC_INTCP` for each of your distributed GRPC service. // Do this at the first line upon the GRPC server received the call from the GRPC client. const metadata = global.ZIPKIN_GRPC_INTCP.uponServerRecvGrpcCall({ serviceName: process.env.MS_SERVICE_TAG, grpcMetadataFromIncomingCtx: call.metadata });
Upon your GRPC server has finished all the respond.
// Do this upon your GRPC server has finished all the respond. global.ZIPKIN_GRPC_INTCP.uponServerFinishRespond();
After everything of this GRPC call has been finished at your GRPC client.
For GRPC server side is written in GO.
func initTracerForZipkin(zipkinUrl, hostPort, serviceName string) { if collector, e := zipkin.NewHTTPCollector(zipkinUrl); e == nil { if tracer, e0 := zipkin.NewTracer(zipkin.NewRecorder(collector, false, hostPort, serviceName)); e0 == nil { opentracing.InitGlobalTracer(tracer) } else { util.Logger.Panic("Could not init tracer for Zipkin.") panic(e0) } } else { util.Logger.Panic("Could not init collector for Zipkin.") panic(e) } } func main() { hostname, _ := os.Hostname() initTracerForZipkin("YOUR_ZIPKIN_BASE_URL/api/v1/spans", hostname, os.Getenv("MS_SERVICE_TAG")) } // Utils type metadataReader struct { *metadata.MD } func (mr metadataReader) ForeachKey(handler func(key, val string) error) error { for k, vals := range *mr.MD { for _, v := range vals { if e := handler(k, v); e != nil { return e } } } return nil } func getIncomingCtxFromGRPC(ctx context.Context, tracer opentracing.Tracer, opName string) context.Context { md, _ := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx) if incomingCtx, e := tracer.Extract(opentracing.TextMap, metadataReader{&md}); e == nil && e != opentracing.ErrSpanContextNotFound { span := tracer.StartSpan(opName, ext.RPCServerOption(incomingCtx)) return opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span) } else { util.Logger.Panic("Opentracing tracer could not extract metadata from incoming context.") panic(e) } } // In actual service. ctx := getIncomingCtxFromGRPC(stream.Context(), opentracing.GlobalTracer(), "LsyncV1") if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil { defer span.Finish() ext.SpanKindRPCServer.Set(span) span.SetTag("serviceType", "Go GRPC") }
Feel free to @lnshi
on Github for any issue of this lib 🙂