r cryptocurrency research reports? CryptoResearch offers professional cryptocur
CryptoResearch Express Server
This repository contains an Express server for CryptoResearch, a platform that offers professional cryptocurrency market research and analysis reports. The server is built using Node.js and Express, and it provides various routes for fetching information and performing actions related to cryptocurrency research.
To run the CryptoResearch Express server locally, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
- Install the dependencies using npm:
npm install
- Start the server:
npm start
The server provides the following routes:
- GET /cryptoresearch: Fetches information about CryptoResearch, including its name, description, services, and website URL.
- POST /upload: Handles file uploads, allowing users to upload files to the server.
- GET /protected: Demonstrates JWT-based authentication for accessing a protected route. Requires a valid JWT token in the request headers.
Middleware Used
The server uses the following middleware:
- cors: Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for handling requests from different origins.
- helmet: Enhances server security by setting various HTTP headers.
- compression: Implements gzip compression for reducing response size and improving performance.
- morgan: Logs HTTP requests for debugging and monitoring purposes.
- body-parser: Parses incoming request bodies in middleware before your handlers, available under the req.body property.
- multer: Handles file uploads by parsing multipart/form-data.
- express-session: Implements session middleware for managing user sessions.
- jsonwebtoken: Enables JWT-based authentication for securing routes and protecting resources.
The server can be configured by modifying the following files:
- index.js: Main entry point for the Express server.
- middleware: Directory containing middleware configurations such as CORS, compression, and logging.
- routes: Directory containing route handlers for different endpoints.
- config: Directory containing configuration files for JWT authentication and session management.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
This CryptoResearch Express server is authored by [Your Name].
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.