Scrollmagic plugin for Vue.js
Vue Scrollmagic
ScrollMagic plugin for Vue.js
npm i vue-scrollmagic --save
mount with global
import VueScrollmagic from 'vue-scrollmagic'
mount with nuxt.js/ssr
// plugins/vue-scrollmagic.js
import VueScrollmagic from 'vue-scrollmagic'
// nuxt.config.js
plugins: [{
src: '~plugins/vue-scrollmagic.js',
ssr: false
Once installed, the plugin add $scrollmagic to Vue.prototype and create global controller, to make him easily accessibles in every components.
See ScrollMagic API and Example
Configure controller
Vue.use(VueScrollmagic, {
verical: true,
globalSceneOptions: {},
loglevel: 2,
refreshInterval: 100
NOTE: Container is always a window.
Set custom scollTo handle
// src/main.js
this.$scrollmagic.handleScrollTo = function (target) {
// some code
Set custom scrollTo handle with GSAP animation
import { TweenMax } from 'gsap'
import 'ScrollToPlugin'
this.$scrollmagic.handleScrollTo = function (target) {
TweenMax.to(window, 1.5, {
scrollTo: {
y: target,
autoKill: false
|Name | Description| |- | - | |scene | A Scene defines where the controller should react and how.| |addScene | Add one ore more scene(s) to the controller.| |destroy | Destroy the controller, all scenes and everything.| |removeScene | Remove one ore more scene(s) from the controller.| |scrollTo | Scroll to a numeric scroll offset, a DOM element, the start of a scene or provide an alternate method for |scrolling.| |update | Updates the controller params and calls updateScene on every scene, that is attached to the controller.| |updateScene | Update one ore more scene(s) according to the scroll position of the container.| |enabled | Get or Set the current enabled state of the controller.| |loglevel | Get or Set the current loglevel option value.| |scrollPos | Get the current scrollPosition or Set a new method to calculate it. When used as a setter this method prodes a |way to permanently overwrite the controller's scroll position calculation.| |info | Get all infos or one in particular |
NOTE: In package adds plugins 'gsap.animation' and 'debug.addIndicators'
mounted() {
// Declare Scene
const scene2 = this.$scrollmagic.scene({
// ID of element where animation starts
triggerElement: '#trigger2',
// {0,0.5,1} - animations starts from {top,center,end} of window
triggerHook: 0.5,
// Duration of animation
duration: 300
// Declaration of animation and attaching to element
.setTween('#animate2', {
css: {
borderTop: '30px solid white',
backgroundColor: 'blue'
scale: 0.7 // the tween durtion can be omitted and defaults to 1
// Helpful tags for orientation on the screen
.addIndicators({ name: '2 (duration: 300)' })
// Add Scene to controller
Compiles and hot-reloads
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies demo
npm run build:demo
Compiles and minifies library
npm run build:lib
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint