zmq+http to s3 upload
receive upload messages via zmq push/pull
// .zero-s3rc:
// knox or faulty
"clientType": "knox",
// list of message senders to connect to (pull side of zmq push/pull socket)
"fileLoggers": [
// how many times to try an upload before giving up
"uploadAttempts": 5
// .s3shieldrc:
// aws config
"aws": {
"region": "us-standard",
"accessKeyId": "your access key",
"secretAccessKey": "your secret"
// see lru-cache for all the options
// used by knox client provider to catch a client per bucket
"lru": {
"max": 100,
"maxAge": 360000
// if enabled will gzip a message or a file to local file before uploading
"gzip": {
"enabled": false,
// see
"options": undefined,
// if enabled the unzipped file will be deleted after upload (but not the zipped one)
// this only applies to file messages
"deleteFileAfterUpload": false
// in put() functions where a string or an object is provided (and not a buffer) this enconding
// will be used when turning the data into a buffer
"uploadEncoding": "utf8",
// "faulty s3 client is used for testing"
"faulty": {
// how many time should I fail
"failures": 3
see RC module for further details
Message format
"bucket": "name of the bucket",
"key": "path in the bucket",
"data": "some data to write",
"url": "instead of embedding the data in the message, zero-s3 will issue an http request to get this data and upload to s3 - not implemented fully yet"
"path": "instead of embedding the data in the message, zero-s3 will upload a local file to s3"
if both url and data exist in the message, there is no guarentee which will take effect