Api interface for zergpool.com with typescript declaration
Zergpool Api with typescript support library
import {ZergpoolApi} from "zergpool-api";
const client = new ZergpoolApi()
const wallet = await client.getWallet('address')
const walletEx = await client.getWalletEx('address')
const status = await client.getStatus()
const currencies = await client.getCurrencies()
const blocks = await client.getBlocks()
const blocksLTC = await client.getBlocks('LTC')
const miners = await client.getMiners()
wallet and walletEx endpoints have server side limiting for requests, so sometimes you will get an error and an empty response, consider this when implementing!
Response Types
interface ZergpoolApiWalletResponse {
currency: string // example: "BTC"
unsold: number // example: 0.00050362 --currently in exchange or immature statuses
balance: number // example: 0.00000000 --matured ready for payment balance
unpaid: number // example: 0.00050362 --total unpaid unsold+balance
paid24h: number // example: 0.00000000 --total amount payed
paidtotal: number // example: 0.00000000
minpay: number // example: 0.0025 --payout threshold, can be configured using pl=
minpay_sunday: number // example: 0.0025 --payout threshold on Sundays
total: number // example: 0.00050362 --total unpaid + total payed
interface ZergpoolApiWalletExMiner {
version: string // example: "ccminer\/1.8.2" --miners name
password: string // example: "d=96" --password configuration of your miner identified by a pool
ID: string // example: "d=96" --value specified in ID= param of miner's password
algo: string // example: "decred" --mining algorithm
difficulty: number // example: 96 --miner's current difficulty level
subscribe: number // example: 1 --subscribe extranonce flag
accepted: number // example: 82463372.083 --hashrate accepted by pool
rejected: number // example: 0 --hashrate rejected by pool
interface ZergpoolApiWalletExPayout {
time: string // example: "1617480306",
amount: number // example: 0.00221229,
fee: number // example: 0.00001008,
tx: string // example: "fbe6338404fa3e8b33d545883ae68be0eadf56b01b50a1c40f2746d5fe68ea3b"
interface ZergpoolApiWalletExBlock {
symbol: string // example: "TZC",
height: number // example: 1793180,
amount: number // example: 50,
algo: string // example: "neoscrypt",
confirmations: number // example: 207,
time: string // example: "1617595953",
category: string // example: "generate",
blockhash: string // example: "e3235d2451ea7680107b7b25f53e03a854b54d31be3ccf26cf3e0162aea269e3"
interface ZergpoolApiWalletExResponse {
currency: string // example: "BTC"
unsold: number // example: 0.00050362 --currently in exchange or immature statuses
balance: number // example: 0.00000000 --matured ready for payment balance
unpaid: number // example: 0.00050362 --total unpaid unsold+balance
paid24h: number // example: 0.00000000 --total amount payed
paidtotal: number // example: 0.00000000
minpay: number // example: 0.0025 --payout threshold, can be configured using pl=
minpay_sunday: number // example: 0.0025 --payout threshold on Sundays
total: number // example: 0.00050362 --total unpaid + total payed
miners: ZergpoolApiWalletExMiner[]
payouts: ZergpoolApiWalletExPayout[]
blocks: ZergpoolApiWalletExBlock[]
interface ZergpoolApiStatusAlgorithm {
name: string // example: "allium" --algorithm name
port: number // example: 6433 --TCP connection port
coins: number // example: 1 --amount of coins available in subject algo
fees: number // example: 0.5 --pool fee in %
hashrate: number // example: 138059334 --total hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
hashrate_shared: number // example: 138059334 --shared mode hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
hashrate_solo: number // example: 0 --solo mode hashrate in h/s on subject pool algo
workers: number // example: 80 --amount of workers mining in total
workers_shared: number // example: 80 --amount of workers mining in shared mode
workers_solo: number // example: 0 --amount of workers mining in solo mode
estimate_current: string // example: "0.00000346" --estimate based on last 5 minutes submmited shares per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
estimate_last24h: string // example: "0.00000341" --estimate based on last 24h submmited shares per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h: string // example: "0.00358" --actual earning based on last 24h found blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h_shared: string // example: "0.00355" --actual earning in shared mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h_solo: number | string // example: "0.00636" --actual earning in solo mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
mbtc_mh_factor: number // example: 1 --multiplier, value 1 represents Mh/S, 1000 represents GH/S, 1000000 represents TH/S, 0.001 represents KH/s
hashrate_last24h: number // example: 115385162 --average hashrate during last 24h
hashrate_last24h_shared: number // example: 114287097 --average hashrate during last 24h in shared mode
hashrate_last24h_solo: number // example: 1098065 --average hashrate during last 24h in solo mode
interface ZergpoolApiStatusResponse {
[algo: string]: ZergpoolApiStatusAlgorithm
interface ZergpoolApiCurrency {
algo: string // example: "lyra2v2"
port: number // example: 4533
name: string // example: "Absolute" --coin name
height: number // example: 924762 --current blockchain height
difficulty: string // example: "1320.36013"
workers: number // example: 14 --amount of workers mining in total
workers_shared: number // example: 13 --amount of workers mining in shared mode
workers_solo: number // example: 1 --amount of workers mining in solo mode
shares: number // example: 0
hashrate: number // example: 11878047021 --current total hashrate for this coin
hashrate_shared: number // example: 5053286721 --current shared hashrate for this coin
hashrate_solo: number // example: 6824760300 --current solo hashrate for this coin
network_hashrate: number | string // example: 49744768222
reward: number // example: 1.5
estimate: string // example: "0.00156584"
estimate_current: string // example: "0.00000157" --estimated current earnings based on coin price per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
estimate_last24: string // example: "0.00000194" --estimate earnings mining subject coin based on last 24h price data per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h: string | number // example: "0.00210" --actual earning based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h_shared: string | number // example: "0.00222" --actual earning in shared mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
actual_last24h_solo: string | number // example: "0.00202" --actual earning in solo mode based on last 24h found coin blocks per hashrate unit(see mbtc_mh_factor)
mbtc_mh_factor: number // example: 1000 --multiplier, value 1 represents Mh/S, 1000 represents GH/S, 1000000 represents TH/S, 0.001 represents KH/s
"24h_blocks": number // example: 134 --amount of blocks found during last 24h in all modes
"24h_blocks_shared": number // example: 51 --amount of blocks found during last 24h in shared mode
"24h_blocks_solo": number // example: 83 --amount of blocks found during last 24h in solo mode
"24h_btc": string // example: "0.000019" --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in all modes
"24h_btc_shared": string // example: "0.000007" --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in shared mode
"24h_btc_solo": string // example: "0.000011" --amount of BTC equivalent of 24h found blocks in solo mode
lastblock: string // example: "924753" --last block found height
timesincelast: number // example: 638 --time since last block found in sec
timesincelast_shared: number // example: 3946 --time since last block found in shared mode in sec
timesincelast_solo: number // example: 638 --time since last block found in solo mode in sec
noautotrade: number // example: 0 --value 1 - coin is not supported for auto exchange mining, value 0 - coin is supported for auto exchange mining
pool_ttf: number // example: 11
real_ttf: number // example: 477
minpay: number // example: 739.64497 --coin amount for payment threshold
minpay_sunday: number // example: 147.92899 --lowered coin amount for payment threshold on Sundays
symbol: string // example: "ABS"
interface ZergpoolApiCurrenciesResponse {
[currency: string]: ZergpoolApiCurrency
interface ZergpoolApiBlock {
symbol: string // example: "XDN"
time: string // example: "1618048487" --unix timestamp
height: string // example: "355848"
amount: null | string //example: "5"
category: ['new', 'immmature', 'confirmed'] // example: "new" --new/immmature/confirmed
difficulty: string // example: "25406.253571" --difficulty at pool with applied multipliers
difficulty_user: string // example: "26507.381661" --difficulty by user's miner
algo: string // example: "bmw512"
type: string // example: "shared" --type of reward distribution shared o
finder: string // example: "bc1qgwf6t..."
type ZergpoolApiBlocksResponse = ZergpoolApiCurrency[]
interface ZergpoolApiMiner {
algo: string // example: "neoscrypt"
version: string // example: "NiceHash\/1.0.0"
count: string // example: "4762"
interface ZergpoolApiMinersResponse {
[currency: string]: ZergpoolApiMiner