<div align="center"> <h1 style="letter-spacing: 7px">ZENTINEL.JS</h1> </div>
Zentinel.JS is a backend framework / boilerplate built on top of Express.JS, structured to mirror the Laravel directory format for a familiar setup. It includes Artisan-like commands called 'Zentinel' to streamline development tasks, offering a powerful toolset for efficient backend operations and seamless integration.
Table of Contents
- Features
- Installation
- Environment Variables
- Commands
- Project Structure
- API Documentation
- Error Handling
- Validation
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Logging
- Rate Limit
- Socket / Realtime Data
- Contributing
Below are the features of Zentinel.JS:
- Builtin Authentication using JSON Web Token.
- Builtin Role-Based Access Control as Authorization.
- Configured Mongoose for MongoDB
- Configured Sequelize for MySQL
- Configured CORS, Helmet and Securities
- Interconnected MVC Components
Installation via CommandLine Interface
npm i zentinel-cli --global
zentinel init
_____ _ _ _
|__ / ___ _ __ | |_ (_) _ __ ___ | |
/ / / _ \ | '_ \ | __| | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |
/ /_ | __/ | | | | | |_ | | | | | | | __/ | |
/____| \___| |_| |_| \__| |_| |_| |_| \___| |_|
? Do you want to initialize a new ZentinelJS project? Yes
? Please enter the name of the project: TestProject
✔ Fetched Server Files
✔ Git directory removed.
✔ Environment file set up.
✔ NPM packages installed successfully.
✔ Project initialized successfully!
cd TestProject
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
zentinel dev
Manual Installation via Github: To install and start developing with Zentinel, follow these steps: Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/surelle-ha/zentineljs.git
cd zentineljs
npx rimraf ./.git
Navigate to the directory and install the dependencies using npm
npm install
Set the environment variables
cp .env.example .env
# open .env and modify the environment variables (if needed)
Migrate Database
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Seed Default Data
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
Start Server
npm run dev
Create components using zentinel-cli
zentinel create
_____ _ _ _
|__ / ___ _ __ | |_ (_) _ __ ___ | |
/ / / _ \ | '_ \ | __| | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |
/ /_ | __/ | | | | | |_ | | | | | | | __/ | |
/____| \___| |_| |_| \__| |_| |_| |_| \___| |_|
? Select component type to create (Use arrow keys)
❯ Controller
All (Controller, Model, Route)
Run server
zentinel [dev/prod]
Create Seeder File
npx sequelize-cli seed:generate --name sample-seeder
Create Migration File
npx sequelize-cli migration:generate --name sample-migration
Recently Added
The Project is constantly being optimized and updated. Here are the new features I recently implemented.
- [2024/06/06] Rate Limit - a mechanism used to control the number of requests a server receives within a certain period of time. It helps to prevent abuse, ensure fair usage, and protect the server from being overwhelmed by excessive requests, which could lead to performance degradation or denial of service.
/* Default Rate Limit Configuration */
const RateLimit = rateLimit({
/* 15 minutes */
windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000,
/* Request Limit Per IP Per Window */
limit: 100,
/* draft-6: `RateLimit-*` headers; draft-7: combined `RateLimit` header */
standardHeaders: 'draft-7',
/* Disable the `X-RateLimit-*` headers */
legacyHeaders: false,
- [2024/06/06] Sequelize ORM - Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for Node. js applications. It enables JavaScript developers to work with relational databases, including support for features such as solid transaction support, relations, read replication, and more.
- [2024/06/08] Zentinel CLI is a commandline interface tool to manager and initialize Zentinel Backend Boilerplate/Framework. To learn more about ZentinelJS, visit the repository.
npm i zentinel-cli
zentinel --help
zentinel init
zentinel create
Goal Checklist
- [x] Add Rate Limit
- [x] Integrate Mongoose ORM
- [x] Integrate Sequelize ORM
- [ ] Add Socket.io as Native Feature
- [ ] Add Logger Utility
- [x] Recreate Zentinel CLI
- [x] Implement Migration and Seeding
- [x] Publish
to NPM - [ ] Add Native Database Visualizer
- [ ] Launch Documentation Page
- [ ] Add Cron Job
- [ ] Add Custom Function
- [ ] Add Storage Driver Support
As a developer who constantly seeks to improve my development skills, my goal with Zentinel.JS is to create a powerful yet intuitive backend framework that simplifies the development process for fellow developers. I aim to provide a robust toolset that makes backend operations more efficient and enjoyable, ensuring that developers can focus on building great applications without getting bogged down by repetitive tasks.
I envision Zentinel.JS as a go-to framework for developers who appreciate the structure and convenience of Laravel but prefer to work within the Node.js ecosystem. By combining the best aspects of both worlds, I hope to foster a community where developers can share their experiences, contribute to the project's growth, and continuously improve their craft. Ultimately, Zentinel.JS will empower developers to create scalable, secure, and high-performance applications with ease, making backend development more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Surelle-ha - Github:: I'm currently looking for contributors to help improve project. Contact me on Linkedin, if you're interested.