Javascript application development library
Zense — It just makes Zense.
Need Support? - E-mail me at [email protected]
The application development library that not only gives you peace of mind, but just makes more sense than the competition. Zense uses OLOO (Object Linked to Other Objects) pattern to link objects to other objects at its core. This give development teams with minimal experience up to expert level JavaScript devs the ability to modify Zense to their own needs and desires and make more Zense out of Zense =).
- No jQuery
- No underscore
- No hassle!
- peace of mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The idea
My passion, My art, My true love... Just don't tell my wife.
I've worked in the application development sphere for many years. I've been a one man army and I have also been in teams that have ranged from 5 to 20+ engineers. I have worked for smaller agencies and large fortune 6 companies. I've experienced everything from doing small remedial tasks like enhancing existing components and debugging to being responsible for re-writting entire applications. Throughout my experience I have learned 2 big things that echoe in my infinite developing brain, "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!" & "LEARN WHATS UNDER THE HOOD!".
Complexity makes you look like you know what you are doing, not really...
It might seem like a simple thing to do but all developers are guilty of overly complicating their code. It might be in the spirit of optimization or just because you want "clean code", but you have to remember, you wont always be around to change or answer the why, what or how that developers need to edit that code without introducing new bugs every sprint. This is why I felt the need, NAY! the desire NAY! the duty NAY! the call (pun intended) to create a development library for your everyday developer or development team that is readable and maintainable without the need of JS gurus.
I love angular, vue and react they are so easy to understand, but... so is a car until you look under the hood.
Zense at its core uses OLOO to achieve its magic. Meaning "this" is just "this" no matter where you use "this". No more lengthy mentoring sessions with your developers to try to explain how and why it works. I wrote Zense so even those teams who lack in JS Jedi Mastery (JSJM trying to make it a thing) can stop being the fat starwars kid and actually learn to use the force to guide them through their trials.
Browser support
At its core Zense uses Native JS. ES6 infact transpiled using babel. what!!?!? Am I dreaming! no and your stupid for saying that... JK =P Zense has been tried and tested on IE 11+ and do I really need to mention any other browsers?
npm i --save-dev zense
Creating a Component
Components are small pieces of the application that can be used to create larger pieces known in zense as modules.
import { Zense } from 'zense';
const LogoComponent = Object.create(Zense.Component);
// (OPTIONAL) By default your component will use 'selector' property to set the component name.
// Giving the component a unique name is important and can be used for better error handling and debugging.
name: '',
// By default the renderType property is set to 'append'.
// Set to 'html' if you wish to empty component region
renderType: 'html'
// (NEW 1.3.5)
// Set property to true to allow multiple renderings of the same none bootstrapped component.
renderMutliple: false, // default
// Required: Tag, Class, Id
// Any identifier passed into the selector property will get converted into a native DOM Object.
selector: '',
// Use this to add logic and stop component rendering.
// Setting this to false will remove the component from the DOM using the "selector" property
shouldRender: true,
// Optional: Pass in an array of values or objects
behaviors: [],
// Use to hardcode data into the template or modify how it is passed into the template.
// By default serializeData gets passed data that you set on component/module/composite via the "store" property.
// It also gets passed whatever data you pass it via its "render" method.
serializeData(data) {
return data;
// Lifecycle hooks
beforeRender() {},
afterRender() {},
// Required: Your component will need a template in order to work.
// By default the template method gets passed in any data that comes for "api" or "store" via the serializeData method.
// Data can be accessed via the method parameter as seen below.
template(data) {
return `<div>${data.title}</div>`;
// Optional: You may pass your data via the "render" method argument and the serializeData method will make it available on your template.
Creating a Module
import { Zense } from 'zense';
import LogoComponent from '../components/logo.component';
const HeaderModule = Object.create(Zense.Module);
// When this property is set and given a url an ajax call is made to retrieve the data.
// The data is then passed in automagically to all declared components in the "components" array.
api: 'http://localhost:8000/mocks/test.json',
// Optional: gives your model and components data.
store: {},
// Similar usage as components
name: 'header-module',
selector: '#header-region',
renderType: 'append' // default
// (NEW 1.3.5)
// Set property to true to allow multiple renderings of the same none bootstrapped component.
renderMutliple: false, // default
// Passed in an array of values or objects.
// Parent context is passed into the behaviors by default and can be accessed using "this.module" to reach its key & value pairs.
behaviors: [], // optional
// Set this property to false if you don't want child components to be rendered (default is true).
shouldRenderChildren: true,
// Pass in any child components as an array and they will auto-magically render.
// Components automatically register their parent and can be accessed using "this.module" to reach its key & value pairs
components: [
// (NEW 1.3+) Renamed! addComponents to renderChildComponents.
// Optional: Overwrite method to modify how and when components are rendered on the page
renderChildComponents() {
// Add custom code here
// (NEW 1.3+)
// Hook that fires before module child components are rendered.
beforeRenderingComponents() {
// Add logic here
// (NEW 1.3+)
// Hook that fires after module child components are rendered.
afterRenderingComponents() {
// Add logic here
// Optional: Overwrite the way the render method adds the template to the DOM.
// By default this method
addTemplateToDOM() {
// rendering logic here
// Lifecycle hooks
beforeRender() {},
afterRender() {},
template() {
return `
<div id="header-logo"></div>
<nav id="navigation"></nav>
Sometimes you might want to have a way to render or bootstrap together a series of modules and/or components. Zense allows you to do this via the use of Composites.
import { Zense } from 'zense';
const HomeComposite = Object.create(Zense.Composite);
selector: '',
renderType: 'append', // default
// (NEW 1.3.5)
// Set property to true to allow multiple renderings of the same none bootstrapped component.
renderMutliple: false, // default
// By default both the "modules" and "components" properties get access to the parent context via "this.composite".
modules: [],
// This allows you to pass in generic components with no module parent.
components: [],
// Lifecycle hooks
beforeRender() {},
afterRender() {},
// Required for now but working on making this optional only for composites in late versions.
template() {
return ``;
Behaviors allow for developers to maintain DRY code in their JavaScript. Need accordions, filters, forms, submit or reset functionality? Write a Behavior and pass it into your component or module and the behavior(s) will automagically accept its parent and do its thing!
Creating a behavior
import { Zense } from 'zense';
const ModalBehavior = Object.create(Zense.Behavior);
// Arbitrary properties
modal: null,
isOpen: false,
// Any class, id or tag will magically turn into a DOM selector
ui: {
trigger: '.js-toggle',
// New Zense 1.4+ event delegation
'.js-modal-close-btn': {
event: 'click',
parent: '#modal', // Optional parent may be passed in
method: 'onClickCloseModal' // See actual method for more details
handlers() {
// See Zense DOM manipulation section to under how the below code is achieved.
this.ui.trigger.on('click', this.onClickOpenModal.bind(this));
onClickOpenModal(e) {
let btn = e.currentTarget;
this.modal = this.dom(btn.dataset.modal);
if (!this.isOpen) {
this.isOpen = true;
// Zense 1.4+ params: event, currentTarget
// No need to stopPropagation since zense will fire it internally when delegate is found.
onClickCloseModal(e, elem) {
if (this.isOpen) {
this.isOpen = false;
this.modal = null;
// Can overwite to invoke more methods but by default bindUIElements() method is invoked.
start() {
Ways to behave
In the example above we create a modal behavior that can be passed into a generic Modal component like so:
import { Zense } from 'zense';
import ModalBehavior from '../behaviors/form.behavior';
const ModalComponent = Object.create(Zense.Component);
const ModalComponent.create({
name: 'results-modal',
selector: 'body',
// Behavior is passed in
behaviors: [
template(data) {
What if you want to extend a behavior and it's defined properties/values?
import { Zense } from 'zense';
import ModalBehavior from '../behaviors/form.behavior';
const ResultsModalComponent = Object.create(Zense.Component);
const extendBehavior = {
ui: {
trigger: '.js-results-modal-toggle'
open(e) {
console.log('do something else');
const ResultsModalComponent.create({
name: 'results-modal',
selector: 'body',
behaviors: [
// We pass in the object we want to use to extend into the 'options' property
{ name: ModalBehavior, options: extendBehavior }
template(data) {
Storage (NEW v1.5+)
Newly added Storage object can be used to create, manage and store settings throughout your app.
Initial storage configuration and setup.
Use the config() and set() methods to store any props. Store props are accessible in any zense Object via this.store. Methods can be directly refered to using this keyword. ex. this.saveStore()
const AppStore = Object.create(Zense.Storage);
// Optional: use to name the stored data. By default name will be "store-" followed by a generated id.
storeName: '',
// User either session or local. Default storageType: "session".
storageType: 'session',
// Set storage property to true if you will be using session or local client storage.
storage: false,
// Pass in an array of strings referencing the keys in the settings object you would like to store. Default will store the entire settings object.
keysToStore: [
// Use set method to create settings that may be used throughout your app using this.settings.
store: {},
resultsPerPage: 10
Using storage
Storage object has 3 methods to initialize, save and get what you need from session/local storage.
// Initializes storage and populates settings with your saved.settings.
// Use to save your settings at their current state. Optionally you may pass in your own data object.
this.saveSettings([[optional: data object]]); // Zense < v1.5 & no longer available in v1.6 or higher.
// Zense v1.6+
this.saveStore([[optional: data object]]);
// Use to get your saved settings or a specific setting in storage by passing in string keyname of the property you are trying to get.
this.getSettings([[optional: string keyname]]); // Zense < v1.5 & no longer available in v1.6 or higher.
// Zense v1.6+
this.getStore([[optional: string keyname]]);
// NEW Zense v1.6+
// Use to remove a specific key item from storage.
this.removeFromStore(name, storageType); // default storageType: 'session'
// User to delete entire store of the name given during configuration from storage.
DOM Traversal & Manipulation
jQuery, Sizzle and Other DOM T&M libraries were wonderful when first introduced especially when coding for multi browser compatability, but ECMA compatability has improved by leaps and bounds and those libraries come with alot that you may not even use. Below are a few methods that come with Zense to help you on your quest!
All defined methods are encapsulated within Zense objects and can be used on any Zense component, module, composite, etc...
Use it to get elements from the DOM.
// Supports single string css selector.
// '#someid', '.someclass', '[data-target]', 'div'.
// (NEW 1.3+) True if found in DOM, false if not.
SELECTOR.exists = true/false;
// (NEW 1.3+) Additional property that can be used for error handling
SELECTOR.strName = '';
Custom methods for chaining with "this.dom()".
// Zense 1.4+ Params event, delegate (optional NEW), callback, bubble (default true).
// returns [selector].info = { event, callback };
// Accepts no arguments since it uses "info" object to remove listener form designated selector.
// Use to iterate through NODE lists.
// Callback provides element, index and list.
// Uses innerHTML at its core
// Uses insertAdjacentHTML for more info [click here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentHTML)
// Positions: 'beforebegin', 'afterbegin', 'beforeend' and 'afterend'
.insertHTML(position, value);
// Use to set or get and attribute.
.attr(attribute, property);
// will set or return a value if no argument is passed in.
// Zense 1.4+ removed methods
Custom standalone methods
// If array is passed in params: value, index and list.
// If object is passed in params: value, key and obj.
this.each(array or object, callback);
// Checks if what is passed in is an Object.
// Returns true if it passes.
// Pass in multiple objects.
// (NEW 1.4+) Now leverages lodash deep clone.
this.extend(object1, object2, object3);
// Returns an array with no duplicates.
Because the above method returns a DOM node you may use any JS method in the spec as well.
Additional properties to tap into
// (Zense 1.3+) Removed.
this.regions = [];
// (Zense 1.3+) Available in component, modules and composites
this.selector.exists = true/false;
// (Zense 1.3+) Can be used whether .exists is true/false
this.selector.strName = '';
// Available in composites, modules and components.
this.hasRendered = true/false;
// Available only in modules (for now) has array of the names of all the components
// Used to ensure internally we do not have duplicate names.
this.componentNameArray = [];
// Will return the named component context
// Modify this method within components, modules or composites change how the selector is set.
Zense uses ES6 Symbols so I recommend importing babel core-js for symbol only when developing your application.
npm i --save @babel/polyfill
## Zense 1.4+ don't need to re-invent the wheel on deep cloning.
npm i --save lodash.clonedeep
import 'core-js/modules/es6.symbol';