A commandline tool to interact with the Zenodo API. Developed by [@bjohas](https://github.com/bjohas) and [@a1diablo](https://github.com/a1diablo).
This package has been deprecated. All functionality available via:
- zotzen-lib https://github.com/opendeved/zotzen-lib, https://www.npmjs.com/package/zotzen-lib
Introduction: Tools for working with the APIs of Zotero and Zenodo (zotzen)
This repository is part of a set of repositories, see here: https://github.com/orgs/OpenDevEd/teams/zotzen-team/repositories. Currently, this set contains a number of libraries
- zenodo-lib https://github.com/opendeved/zenodo-lib, https://www.npmjs.com/package/zenodo-lib
- zotero-lib https://github.com/opendeved/zotero-lib, https://www.npmjs.com/package/zotero-lib
- zotzen-lib https://github.com/opendeved/zotzen-lib, https://www.npmjs.com/package/zotzen-lib
The set contains some command-line tools:
- zenodo-cli https://github.com/opendeved/zenodo-cli, https://www.npmjs.com/package/zenodo-cli
- zotero-cli https://github.com/opendeved/zotero-cli, https://www.npmjs.com/package/zotero-cli
- zotzen-cli https://github.com/opendeved/zotzen-cli, https://www.npmjs.com/package/zotzen-cli
And a web application
- zotzen-web https://github.com/opendeved/zotzen-web
Zenodo Commandline Interface
Install the Zenodo commandline interface with
npm install -g zenodo-cli
See https://www.npmjs.com/package/zenodo-cli. You can then use zenodo-cli
at the commandline as follows
zenodo-cli --help
A commandline tool to interact with the Zenodo API. Developed by @bjohas, Zeina and Sheraz.
The main script is zenodo-cli.
Versions: This repo forms part of a set of repos:
- https://github.com/bjohas/zenodo-cli-ts
- https://github.com/edtechhub/zotzen
- https://github.com/edtechhub/zotero-cli
An earlier version (in python) is available here https://github.com/bjohas/zenodo-cli-python
How Zenodo works
(1a) Record creation
DOI: ......./.100100 <- concept
DOI: ......./.100101 <- record
- -> add metadata ("create")
- -> add file ("upload")
- https://doi.org/......./.100101 is not active
- -> change metadata ("create")
- -> add/remove file ("upload")
- https://doi.org/......./.100101 is not active
- -> add metadata ("create")
- -> add file ("upload")
- https://doi.org/......./.100101 is not active
state: 'unsubmitted',
submitted: false,
(1b) record publishing
- -> now, https://doi.org/......./.100101 resolves (i.e., the DOI is active).
- -> At this point, the record is no longer editable (metadata is locked; the file is locked).
state: 'done',
submitted: true,
(2) Amending metadata only (without changing the deposited files)
Now suppose, I want to edit the metadata: This is allowed without changing the DOI.
call "makeEditable" and edit the metadata.
publish to make the new metadata live.
state: 'inprogress',
submitted: true,
state: 'done',
submitted: true,
(3) Changing deposited files:
Now, I want to change the record files. I cannot change the files for ......./.100101, because it has been submitted.
If I now say, newVersion, Zenodo allocates:
DOI: ......./.222202 <- record
(Retain DOI: ......./.100100 <- concept)
We then have
state: 'unsubmitted',
submitted: false,
After publishing
state: 'done',
submitted: true,
Zenodo records have these three states:
Three states
state: 'unsubmitted'/submitted: false,
state: 'done'/submitted: true,
state: 'inprogress'/submitted: true,
Zenodo has the notion of records and concepts. Both of them have s, e.g. 1341000=concept, 1341001=record, 1341002=record, 1341003=concept, 1341004=record.
The only thing that is certain is that a concept is always followed by a record .
The problem is that "?q=conceptrecid:" gives an error for s that are records, while ?q=recid:" gives an error for s that are concepts.
At the moment 'get' uses "?q=recid:", i.e., we get an error for s that are concepts. However, the user doesn't know whether is a record or a concept...
To work around this, we need to make our query as follows: "?q=conceptrecid: OR recid:".
This will always return some json. The user then needs to work out whether it's a concept or a record.