Tools to work with GeoJSON linestrings with time components
ZeitPunkt [ˈʦaɪ̯tˌpʊŋkt]
Tools to work with GeoJSON LineStrings with given time components.
GeoJSON Format
A standard LineString is used to represent the coordinates. Besides that, the time for each point is stored in a time
array as property of the GeoJSON Feature.
A minimal GeoJSON instance looks like this:
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString", // or: "MultiPoint"
"coordinates": [ // array of [lng,lat] coordinates
[ 10.0304153141, 48.4343540454 ],
[ 10.030424406259081, 48.43435113062047 ],
"properties": {
"time": [ // array of timestamps
var zeitpunkt = require('zeitpunkt')
.pipe(zeitpunkt.csv()) // read in CSV
.on('data', function(geojson) {
// remove invalid points
geojson = zeitpunkt.clean({
lat: [30,40] // only points with latitude between 30 and 40
}, geojson)
// simplify the given linestring
geojson = zeitpunkt.simplify({
tolerance: 0.01
}, geojson)
// split at 500 points
geojson = zeitpunkt.split({
points: 500
}, geojson)
Command Line
zeitpunkt provides a command line tool to work with GeoJSON linestrings with time components. You can easily use the zeitpunkt
executable after installing it as global module:
npm install -g zeitpunkt
It consumes geo data from stdin
and prints the result to stdout
. Call zeitpunkt --help
to get a list of all options.
Compatible Tools
A short list of tools that produce or consume GeoJSON linestrings with time components:
- LeafletPlayback: Interactive display of GeoJSON multipoints with time components
- transportation: Generates vehicles' positions as GeoJSON linestrings by GTFS public transportation data
- timetraveller: Interactive display of GeoJSON linestrings with time components
- timetraveller-mongodb: Store GeoJSON linestrings with time components in MongoDB
- csv2geojson: Convert CSV files to GeoJSON files
- ObsJSON: GeoJSON based observations/data-centric minimal schema
Please open an issue to add more compatible tools.