AWS Athena client library wrapper for sending, checking and reformatting query
AWS Athena client library wrapper for sending, checking and reformatting query
Initialize zbAthena object
const ZBAthena = require('zb-athena');
// Initializing ZBAthena object using credentials in ~/.aws/ folder
const zbAthena = new ZBAthena();
// Initializing ZBAthena object with custom inputs
// Please follow constructor params from aws doc (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/Athena.html#constructor-property)
const zbAthena = new ZBAthena({
'region': <YOUR_REGION>,
'accessKeyId': <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>,
'secretAccessKey': <YOUR_SECRET_KEY>
Getting AWS instance provided by library 'aws-sdk'
Developers are allowed to get back instance created by 'aws-sdk' module to use functions that are not supported in this library.
const ZBAthena = require('zb-athena');
// Initializing ZBAthena object using credentials in ~/.aws/ folder
const zbAthena = new ZBAthena();
const awsClient = zbAthena.getInstance();
Sending Athena query
const ZBAthena = require('zb-athena');
// Initializing ZBAthena object using credentials in ~/.aws/ folder
const zbAthena = new ZBAthena();
const query = <YOUR_ATHENA_QUERY>;
const queryParams = {
QueryString: query, /* required */
ResultConfiguration: { /* required */
OutputLocation: <YOUR_ATHENA_OUTPUT_LOCATION> /* required */
QueryExecutionContext: {
Database: <YOUR_ATHENA_DB>
.then((queryResponse) => {
// Query execution id will be given in queryResponse
.catch((err) => {
// Error if client is setup wrongly or others
Checking status of query
const ZBAthena = require('zb-athena');
// Initializing ZBAthena object using credentials in ~/.aws/ folder
const zbAthena = new ZBAthena();
.then((isFinished) => {
// isFinished will be a boolean
.catch((err) => {
// Error if client is setup wrongly or others
Retrieving query results and convert to JSON
const ZBAthena = require('zb-athena');
// Initializing ZBAthena object using credentials in ~/.aws/ folder
const zbAthena = new ZBAthena();
.then((results) => {
// Results in Athena returned format, which is not too intuitive when using
const resultsInJSON = zbAthena.convertQueryResultToJson(results);
.catch((err) => {
// Error if client is setup wrongly or others