Interface for multiple crypto-exchange apis
Standardised project that deals with multiple crypto-apis.
const exchanges = require('XXX').exchanges;
const exchange = new exchanges[KEY]();
new Exchange({ apiKey: String; apiSecret: String })
Public Methods
apiKey and apiSecret are optional for these methods
exhange.depth(options, callback)
Returns a full orderBook every n ms
Will keep an internal diff orderbook if neccesary
- options {Object}
- pairs { String[] } Format 'ETH/BTC'
- [depth = 5] { Number } Depth of orderbook
- callback {(err, data) => void}
- data - {
pair: String;
ts: Number; // unix timestamp in ms
bids: { p: String; q: String; }[],
asks: { p: String; q: string; }[],
- data - {
- returns { stop: () => void }
exchange.tick(options, callback)
exchange.trades(options, callback)
exchange.exchangeInfo(options) => Promise
Info for minQuantites and precision. Fees can't be included here since it sometimes depends on user account
- options { Object }
- returns - {
pairs: { [pair: String]: { minQuantity: Number, precision: Number }
} }
Private Methods
apiKey and secretKey are needed for these methods
exchange.balance(options) => Promise
- options { Object }
- returns - { [coin: String]: {trade: Number; freeze: Number} }
exchange.addOrder(options) => Promise
- options { Object }
- type { String } - market/limit
- side { String } - BUY/SELL
- pair { String }
- quantity { String | Number }
- [price] { String | Number } - Required for type 'limit'
- returns { Number }
exchange.cancelOrder(options) => Promise
- options { Object }
- id { String }
- returns { void }
exchange.fees(options) => Promise
- options { Object }
- returns { [pair: String]: {maker: Number; taker: Number] }
exchange.getOpenOrders(options) => Promise
- options { Object }
- page { { size: Number; number: Number } }
- returns {{
pair: String;
orderId: String;
price: String;
quantity: String;
quantityFilled: String;
type: String; // MARKET | LIMIT
side: String; // BUY | SELL
time: Number; // ms unix timestamp
status: String; // OPEN | CLOSED
exchange.getClosedOrders(options) => Promise
- options { Object }
- page { { size: Number; number: Number } }
- returns { Object[] } - see getOpenOrders
exchange.getOrder(id, options) => Promise
- id { String }
- options { Object } - Exchange specific options
- returns { Object } - see getOpenOrders, only difference is that this will not return an array
exchange.getOrders(ids, options) => Promise
This may not be implemented for all exchanges.
- ids { String[] }
- options { Object } - Exchange specific options
- returns { Object[] } - see getOpenOrders