node.js and browser JavaScript library with easy to use API to load a TypeScript projects from git repositories, ready to be used by Compiler API, with full LanguageService and TypeChecker, read/write support.
node.js and browser JavaScript library with easy to use API to load a TypeScript projects from git repositories, ready to be used by Compiler API, with full LanguageService and TypeChecker, read/write support.
- I have several apps that consume a TypeScript project to perform manipulation/queries on the AST files and I need to have a easy / standard way of representing and acess a TypeScript project in the browser too, with the same API I would do in node.js.
Initial Implementation
- load a git project in browser using
- implement ts-morph or TypeScript FileSystemHost based on FS implementation used for previous point (BrowserFs, lightning-fs)
- add missing Type libraries to the project, mandatory typescript/libs.d.ts . Since we cannot perform npm install we need to do it by hand.
- after this we should be able to create a ts-morph project that resolve all types and have correct TypeCheking.