This library allows you to build a custom UI for the Zakeke 3D configurator tool. Create your own unique and immersive 3D experience with ease!
🌐 Zakeke Configurator for React 🚀
This library allows you to build a custom UI for the Zakeke 3D configurator tool. Create your own unique and immersive 3D experience with ease!
🔧 Prerequisites 🛠️
Before you can use this project, you will need to install Node.js, a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Here's how to do it:
Download the latest version of Node.js from the official Node.js website.
Run the installation file and follow the prompts in the Node.js Setup Wizard.
To confirm that Node.js was installed correctly, open your command prompt and run the following command:
node -v
You should see your installed version of Node.js displayed in the command prompt.
🛠️ Installation and Running a Basic Example 🏃♂️
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
- Clone the project repository using the following command:
git clone
- Install the necessary dependencies:
npm install
- Start the project:
npm run start
After running the example, a blank page will open on localhost:3000
. This is because Zakeke requires some parameters to know what product to load. Let's get these parameters!
🎯 Getting the Parameters 🌐
Follow these steps to get all the parameters:
Go to the Zakeke configurator backoffice.
Add or edit a new product.
Navigate to the Shopping Preview page.
Right-click on the page -> inspect element.
Find the Zakeke
src attribute and copy all query string parameters.Paste the parameters in the localhost page.
Your URL should look something like this:
With these parameters, you should see the product loading in a basic UI interface. Start customizing it to your needs!
📚 References 📖
The library exposes four key elements:
: A class that contains the state of the current scene.ZakekeProvider
: A React component that should wrap your application.ZakekeViewer
: A React component that will render the 3D scene.useZakeke
: An effect to retrieve data and execute methods.
Here is how a basic Zakeke theme would look like:
const zakekeEnvironment = new ZakekeEnvironment();
<ZakekeProvider environment={zakekeEnvironment}>
<ZakekeViewer />
📚 Documentation Reference 📚
exposes the following values:
price: number;
isOutOfStock: boolean;
culture: string;
currency: string;
isSceneLoading: boolean;
isAddToCartLoading: boolean;
isInfoPointContentVisible: boolean;
isViewerReady: boolean;
fonts: FontFamily[];
disableTextColors: boolean;
defaultColor: string;
textColors: RestrictionColor[];
groups: Group[];
templates: Template[];
loadedComposition: { templateName: string; attributesOptions: Map<number, number>; selectedCategoryID: number | null } | null;
currentTemplate: Template | null;
items: Item[];
productName: string;
productCode: string;
product: Product | null;
cameras: Camera[];
sellerSettings: SellerSettings | null;
quantityRule: ProductQuantityRule | null;
eventMessages: EventMessage[] | null;
personalizedMessages: EventMessage[] | null;
visibleEventMessages: VisibleEventMessage[];
isAssetsLoading: boolean;
draftCompositions: ThemeCompositions[] | null;
additionalCustomProperties: { name: string; value: number; label: string; formatString: string }[] | null;
currentAttributesSelection: object | null;
currentCompositionInfo: { compositionId: string | null; compositionName: string | null; compositionTags: string[] | null } | null;
translations: Translations | null;
nftSettings: NftSettings | null;
useLegacyScreenshot: boolean;
isAIEnabled: boolean;
uiConfig: UIConfig | null;
backgroundColor: string;
removeBackground: boolean;
setMouseWheelZoomEnabled: (enabled: boolean) => void;
selectOption: (optionId: number) => void;
* @internal
internalAppendViewer: (container: HTMLElement) => void;
getPrintingMethodsRestrictions: () => PrintingMethodsRestrictions;
designUpdate: () => void;
createQuote: (formData: any) => Promise<any>;
setTemplate: (templateId: number) => Promise<void>;
isAreaVisible: (areaId: number) => boolean;
quantity: number;
saveTemplate: (templateName: string, selectedCategoryID: number | null, attributesOptions: Map<number, number>) => Promise<void>;
addToCart: (
additionalProperties: Record<string, any>,
OnBeforeSendDataToParent?: (data: OnBeforeSendDataToParent) => Promise<Record<string, any>>,
legacyScreenshot?: boolean,
nftForm?: NftForm
) => Promise<void>;
* Create a PDF of the current configuration
* @returns The URL of the PDF
getPDF: () => Promise<string>;
getOnlineScreenshot: (
width: number,
height: number,
legacyScreenshot?: boolean,
backgroundColor?: string,
padding?: number
) => Promise<{ originalUrl: string; rewrittenUrl: string }>;
setCamera: (id: string, onlyAngleOfView?: boolean, animate?: boolean) => void;
setCameraByName: (name: string, onlyAngleOfView?: boolean, animate?: boolean) => void;
setCameraZoomEnabled: (enabled: boolean) => void;
resetCameraPivot: () => void;
setCameraPivot: (meshId: string) => void;
fullyLoadFont: (fontFamily: string | FontFamily) => Promise<FontFamily>;
sanitizeString: (family: FontFamily, text: string) => string;
getSanitationText: (family: FontFamily, text: string) => TextSanitationResult;
getImages: (categoryId: number) => Promise<ZakekeImage[]>;
getMacroCategories: () => Promise<ImageMacroCategory[]>;
previewOnly__setItemImageFromBase64: (guid: string, base64: string) => void;
setItemImageFromFile: (guid: string, file: File) => Promise<void>;
addItemImage: (id: number, areaId: number) => Promise<void>;
* Upload an image and get the uploaded image
* @param file The file to upload
* @param progress A callback to get the upload progress
* @returns The uploaded image
createImage: (file: File, progress?: (percentage: number) => void) => Promise<ZakekeImage>;
createImageFromUrl: (url: string) => Promise<ZakekeImage>;
setItemImage: (guid: string, imageId: number) => Promise<void>;
setItemFontFamily: (guid: string, fontFamily: string) => void;
setItemColor: (guid: string, color: string) => void;
setItemBold: (guid: string, bold: boolean) => void;
setItemItalic: (guid: string, italic: boolean) => void;
setItemTextOnPath: (guid: string, areaId: number, value: boolean) => void;
setItemText: (guid: string, text: string) => void;
addItemText: (settings: { text: string; fontFamily: string }, areaId: number) => Promise<void>;
* Remove an item from the customization
* @param guid The guid of the item to remove
removeItem: (guid: string) => Promise<void>;
setQuantity: (quantity: number) => void;
getShareCompositionUrl: () => Promise<string>;
saveComposition: (customPreviewSize?: CustomPreviewSize) => Promise<void>;
loadComposition: (id: string) => Promise<void>;
switchFullscreen: () => void;
openSecondScreen: () => void;
isFullscreenMode: boolean;
zoomIn: () => void;
zoomOut: () => void;
updateView: (adjustCamera?: boolean) => void;
setHighlightSettings: (settings: { color: string; size: number }) => void;
hasExplodedMode: () => boolean;
isExplodedMode: boolean;
setExplodedMode: (exploded: boolean) => void;
// Scene manipulation
getMeshIDbyName: (name: string) => string | undefined | null;
hideMeshAndSaveState: (meshId: string) => void;
restoreMeshVisibility: (meshId: string) => void;
setMeshDesignVisibility: (meshId: string, visible: boolean) => void;
// Events
clearListeners: () => void;
addFocusAttributesListener: (listenerFunction: FocusAttributesEventListener) => void;
focusAttribute: (attributeId: number) => void;
// Highlight
highlightGroup: (groupId: number) => void;
highlightAttribute: (attributeId: number) => void;
// AR
getQrCodeArUrl: (device: 'iOS' | 'Android') => Promise<string>;
getMobileArUrl: (onFlyArUrl?: string) => Promise<Blob | string | null>;
openArMobile: (url: string) => void;
isSceneArEnabled: () => boolean;
isArDeviceCompliant: () => boolean;
IS_ANDROID: boolean;
IS_IOS: boolean;
setBackgroundColor: (color: string, alpha: number) => void;
getTryOnUrl: (tryOnUrl?: string) => Promise<string>;
isSceneTryOnEnabled: () => boolean;
setCameraLocked: (isBlocked: boolean) => void;
getTemplateUploadRestrictictions: (templateId: number, areaId: number) => TemplateUploadRestrictictions;
saveDraftsComposition: (name: string, tags: string[], isCopy?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
loadSavedComposition: (docID: string) => Promise<void>;
deleteSavedComposition: (docId: string) => Promise<void>;
exportSceneToGlb: () => Promise<string | Blob | null>;
// reset, undo, redo
reset: () => Promise<void>;
undo: () => Promise<void>;
redo: () => Promise<void>;
// copyright checkbox
getCopyrightMessageAccepted: () => boolean;
setCopyrightMessageAccepted: (copyrightMandatoryCheckbox: boolean) => void;
validationNFTEmail: (email: string) => boolean;
validationNFTWalletAddress: (walletAddress: string) => boolean;
templateMacroCategories: TemplateMacroCategory[] | null;
applyTemplate: (templateGroupCompositionId: number) => Promise<void>;
configureByAI: (text: string) => Promise<void>;
hasVTryOnEnabled: boolean;
canUseTryOn: boolean;
canUsePD: boolean;
getTryOnSettings: () => Zakeke.TryOnSettings | undefined;
isTryOnMeshVisible: boolean;
isMandatoryPD: boolean;
isVisibleMeshShownForTryOn: boolean;
setPDDistance: (distance: number) => void;
pdDistance: () => number;
exportTryOnMeshToGlb: () => Promise<string | Blob | null>;
You can find a full and updated list of the values exposed by useZakeke
in the source code (the definitions files) of the library.
Please refer to the source code comments for a detailed understanding of each value and their usage.
Note: Always ensure to handle these values appropriately in your React components to ensure a smooth user experience.