yuck.js -- The browser bundler for smart people === webpack? rollup? parcel? blah blah?
yuck.js -- The browser bundler for smart people
webpack? rollup? parcel? blah blah?
All of them require packing in development.
How the heck am I supposed to use the amazing chrome debugger?
Enter yuck.js
Now we can actually use commonJS modules, in the browser, without packing.
Debugging has never been easier.
Two-way live reload, using Chrome's built in local workspace feature; is so incredibly useful. Why do we not embrace it?
npm install --save yuck
yuck deps -o ./build/deps.js ./index
Then in your main HTML file, simply include yuck and your deps file and require your entry point:
<script src="node_modules/yuck/yuck.js"></script>
<script src="build/deps.js"></script>
That's it, yuck will take care of everything else and actually load the files you wrote. No more transpiling, no more bundles, just pure unadulterated old school cool.
No bundler, or in this case non-bundler, would be complete without a way to actually bundle. You can use browserify for this, but I really dislike their include the world approach. So there is:
yuck pack -o build/app.js ./index
The bundle includes a slimmed down yuck prolog to support commonJS modules, so there is no other code to require:
<script src="./build/app.js"></script>
Note: the packed version automatically evaluates your entry point, so no need for the explicit require('./index')
that you'd need in dev mode.