HTTP wrapper for the yr.no/api.met.no API with support for streams
HTTP request wrapper for the yr.no/api.met.no weather service API with support for streams.
npm install yr.no-interface --save
All of these are in the /examples folder of this project.
Callback Example
const yrno = require('yr.no-interface')({
request: {
timeout: 25000
query: {
// Get weather for Dublin, Ireland
lat: 53.3478,
lon: 6.2597
// The locationforecast API version to call
version: 1.9
}, function (err, xml) {
if (err) {
// Something went wrong...
} else {
// We got an XML response!
Streaming Example
Streams are one of the most powerful features in node.js. They allow you to perform I/O while using a tiny amount of memory since they pass data through the process in small "chunks".
Using streams is useful for certain response types such as the radar
API since
it returns a large GIF file that could use a large amount of the node.js process
memory if loaded into a callback
Below we use a stream to pipe the HTTP respone from the yr.no API to a file on our machine.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const yrno = require('yr.no-interface')({
request: {
timeout: 25000
// response data will be written to a file called res.xml in the
// directory this script is being run from
const filepath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'weather.xml');
query: {
lat: 53.3478,
lon: 6.2597
version: 1.9
Promises Example
This module does not support promises by default. Here's how you could get Promise support:
const Promise = require('bluebird');
// Now all functions will return promises. Can also use a module like "pify"
const yrno = Promise.promisifyAll(
request: {
timeout: 25000
// Note the "Async" added to use teh promise version
query: {
lat: 53.3478,
lon: 6.2597
version: 1.9
.then((xml) => {
console.log('weather xml is - ', xml);
This module exports a single function that must be called to get an API wrapper.
// Get an API wrapper instance with a default request timeout of 25 seconds
const yrno = require('yr.no-interface')({
request: {
// Can pass anything supported by the request module here.
// Passing "qs" or "url" will fail since the module will overwrite them
timeout: 25000
Returns an API instance
An instance is an object with functions attached. The functions are listed below.
All functions on an instance
contain the same signature of
yrno.func([params[, callback]), e.g yrno.locationforecast(params, callback)
callback is optional. If no callback is provided a stream is returned so you can use node's stream awesomeness to pass data around. params should contain the querystring params as specified at the yr.no docs.
Each request must specify params.version
as the met.no API requires this.
instance functions
- errornotifications
- extremeforecast
- extremesWWC
- forestfireindex
- geosatellite
- gribfiles
- icemap
- lightning
- locationforecast
- locationforecastLTS
- metalerts
- metgm
- mountaineasterobservations
- nowcast
- oceanforecast
- polarsatellite
- probabilityforecast
- radar
- radarlightning
- sigmets
- spotwind
- subjectiveforecast
- sunrise
- tafmetar
- temperatureverification
- textforecast
- textlocation
- tidalwater
- turbulence
- uvforecast
- upperwindweather
- verticalprofile
- weathericon
- @ktrance
- @clux
- @Oisann
1.2.0 - Updated to use https://api.met.no instead of the deprecated http://api.yr.no - thanks @antonmarsden
1.1.0 - Updated API endpoints to match api.met.no - thanks @ktrance.
1.0.1 - Patch for security vulnerability in
module.1.0.0 - Initial stable release.