You Only Wish module
Toolbox for Node. Contains stuff you only wished was there in the first place.
npm install yow --save
General Purpose
var sprintf = require('yow/sprintf');
var vsprintf = require('yow/vsprintf');
var once = require('yow/once');
var merge = require('yow/merge');
- sprintf(args) - Just as you would expect. Uses the npm module 'sprintf-js'.
- vsprintf(args) - Just as you would expect. Uses the npm module 'sprintf-js'.
- once(fn, context) - Call a function just once and return the same result.
- merge({}, objects...) - Like Object.assign() but does a deep merge.
File System
var mkdir = require('yow/mkdir')
var mkpath = require('yow/mkpath');
var fileExists = require('yow/fileExists');
var readJSON = require('yow/readJSON');
var writeJSON = require('yow/writeJSON');
- mkdir(path) - Creates the directory you specify.
- mkpath(path) - Creates the directory you specify. It will create multiple directories if they do not exit.
- fileExists(path) - Nothing fancy, it just returns true/false.
- readJSON(fileName) - Reads a JSON file and returns the contents.
- writeJSON(fileName, object) - Writes an object to a JSON file.
Type Checks
var isArray = require('yow/isArray');
var isNumber = require('yow/isNumber');
var isString = require('yow/isString');
var isDate = require('yow/isDate');
var isFunction = require('yow/isFunction');
var isObject = require('yow/isObject');
var isInteger = require('yow/isInteger');
var isFloat = require('yow/isFloat');
- isType(object, type) - Returns true/false if typeof equals 'type'.
- isArray(object) - Is object an array?
- isNumber(object) - Is object a JavaScript Number object?
- isString(object) - Is object a String object?
- isDate(object) - Is object a Date object (and contains a valid date)?
- isFunction(object) - Is object a function object?
- isObject(object) - Is object an object? BTW null is not an object.
- isInteger(object) - Is object an integer?
- isFloat(object) - Is object a float? Please note that isFloat(1.0) returns false.
var random = require('yow/random');
- random() - Returns Math.random().
- random(integer) - Returns a random number from 0 to the integer specified (exclusive).
- random(min, max) - Returns a random number from min to max (inclusive).
- random(array) - Returns a randomly chosen object in the specified array.
- random(object) - Returns a randomly chosen object property.
Also available as require('yow/random')
var range = require('yow/range');
- range(min, max, step) - Returns an range array generated by min, max, and step.
- prefixConsole(fn) - Adds a prefix to all console methods.
var Timer = require('yow/timer');
var timer = new Timer();
timer.setTimer(delay, fn) - Executes the specified function fn after a delay. Previously set timers are cancelled.
timer.cancel() - Cancels the timer.
var Request = require('yow/request');
var request = new Request(options);
A light-weight http/https request module.
function example() {
var Request = require('yow/request');
var yahoo = new Request('https://query.yahooapis.com');
function getQuote(ticker) {
var query = {};
query.q = 'select * from yahoo.finance.quotes where symbol = "' + ticker + '"';
query.format = 'json';
query.env = 'store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys';
query.callback = '';
yahoo.get('/v1/public/yql', {query:query}).then(function(response) {
var quotes = response.body.query.results.quote;
if (typeof qoutes != 'Array')
quotes = [quotes];
console.log(ticker, '=', quotes[0].LastTradePriceOnly);
.catch (function(error) {
- request.request(options) - See https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback for documentation.
- request.get(options) - Same as request('GET', options)
- request.post(options) - Same as request('POST', options)
- request.delete(options) - Same as request('DELETE', options)
- request.put(options) - Same as request('PUT', options)