Awesome SDK it is.
Getting Started
To use this SDK, you can install it in your project by using the following command:
pnpm add youbet-sdk
SDK Initialization
You can initialize the SDK as shown below:
import { SDK, NetworkType } from 'youbet-sdk';
const sdk = new SDK({
privateKey: 'your-private-key', // optional
networkType: NetworkType.Mainnet // or NetworkType.Testnet
Client Module
The Client module provides methods for querying contract data. Here are some methods you can use:
getContractOwner(): string
This method returns the owner of the contract.
const owner = await sdk.client.getContractOwner();
getAllGoals(): GoalInfo[]
This method returns all goals in the contract.
const goals = await sdk.client.getAllGoals();
getGoalDetails(goalId: number): GoalInfo
This method returns the details of a specific goal.
const goalDetails = await sdk.client.getGoalDetails(goalId);
getUserGoals(user: string): string[]
This method returns all goals of a specific user.
const userGoals = await sdk.client.getUserGoals(userAddress);
Contract Module
The contract module provides methods for interacting with the contract. Here are some methods you can use:
claimStake(goalId: number)
This method allows a user to claim their stake for a specific goal.
await sdk.contract.claimStake(goalId);
confirmTaskCompletion(goalId: number, user: string)
This method allows a user to confirm the completion of a task for a specific goal.
await sdk.contract.confirmTaskCompletion(goalId, userAddress);
createGoal(name: string, description: string, requiredStake: number, taskCount: number): GoalInfo | undefined
This method allows a user to create a new goal.
const goalInfo = await sdk.contract.createGoal(name, description, requiredStake, taskCount);
createGoalSolo(name: string, description: string, requiredStake: number, taskCount: number): GoalInfo | undefined
This method allows a user to create a new solo goal.
const goalInfo = await sdk.contract.createGoalSolo(name, description, requiredStake, taskCount);
settleGoal(goalId: number)
This method allows a user to settle a goal.
await sdk.contract.settleGoal(goalId);
stakeAndUnlockGoal(goalId: number)
This method allows a user to stake and unlock a specific goal.
await sdk.contract.stakeAndUnlockGoal(goalId);
Learn More
You can learn more about this SDK by checking out the source code or reaching out to the developers.