a simple command-line http server with web-framework and cms
First, install MongoDB and Memcached and run both
Yode-server also requires node.js version 0.10 and above
Also we need Imagemagick for operations above images
mkdir yode
cd yode
npm install yode-server
npm start yode-server
The installer creates www
directory. Or you can choose another name during installation.
This is where your projects to be placed. In www/localhost
you’ll find a sample project.
All backend files are located in www/localhost/modules
all static files (css, images, browser-js) are in www/localhost/static
html-templates are in www/localhost/view
Each new project requires separate directory inside www
. The name of project directory must be same as host name. For example: if your project hostname is www.example.com
the path should be www/www.example.com
npm start yode-server
node server
starts all virtual hosts located in project directory. If you need to start only one of them, specify it:
node server -p www.example.com
run yode-server as daemon:
node daemon
Admin interface
Admin panel default access (don't forget to add the port number in case it's not 80):
login: yeti
pass: 111111
Hello world (easy)
// file: www/localhost/modules/hello.js
// the pattern of a yode-module
// object "server" contents connections to mongodb, memcached and has more useful properties
exports.Plugin = function(server) {
this.server = server;
exports.Plugin.prototype.helloWorld = function(req, callback, auth) {
callback('Hello World!')
in the browser http://localhost/hello:helloWorld/
Hello world (MVC)
Model code
// file: www/localhost/modules/models/hello.js
exports.Plugin = function(server) {
this.server = server;
// as in the previous example but an object has passed to the callback.
exports.Plugin.prototype.getHello = function(req, callback, auth) {
callback({text: 'Hello World!'})
View, template code
file: www/localhost/view/hello.tpl
uses jqtpl engine
Controller code
// file: www/localhost/modules/hellomvc.js
exports.Plugin = function(server) {
this.server = server;
exports.Plugin.prototype.helloWorld = function(req, callback, auth) {
var me = this
me.server.getModel('models.hello').getHello(req, function(data, e) {
me.server.tpl('hello.tpl', data, function(code) {
See the result: http://localhost/hellomvc:helloWorld/
You can also use the model as REST-service in external apps: http://localhost/models.hello:getHello/
"Hello World" on CMS virtual pages
- Log into admin interface:
(yeti:111111) - Go to Start -> Site tools -> Pages
- Click (+) icon
- Enter page name
- Select template
- Click [Add] - button (in right-bottom panel
Page blocks
) - Enter
to fieldContent type
- Save
Now you can see your "Hello World" on the new page (the path is in the second column of pages tree in admin-panel)