Utility tools for : cryptography, date, media, object, strings
This module is a part of yocto node modules for NodeJS.
Please see our NPM repository for complete list of available tools (completed day after day).
This module provide utility function for various domains (encryption, media, string, date, object and more others)
After each development, conclusion is the same : we need to create an utility tools with all our utility method to be able to reuse them in other program. That's why we create this utility tools.
Although this module was completed day after day.
Available modules
See method list for each available method
- Crypto : for utility functions related to encryption (random password, encrypt, decrypt, etc..)
- Media : for utility functions related to media
- Request : for utility functions related to request (get http info - host - x-forwarded, etc ...)
- Strings : for utility functions related to string
- YDate : for utility functions related to date
- Object : for utility functions related to object manipulation
Method list
- Module Crypto :
- randomizedPassword(length, complexity) : generate a random password with a specific complexity
- encrypt(key, value) : encrypt given string to an AES-256 representation with given key
- decrypt(key, value) : decrypt given AES-256 representation string value with given key
- Module Date :
- generateList(min, max, prefixMin, prefixMax, reverse) : Generate a list of date between two given index
- getElapsedTime(config, time) : Get elapsedTime between current time to given time
- Module Media :
- isValidImageFormat(type) : Test is given image format is valid (only string extension for the moment)
- Module Object :
- renameKey(obj, key, newKey) : rename a given key for another given
- underscoreKeys(o) : rewrite all base object key name to an underscore key name (FULL depth level)
- underscorizeKeysMongoose(o) : rewrite all base object key name to an underscore key name (FULL depth level) of an Mongoose object
- inspect(value, colorize : get the current object to a string representation with a full depth
- camelizeKeys(o) : rewrite all base object key name to an underscore key name (FULL depth level)
- camelizeKeysMongoose(o) : rewrite all base object key name to an underscore key name (FULL depth level) of an Mongoose object
- Module Request :
- getHost(request) : Get current host name from express request object
- Module Strings :
- generateAsciiCharsList(alpha, num, special, toLower) : Generate an list of chars from ascii table
- isUppercase(char) : test if a given char is to uppercase
- isLowercase(char) : test if a given char is to lowercase
- camelCase(string) : camelize a string
- underscore(string) : underscore a string
- isSpecialChar(char) : check is a given char is a special char
Logging in tool
By Default this module include yocto-logger for logging.
How to use
Each module is available like : utils.<MODULE_NAME>.<WANTED_METHOD_NAME>(PARAMS, ...)
var utils = require('yocto-utils')();
// For Crypto module
// For Date module
// For Media module
// For Object module
// For Request module
// For Strings module
Or you can retreive module by getter method : utils.get('module_name')
// For Crypto module
// For Date module
// For Media module
// For Object module
// For Request module
// For Strings module
Examples are available in example directory in git repository.
Next step
- Other utilities function