Converts components and definitions to interfaces with quicktype
Read a swagger/openapi/asyncapi yml file, extract the models, generate interfaces from them and then write to disk.
Currently only support typescript interfaces as this is all i need for now, but a PR for others is more than welcome.
The result
The end result of a successful execution of this tool will be:
- The output directory will be created if it was not already there.
- The output directory will be emptied before parsing the yml file.
- The tool dereferences the input via json-schema-ref-parser.
- Parses the yml to native js object via yamljs.
- Checks the input file is a valid type (swagger/openapi/asyncapi).
- Checks the input file has either definitions or component/schemas.
- The tool will copy out each model 1 at a time and convert to typescript interfaces, PascalCase, to the output directory.
- The tool uses quicktype to generate the interfaces.
This tool can be run via command line:
ymlapi-interfaces -i relative/path/to/file.yml -o realtive/path/to/output/directory
Programatic use
To see how to use this tool within your own scripts please see the unit tests within this repo
Reads the definitions, converts to interfaces named as the definitions are named. Currently, everything else is ignored.
Reads the component/schemas, converts to interfaces named as the component/schemas are named . Currently, everything else is ignored.