连接 h5 网关的 jssdk 版本 imsdk
OpenIM SDK for Web、uni-app and MiniProgram
About us
Open im includes instant messaging and real-time audio and video server and client SDK, which realizes important features such as high performance, lightweight and easy expansion. By integrating open im components and privatizing the deployment server, developers can quickly integrate instant messaging and real-time audio and video interaction into their own applications free of charge, and ensure the security and privacy of business data.Click here to visit our official website to learn more about Open IM.
Getting Started
How To Install
To use the SDK in the React、Vue、uniapp、wx MiniProgram...
npm install open-im-sdk
Then within your application,you can import it.
import { OpenIMSDK } from 'open-im-sdk' const openIM = new OpenIMSDK();
More Info
Login open IM server
const config: InitConfig = { userID: "xxx", token: "xxx", url: "xxx", platformID: 5, }; openIM.login(config).then(res => { console.log("login suc..."); }).catch(err => { console.log("login failed..."); })
Create and send a message to another
const sendMsgDemo = async () => { const textStr = "hello open im"; const {data} = await openIM.createTextMessage(textStr); const params = { recvID: "xxx", groupID: "", message: data, }; openIM.sendMessage(params); } //You can listen to the message sending status and handle it in the callback function const msgListener = () => { openIM.on(CbEvents.ONRECVNEWMESSAGE,data => { // receive new message... }) }
Get more API list and demo you can visit Our Developer Guide
Getting Help
The best way to interact with our team is through GitHub.You can open an issue with this.You can also find some Doc in Our Developer Guide or visit Our Community to raise a query.