Node.js module for fetching historical stock market data from Yahoo Finance and saving it to CSV files.
YahooFinance API Package
YahooFinance API Package is a Node.js module for fetching historical stock market data from Yahoo Finance and saving it to CSV files.
Install the package via npm:
npm install yfinance-api-package
- Fetch Historical Data: Retrieve historical stock data for a specific date range.
- Fetch Today's Data: Fetch current day's stock data.
- ave Data to CSV: Save fetched data to CSV files for further analysis.
Import the module and initialize an instance of YahooFinance:
const {YahooFinance} = require('yfinance-api-package');
const yahooFinance = new YahooFinance();
Fetch Historical Data for a Specific Date
async function fetchDataForDate() {
const symbol = 'AAPL'; // Replace with your desired stock symbol
const date = '2023-12-29'; // Replace with your desired date
try {
const dataForDate = await yahooFinance.downloadDataForDate(symbol, date);
if (dataForDate) {
yahooFinance.saveDataToCSV(dataForDate, `${symbol}_${date}.csv`);
console.log(`Data for ${date} saved to ${symbol}_${date}.csv`);
} else {
console.log(`No data available for ${date}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching data for ${date}: ${error.message}`);
Fetch Today's Data
async function fetchDataForToday() {
const symbol = 'SBIN.NS'; // Replace with your desired stock symbol
try {
const dataForToday = await yahooFinance.downloadDataForToday(symbol);
if (dataForToday) {
const formattedDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10);
yahooFinance.saveDataToCSV(dataForToday, `${symbol}_today_${formattedDate}.csv`);
console.log(`Today's data (${formattedDate}) saved to ${symbol}_today_${formattedDate}.csv`);
} else {
console.log(`No data available for today`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching today's data: ${error.message}`);
Fetch Historical Data for a Specific Period
async function fetchDataForDatesBetween() {
const symbol = 'AAPL'; // Replace with your desired stock symbol
const startDate = '2023-01-01'; // Replace with your desired date
const endDate = '2023-12-29'; // Replace with your desired date
//interval is optional,by default its daily timeframe, you can add if needed.
try {
const dataBetweenDate = await yahooFinance.fetchStockData(symbol, startDate, endDate);
if (dataBetweenDate) {
yahooFinance.saveDataToCSV(dataBetweenDate, `${symbol}_${startDate}_to_${endDate}.csv`);
console.log(`Data from ${startDate} to ${endDate} saved to ${symbol}_${startDate}_to_${endDate}.csv`);
} else {
console.log(`No data available for the period from ${startDate} to ${endDate}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching data for ${date}: ${error.message}`);
Save Data to CSV (Optional)
If you have fetched data and want to save it to CSV:
const data = 'Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume\n2023-12-29,194.14,194.66,193.17,193.58,193.33,34049900\n...';
const filePath = 'AAPL_custom_data.csv'; // Replace with desired file path
yahooFinance.saveDataToCSV(data, filePath);
console.log(`Data saved to ${filePath}`);
API Documentation
YahooFinance Class
fetchStockData(symbol, startDate, endDate, interval = '1d'):
Fetches historical stock data for the specified symbol and date range.
downloadDataForDate(symbol, date):
Fetches historical stock data for a specific date.
Fetches today's stock data.
saveDataToCSV(data, filePath):
Saves provided data to a CSV file.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues or pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
This package is created only for study purpose