Node package to pull data scraped from finance.yahoo.com.
Yahoo Finance Data
Scrapes the Yahoo Finance website to pull financial data about a company.
| Object keys | Type | Example |
| ticker | String | ABBV
| name | String | Abbvie Inc.
| price | Float | 153.80
| averageDividendPaymentsPerYear | Integer | 4
| averageDividendPayoutMonths | Array | [3,6,9,12]
| bookValuePerShare | Float | 9.22
| category | String | Healthcare
| consecutiveYearsOfDividendGrowth | Integer | 8
| consecutiveYearsOfDividendPayments | Integer | 9
| currency | String | USD
| currentRatio | Float | 0.81
| debtToEquityRatio | Float | 451.44
| dilutedEPS | Float | 6.97
| dividendHistory | Array | [{ date: 2022-04-12T16:00:00.000Z, amount: 1.41 },...]
| dividendYield | Float | 0.0368
| EBITDA | Integer | 24749000000
| EPS | Float | 3.43
| exDividendDate | String | 2022-07-12T16:00:00.000Z
| fiftyDayMovingAverage | Float | 149.83
| fiftyTwoWeekHigh | Float | 175.91
| fiftyTwoWeekLow | Float | 105.56
| fiveYearAnnualGrowthEstimate | Float | 0.0187
| freeCashFlow | Integer | 22047000000
| incomeFromOperations | Integer | 19460000000
| industry | String | Drug Manufacturers—General
| interestCoverageRatio | Float | 7.007268063274903
| interestExpense | Integer | 2339000000
| leveredFreeCashFlow | Integer | 19240000000
| marketCap | Integer | 270620000000
| netIncome | Integer | 12410000000
| news | Array | [{source: "Investor's Business Daily",link: 'https://finance.yahoo.com/m/c91b9937-b4d4-31a2-b8b5-6c408522c083/5-nyse-stocks-to-watch-and.html',headline: '5 NYSE Stocks To Watch And Buy: Here Are Fundamental And Technical Reasons Why',excerpt: "There's no better time than to build a strong watchlist during a serious market correction. This story covers five NYSE stocks to watch and consider buying. In 2022, the NYSE's composite index is outperforming its Nasdaq sibling."},...]
| numberOfAnalysts | Integer | 12
| operatingCashflow | Integer | 22810000000
| operatingMartin | Float | 0.3541 |
| payoutRatio | Float | 0.3541
| PERatio | Float | 10.92
| pricesByYearAndMonth | Object | {'2022': {'0': [Array],'1': [Array],'2': [Array],'3': [Array],'4': [Array],'5': [Array],'6': [Array]}}
| priceToBookRatio | Float | 16.62
| priceToFreeCashFlow | Float | 12.35
| profitMargin | Float | 0.22
| quarterlyEarningsGrowth | Float | 0.264
| quarterlyRevenueGrowth | Float | 0.041
| returnOnAssets | Float | 0.0855
| returnOnEquity | Float | 0.8312
| revenue | Integer | 56730000000
| shareholderEquity | Float | 272226000000.00003
| sharesOutstanding | Integer | 1770000000
| tenYearAverageDividendYield | Float | 0.03698200381876895
| tenYearDividendGrowthRate | Float | 0.16311628992319557
| tenYearDividendVolatility | Float | 0.40109297777764435
| threeYearAverageEarningsGrowth | Float | 0.55
| threeYearAverageRevenueGrowth | Float | 0.3
| totalAssets | Integer | 146529000
| totalCash | Integer | 7570000000
| totalDebt | Integer | 73650000000
| totalLiabilities | Integer | 131093000
| twoHundredDayMovingAverage | Float | 136.88
| type | String | Stock
| yearOnYearEarningsGrowth | Float | 1.52
| yearOnYearRevenueGrowth | Float | 0.23
How To
- Install the package.
npm install yf-scraper
- Import the package.
import YahooFinance from 'yf-web-scraper'
- Provide the ticker symbol (e.g. '3017') and (if non-US, optional) the exchange (e.g. 'HK').
await YahooFinance('ticker', 'exchange').then((data) => {
// data
}).catch((error) => {
// error
- It will return normalized raw data, e.g. "26440000000" instead of "26.44B".
- Note that UK-listed companies statistics are returned in pence, not pounds