Yet another svelte modal component. This one has a target.
How Yet Another Svelte Modal is different from all the others
- Modals are always rendered in the div near the root of your app. This allows you not to think if some of the parents of your component have a relativish position.
- Modals can show modals, can show modals.
- Works just fine on mobile in fullscreen mode
How to use
1. Install Tailwind CSS.
Here is how to.
2. Install svelte-modal
npm i -D yas-modal
3. Fix tailwind.config.cjs
Adds tailwind classes from the modal into your app's CSS.
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
require('path').join(require.resolve('yas-modal'), '../**/*.svelte')
4. Set up ModalTarget
Wrap the slot in your root +layout.svelte
into the ModalTarget component. This will create a div in the root of your app and set it as a context for all child components as modal-target
import { ModalTarget } from 'yas-modal'
5. Use the modal in your svelte component
import { Modal } from 'yas-modal'
let show_modal = false;
<button on:click={()=> show_modal = true}>Click me</button>
{#if show_modal}
<Modal on:close={() => show_modal = false}>
<h1 slot="header">Title</h1>
Modal Content
<div slot="footer">Footer</div>