Fast, minimalist, pluggable and functional command line parsing. Create CLIs easily. A wrapper package exporting everything from several Yaro packages.
yaro v7
A companion to Hela. Fast, minimalist, pluggable and functional command line parsing. Create CLIs easily. A wrapper package exporting everything from several Yaro packages. Creating CLI programs, easily. Deno support and ESM-only default. Similar to CAC, Yargs, and Sade, because there are different problems and viewpoints.
NOTE: this is ESM-only package
- Familiar and small APIs.
- Built from the ground up, for N-th time.
- Used in production for years.
- Stable & robust
- Single Command Mode support.
- Built-in help output & version.
- Checking for option's value.
- Missing required arguments checking.
- Sane defaults, option's value type checking too.
- Veriadic and positional arguments.
- Familiar & intuitive sub-commands support.
- Dot-notation, camelCase options, and other goodies.
- ESM-only (& node >=20) & Deno support (
). - Total composition - every command built is just a function on steroids!
More docs and better help output - soon!
But it's pretty straightforward:
- yaroCommand(rawName) => cli
- cli.option(rawName, desc, config = {})
- cli.alias(...aliases)
- cli.version(versionString)
- cli.action(async (flags, ...args) => {})
- cli.describe(desc) - add description to a command! Useful for single command mode.
Making a git-like cli:
import { yaro, yaroCommand } from 'yaro';
// node ./examples/git-like.js --help
// node ./examples/git-like.js --help
// `commit` is just an async function
// NOTE: arguments are passed as second param to the handler, as named params
const commit = yaroCommand('commit [...msg]', async (_options, { msg }) => {
console.log('git commit -sS', JSON.stringify(msg.flat().join(' ')));
// `add` is just an async function
const add = yaroCommand('add [...files]', 'git add files')
.option('-A, --all', 'add all files', true)
.action(async (_options, { files }) => {
console.log('git add files:', files);
// `remoteAdd` is just an async function
// NOTE: optional arguments can have default values
const remoteAdd = yaroCommand('remote add [foo] [bar=qux]')
.option('-f, --force', 'some option here')
.option('--dry-run', 'Call without running', false)
.action(async (_options, { foo, bar }, commandMeta) => {
console.log('adding remote %s -> %s', foo, bar, { commandMeta });
// git remote rm foo
// git remote del foo
// git remote remove foo
// git rerm foo
const remoteDelete = yaroCommand('remote rm <name>')
.alias('remote del', 'remote remove', 'rerm')
.option('--dry-run', 'Call without running', false)
.action(async (options, { name }) => {
console.log('git remote rm', name);
if (!options.foo) {
throw new Error('some fake random error, try passing --foo');
console.log('okkkk! foo is passed');
await yaro.run({
name: 'git-cli',
version: '3.1.1',
showHelpOnEmpty: true,
commands: {
Single Command Mode
We are detecting by default if you pass just one yaroCommand
to the commands
object of
. Or if you want this command to have more sub commands, pass both rootCommand
and commands
You can try this example with node examples/linter-cli.js foo bar qux
import proc from 'node:process';
import { run, isRequiredUtil, yaroCommand } from 'yaro';
// or Deno
// import { yaroCommand } from 'https://esm.sh/yaro@6'
const xaxa = yaroCommand(
'[foo] [...files]',
'Lint and format files with ESLint --fix and Prettier.',
.option('--cwd', 'Working directory, defaults to `process.cwd()`.', proc.cwd())
.option('--log', 'Log per changed file', false)
.option('-f, --force', 'Force lint, cleaning the cache.', false)
.option('-c, --config', 'Path to config file.', {
default: 'xaxa.config.js',
required: isRequiredUtil,
.option('--workspace-file', 'File path to write workspaces metadata.', {
default: 'hela-workspace.json',
required: isRequiredUtil,
// type: 'string',
// normalize: true,
.option('--verbose', 'Print more verbose output.', false)
.action(async (flags, { files }) => {
console.log('flags/options', flags);
console.log('files passed', files);
console.log('arguments', args);
// await lint(files, flags);
console.log({ xaxa });
// => {
// xaxa: [AsyncFunction: commandAction] {
// isYaroCommand: true,
// cli: {
// settings: [Object],
// usage: '[foo] [...files]',
// meta: [Object],
// aliases: [],
// alias: [Function (anonymous)],
// option: [Function (anonymous)],
// action: [Function (anonymous)],
// name: '___UNNAMED_COMMAND-1',
// args: [Array],
// parts: [Array]
// }
// }
// }
// or import yaro, and call `yaro.run`
await run({
commands: { xaxa },
version: '3.2.1',
name: 'xaxa-cli',