Yet Another MonoRepo Tool for build, test and publish in CI/CD environment.
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YAMRT - YetAnotherMonoRepoTool
CI workflow for npm published code in monorepos.
--- modify code
npm version patch/minor/major
git commit -am
git push
YAMRT is a mono repo tool that is focused on a CI/CD workflow that allows developers to treat individual projects inside the monorepo as if they were in independent repositories as much as possible, but at the same time leverage the monorepo to streamline build, inspect, test and publishing of artifacts in a single uniform CI/CD pipeline. That means that artifacts in a single monorepo should have little variation in the way they are built and published. For instance, your published npm packages would be in one repository, while your published docker images would be in another.
Why another monorepo tool
Other tools that were researched, such as Lerna, are designed for an interactive workflow with git commit and push after publishing. In short, I could not find a tool that allows the workflow experience I was seeking,
What does it do differently
One design goal of YAMRT is to track the relationship between published artifact and code changes without the need to push changes back to git. YAMRT instead relies on the artifact repository, such as npmjs.org, to store a hash from the state of individual projects. The build and publish decision is made by checking if the current hash of the project has been published or not, and by checking if the semantic version of the published artifact has been changed or not.
If the semantic version has changed, publish is executed. If only the hash has changed, the build target is executed, which is prepublishOnly in the npm case. If neither is changed, nothing happens.
The current implementation only works with git and npm. Future versions may extract the hash calculation and the repository publisher to configurable plugins.
npm install yamrt
Explore usage:
yamrt --help
Nowadays most build agents run in docker containers. Docker images that run yamrt builds must
- use npm 6 or newer and
- run as a non-root user.
See example builder images in builder-compatibility-testing