Loader that parses markdown to html as well as document meta information defined in yaml format
Yaml and Markdown webpack loader.
Sometimes you want to generate a complete html page out of your markdown file, but markdown is just not enough for an html page, you also need a bunch of meta information about your page (like title and etc.), that you want to control somehow. For that purpose you are know able to do it like this:
title: Test title
meta-description: Page to get a test information
# Test title
your awesome markdown content
The area between two ---
is nothing else as a Yaml and everything below is your actual Markdown.
An output that will be generated is equal to a following JSON object:
{ meta:
{ head:
{ title: 'Test title',
'meta-description': 'Page to get a test information'
html: '<h1 id="test-title">Test title</h1>\n<p> your awesome markdown content</p>\n'
Your webpack.config.js
can look like this:
entry: __dirname + '/entry.js',
output: {
path: __dirname,
filename: 'bundle.js'
module: {
loaders: [
{test:/\.md$/, loader:'yaml-markdown'}
Code Render Extensions
Sometime you want to introduce new languages for markdown code blocks, to achive this you have to provide filename of a custom renderer in loader query
{test: /\.md$/, loader: 'json!yaml-markdown?codeRenderer=customLangExtension'}
and implement a file in a following location: <your_project_folder>/yaml-markdown-loader-extentions/<codeRenderer>.js
The implementation of this file have to provide a function that takes 3 arguments:
- code
- lang
- callback (optional)
export default (code, lang, escaped) => {
return <markup>you need</markup>
To Do
- enable markdown custom options