Logging module that allows for custom levels and custom output support
yalog... Yet Another Logger
yalog is a Node.js logging library that can
- print log messages according to your own functions
- be customized per module and per logging level
- have any amount of logging levels
- print statements in full color (background too!!!)
- print statements with console qualities such as "italics" or "bold"
- print messages with module name and current line number so you know from where it was called
- be configured from file or by a module
npm install yalog
Add to your code:
var log = require('yalog').with(module);
module is object defined automatically by Node.js. This allows you to copy and paste the line into each file and leverage your filename. The file name matching is done with module.id
or the filename with the working directory and trailing '.js' removed. If you don't want automatic module names, replace it with your desired string name.
var log = require('yalog').with("myCustomName");
Arguments are not inspected unless the log level allows for printing of the statement. This avoids unnecessary object serialization calls before submitting your log statements.
log.info(arg1, arg2, arg3);
Simple Example
var log = require('yalog').with(module);
log.test( "Test" , 0);
log.trace("Trace" , 1);
log.debug("Debug" , 2);
log.info( "Info" , 3);
log.warn( "Warn" , 4);
log.error("Error" , 5);
log.info('Array =', [1, 2, 3, 4], '; Object = ', {one: 1, two: 2});
// 2012-02-16T03:32:29.083Z TRACE main:23 - Trace 1
// 2012-02-16T03:32:29.085Z DEBUG main:24 - Debug 2
// 2012-02-16T03:32:29.085Z INFO main:25 - Info 3
// 2012-02-16T03:32:29.085Z WARN main:26 - Warn 4
// 2012-02-16T03:32:29.086Z ERROR main:27 - Error 5
// 2012-02-16T03:32:29.086Z INFO main:28 - Array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ; Object = { one: 1, two: 2 }
Advanced Example
Take a look at the examples directory for different examples.
// Load yalog configuration from another location to keep configurations in one spot.
var maxHelper = require('./examples/max_utilization_helper')
var log = maxHelper.with(module);
var answerObj = {is: 42};
answerObj.and = answerObj;
var ctxObj = {email: "[email protected]", circularObj: answerObj, other: "contextInfo", fn: function(){return true;}};
log.info( ctxObj, "The answer to life the universe and everything: '", answerObj, "'")
log.info( ctxObj, "Info counter should be at 2. Counter value:")
log.debug(ctxObj, "Debug counter should be at 1. Counter value:")
log.trace(ctxObj, "this should not execute. Level is not included (too low in stack)")
log.info( ctxObj, "Current 'ctxObj' obj: ", ctxObj)
// 2012-02-16T03:29:12.141Z; [email protected]; INFO ; main:12; -; The answer to life the universe and everything: ' | { is: 42, and: [Circular] } | '; 1
// 2012-02-16T03:29:12.145Z; [email protected]; INFO ; main:13; -; Info counter should be at 2. Counter value:; 2
// 2012-02-16T03:29:12.145Z; [email protected]; DEBUG; main:14; -; Debug counter should be at 1. Counter value:; 1
// 2012-02-16T03:29:12.145Z; [email protected]; INFO ; main:16; -; Current 'ctxObj' obj: | { email: '[email protected]', circularObj: { is: 42, and: [Circular] }, other: 'contextInfo', fn: [Function], _myContextFlag: true }; 3
Dev Development
make compile # compile files
make watch # constantly watch files
Released under MIT License. Enjoy and Fork!