XYZ is a novel web language aimed at simplifying the creation of web components by merging layout, style, and data fetching into a single, intuitive syntax.
XYZ Language Specification
XYZ is a novel web language aimed at simplifying the creation of web components by merging layout, style, and data fetching into a single, intuitive syntax. XYZ aims to reduce the boilerplate and complexity associated with traditional HTML/CSS/JS interactions by providing an integrated approach.
Basic Components
- Box: A generic container, analogous to an HTML div.
Box('id', {
styleProperty: value,
}) {
// nested components or content
- Link: Creates a hyperlink, analogous to an HTML a tag.
Link('url') {
text: "Displayed Text",
styleProperty: value,
Data Integration
Components in XYZ can directly fetch and display data, abstracting away the need for separate data fetching and templating steps.
- dataUrl: Fetches data from the given URL when the component is rendered.
dataUrl: ""
- repeat: If set to true, the component will repeat its content for each item in the fetched data array.
repeat: true
- Data Placeholders: Data fetched from dataUrl can be integrated into the component using placeholders. The syntax for placeholders is {{ dataKey }}, where dataKey corresponds to a key in the fetched data object.
text: "Name: {{ name }}"
Sample Usage
Here's an example of a component that fetches user data and displays it as cards:
Box('userCard', {
dataUrl: "",
repeat: true,
background: #f5f5f5,
border: 1px solid #e0e0e0,
padding: 10px,
center: true
}) {
text: "Name: {{ name }}",
Link('{{ website }}') {
text: "Visit {{ name }}'s website",
color: blue
In this example, the Box component fetches user data from the provided dataUrl and then repeats its content for each user, creating a card with the user's name and a link to their website.