xyaml-webpack-loader loads YAML files with custom schema. Out of the box it supports: - [markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)
Extended YAML loader
xyaml-webpack-loader loads YAML files with custom schema. Out of the box it supports:
It also supports rollupjs.
npm i -D xyaml-webpack-loader
# or
yarn add -D xyaml-webpack-loader
Configure Webpack
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
module: {
rules: [{
type: 'json',
test: /\.yaml$/,
use: 'xyaml-webpack-loader',
options: { // default configuration
markdown: {
use: {
'markdown-it-headinganchor': {} // you can specify `false` to disable plugin
'markdown-it-attrs': { leftDelimiter: '@{' }
You can configure markdown-it
parser to use any modules, by specifying them in use
Configure rollup
// rollup.config.js
import yaml from 'xyaml-webpack-loader/rollup';
export {
// ...
plugins: [
markdown: { // default configuration, no need to provide
use: {
'markdown-it-headinganchor': {} // you can specify `false` to disable plugin
'markdown-it-attrs': { leftDelimiter: '@{' }
Example YAML
# about-us.page.yml
title: About us
title: About
keywords: About
description: About description
content: !md | # Pay attention to the !md prefix
My first paragraph
* some bullet points
* another bullet point
[link to some site](https://some.site.com)
### Additional information
* Other bullet points
* Final words
Example Usage
import aboutUs from './about-us.page.yml';
console.log(aboutUs.content) // rendered HTML string
Use parser
You can also use parser programatically:
const { parse } = require('xyaml-webpack-loader/parser');
const fs = require('fs');
const content = parse(fs.readFileSync('about-us.page.yml'));
Advanced Markdown configuration
Some markdown-it
plugins accept more than single options argument (e.g., markdown-it-container). In such cases, we can specify an array of options:
const options = {
markdown: { // default configuration, no need to provide
use: {
'markdown-it-container': ['image', {
// other options here
Or if we need to call the same plugin multiple times, we can use a function:
const options = {
markdown: { // default configuration, no need to provide
use(parser, applyPlugins) {
applyPlugins(parser); // apply default plugins
parser.use('markdown-it-container', 'image', {
// other options here
parser.use('markdown-it-container', 'spoiler', {
// other options here