Simple protocol for awaitable rpc calls and events over a websocket connection
XY Websocket
Simple protocol for awaitable rpc calls and events over a websocket connection.
Server examples
import http from 'http'
import Koa from 'koa'
import { createServer } from 'xy-websocket'
// Koa or express. httpServer is required
const app = new Koa()
const httpServer = http.createServer(app.callback())
const wsServer = createServer({ httpServer })
// server can register functions
wsServer.register('function_provided_by_server', async ({ params }) => {
// exceptions are handled correctly
throw new Error('error message')
// return value is sent back to the client
return { json_data: true }
// functions can be unregistered
// publish to all connected clients
wsServer.broadcast('event_name_published_by_server', { json_data: true })
// client published events
wsServer.on('event_name_published_by_client', async ({ params }) => {
for (const s of wsServer.sockets) {
try {
// call a function provided by a client
const result = await s.call('function_provided_by_client', { json_data: true })
catch (e) {
// exceptions are handled correctly
// publish to a single client
s.sendEvent('event_name_published_by_server', { json_data: true })
Client examples
import { createClient } from 'xy-websocket'
const wsClient = createClient({ url: 'https://api.xylogistics.io'.replace(/^http/, 'ws') })
wsClient.on('connected', async () => {
// client can register functions
wsClient.register('function_provided_by_client', async ({ params }) => {
// exceptions are handled correctly
throw new Error('error message')
// return value is sent back to the server
return { json_data: true }
// functions can be unregistered
// publish an event to the server
wsClient.send('event_name_published_by_client', { json_data: true })
// server published events
wsClient.on('event_name_published_by_server', async ({ params }) => {
try {
// call a function provided by the server
const result = await wsClient.call('function_provided_by_server', { json_data: true })
catch (e) {
// exceptions are handled correctly