Cloudflare KVAdapter remote sync adapter for XWebDB
An adapter to use Cloudflare KV as a remote synchronization service database.
How to use
A. Creating an endpoint
Since Cloudflare KV doesn't support CORS requests, you'll need to setup a cloudflare worker to act as an interface for your Cloudflare KV API:
Here's a code to place in your cloudflare worker for convenience:
// replace the following string with your own account identifier
// this is usually found at the URL of your account dashboard
// https://dash.cloudflare.com/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER_HERE}/....etc
const accountIdentifier = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER";
// the rest of the code is a pure proxy to:
// api.cloudflare.com/
// since the latter doesn't support CORS request
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
if (request.method === "OPTIONS") {
// Handle CORS preflight request
return new Response(null, {
headers: {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type, Authorization",
"Access-Control-Max-Age": "86400", // 1 day
const apiURL = `https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${accountIdentifier}/storage/kv/namespaces`;
const targetUrl = request.url
.replace(/.*\.dev/, apiURL)
.replace(/\/$/, "")
.replace(/\/\?/, "?");
const targetRequest = new Request(targetUrl, {
method: request.method,
headers: request.headers,
body: request.body,
const targetResponse = await fetch(targetRequest);
const response = new Response(targetResponse.body, targetResponse);
response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE");
response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization");
return response;
After setting up the worker, it will have a live URL, like https://kv.yourusername.workers.dev
this is what we'll call an endpoint
the next step is to have a token.
B. Creating a token
- From the user profile, navigate to
API Tokens
. - Create token, using the
Edit Cloudflare Workers
template. - Copy the token and storing it in a safe place.
C. Setting up synchronization adapter
Now that we have an endpoint and a token
import { Database } from "xwebdb";
import { kvAdapter } from "xwebdb-kvadapter";
const db = new Database({
sync: {
// define remote sync adapter
syncToRemote: kvAdapter("YOUR_ENDPOINT", "YOUR_TOKEN"),
// define an interval at which the database will
// automatically sync with the remote database
// defaults to "0" (will not sync on interval) only manually
syncInterval: 500,
/// rest of database configuration
/// ref: ...
/// model: ...
/// ...etc: ...
That's it.