Enchance file, number feature of node.
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Enchance file, number feature of node
File relative tools of xTool
Kind: global variable
HTML relative tools of xTool
Kind: global variable
Number relative tools of xTool
Kind: global variable
Utility of xTool
Kind: global variable
Enchance file, number feature of node
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | dir | string | the path want to prepared |
Kind: global variable
readDir(root, [setting]) => array
Get file list from a root path with configure
Kind: global function
Returns: array - list of file with absolute/relative path
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | root | string | file root path | | [setting] | object | string | optional, if only one find pattern, can be simplify as a string | | [setting.absolute] | boolean | return absolute path or path relative from root. [default is false] | | [setting.recursive] | boolean | recursive to sub directory. [default is false] | | [setting.find] | string | regexp | array | provide human pattern or human pattern list to define filename matcher. [default is "*"] | | [setting.ignore] | string | regexp | array | provide human pattern or human pattern list to define which filename will be ignored. [default is none] |
readFile(file, [encoding]) => string
Read file content
Kind: global function
Returns: string - if file not exist, will return empty string
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | file | string | path to file | | [encoding] | string | encoding |
existFile(file) => boolean
Test file exist or not
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | file | string | path to file |
existDir(dir) => boolean
Test dir exist or not
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | dir | string | path |
saveFile(file, content, [encoding])
Save content to file
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | file | string | path to file | | content | string | array | object | file content, array will be join with {crlf}, object will be str | | [encoding] | string | encoding |
removeFile(file) => boolean
Alias of fs.unlinkSync
Kind: global function
Returns: boolean - if file not exist, return false
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | file | string | path to file |
scanFile(file, callback)
scan file by line, and do callback to content of each line
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | file | string | filename | | callback | function | call back func(lineContent, lineNumber) |
scanListFile(list, callback)
scan all file in list by line, and do callback to content of each line
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | list | array | the file list from readDir() | | callback | function | call back func(lineContent, lineNumber, fileName) |
replaceFile(file, pattern|callback, [replacement])
replace file content with pattern & replacement
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | file | string | path to file | | pattern|callback | string | regexp | function | - | | [replacement] | string | if pattern provided, replacement must provide, if pattern is regexp, replacement can use the captured value by $1, $2, etc. |
decodeHtml(htmlContent) => string
transfer &#DDDD; & &#xHHHH; it was. make sure the html page under utf-8;
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | htmlContent | string | included |
tolerant(num) => string
Kind: global function
Returns: string - 不校验数字拼写是否正确,只转换常错的拼写
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | num | string | 中文数字 |
numberChnToBig(num) => string
Kind: global function
Returns: string - 不校验数字拼写是否正确,只转换大写
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | num | string | 中文数字 |
numberChnToSmall(num) => string
Kind: global function
Returns: string - 不校验数字拼写是否正确,只转换大写
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | num | string | 中文数字 |
numberAri2Chn(num) => string
Kind: global function
Returns: string - 返回中文数字
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | num | number | 阿拉伯数字,大于零,小于一亿亿。不要使用巨大数字,受V8引擎精度限制,10^16左右就会精度失真。Math.pow(10,16) - 1 === Math.pow(10,16) 为 true |
numberChn2Ari(num) => number
Kind: global function
Returns: number - 返回阿拉伯数字, 返回-1表示中文数字非法
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | num | string | 中文数字,大于零,小于一亿亿。不要使用巨大数字。接近或大于一亿亿的时候,V8引擎下的整数会出现精度问题。 |
isLegalChnNum(num) => string
Kind: global function
Returns: string - true表示合法中文数字
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | num | string | 中文数字,大于零,小于一亿亿 |
numberAri2Roman(num) => string
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | num | number | 范围0-3999 |
numberRoman2Ari(s) => number
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | s | string | 范围0-3999 |
typeof(arg) => string
return the truly type of arg
Kind: global function
Returns: string - type of arg
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | arg | * | any type arg |
is(value, type) => boolean
compare the value type with expect type
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | value | * | value will be test | | type | string | expect type |
flattenArray(arg) => array
recursive embeded array to a flat array, and will remove duplicated value
Kind: global function
Returns: array - return a one dimension array
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | arg | array | * | multi dimensions array, other type of arg will return a array warped arg |
distinctArray(arg) => array
remove duplicated value of array
Kind: global function
Returns: array - return an array with every unquie value
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | arg | array | * | array to remopve duplicated value |
getArgs() => object
get node command args
Kind: global function
Returns: object - - command line: "node xxx.js -a 111 -b=222 333 -d", will return
0: ["-a", "111", "-b=222", "333", "-d"],
1: "-a",
2: "111",
3: "-b=222",
4: "333",
"5": "-d",
"-a": "111",
"-b": "222",
"-d": true
range(start, [end]) => array
generate values array of specified range, number range should be 0 to 2^32
Kind: global function
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | start | number | string | if "end" is not provided, the range is (0 or "0" or "a" or "A") to "start" | | [end] | number | string | |