A type checking module for JavaScript/ES6 in <2KB.
xto.js - eXtended typeof
An extensive type checking module for JavaScript/ES6 in ~~<2KB~~. Now less than 1KB!
JavaScript has never had a simple way of detecting what type of data a variable holds. For example some objects claim to be of type object
when the developer expects them to be something like string
, boolean
or array
typeof '' // 'string'
typeof String('') // string
typeof new String('') // object
typeof [] // object
typeof true // boolean
typeof new Boolean(true) // object
xtojs is a comprehensive JavaScript library that provides a powerful set of tools for working with data types. One of the key features of xtojs is the ability to more accurately determine the type of a variable or expression. This is done using a series of is
methods for all the defined data types in JavaScript, such as isString
, isNumber
, isBoolean
, isPromise
, and isDate
, as well as all other built in JavaScript types. This means that developers can use the is
methods to and handle different data types more easily.
In addition to the is
methods, xtojs provides additional methods to gain more insight into the type of a given value. The built in JavaScript typeof
provides limited, and often misleading, information about the value in question. The xto.typeof
method returns a lowercase string indicating the detailed type of a given value, such as 'string'
, 'date'
, 'symbol'
, 'promise'
, 'regexp'
, 'function'
, 'bigint'
, etc.
The xto.instance
method returns the name of the value type, such as 'String'
, 'Promise'
, 'Date'
, 'BigInt'
, 'Symbol'
, etc.
The xto.instances
method returns an array of names of the type hierarchy, which can be useful when you need to perform type checks on more complex data types. For a Date
object xto.instance
would return the string 'Date'
and xto.instances
will return ['Date', 'Object']
. For a BigInt64Array
it will return ['BigInt64Array', 'TypedArray', 'Object']
The xtojs library also supports less common data types, such as symbols, big integers, and typed arrays, which are not covered by the built-in typeof operator. This allows developers to work with these data types more easily and efficiently, without having to write complex type checking logic.
Overall, the xtojs library provides a powerful set of tools for working with data types in JavaScript. By using the library, developers can simplify their code, avoid complex type checking logic, and gain a better understanding of the data they are working with. If you're looking to write more efficient and intuitive code, the xtojs library is definitely worth considering.
There are two special is
methods to simplify checking for Arrays
and typed arrays. xto.isArray
only returns true
if the value is a traditional JavaScript Array
. xto.isTypedArray
returns true
is the value is any of the ES6 typed arrays, like Int32Array
or Float64Array
. xto.isAnyArray
will return true
if the value is either a typed array or a traditional JavaScript Array
There are two methods that allow you to see the instance of any value. It is similar to the JavaScript instanceof
operator except that it is a method and it returns the Class name of the value. For example xto.instance([])
returns Array
and xto.instance(5)
returns Number
For those that would like to see the Class name hierarchy for any given value. In the browser a call to xto.instances(document)
returns ["HTMLDocument", "Document", "Node", "EventTarget", "Object"]
Installing with npm
npm install xtojs
Use in Node
Using require
const xto = require('xto');
or using import
import xto from 'xto'
Use in the browser
Either use browserify or manually copy the file node_modules/dist/esm/xto.js
to the folder where you want it, like your public js folder.
<!-- Place your html above -->
<script type="module">
import xto from "./js/xtojs";
// You can now use the xto module
console.log(xto.typeof(new Date()));
These methods let you determine if a value is a particular type.
The method isTypedArray
will return false
for Array
and true
for any of the typed arrays.
All ES6+ typed array
-methods are supported:isArray(val)
xto.isArray([]); // true
xto.isArray(new Int8Array()); // false
xto.isAnyArray([]); // true
xto.isAnyArray(new Int8Array()); // true
xto.isTypedArray(new Uint16Array()); // true
xto.isInt32Array(new Int32Array()); // true
xto.isObject({}); // true
xto.isString(''); // true
xto.isError(new Error()); // true
xto.isDate(new Date()); // true
xto.isRegExp(/test/i); // true
xto.isFunction(function () {}); // true
xto.isBoolean(true); // true
xto.isNumber(1); // true
xto.isBigInt(1n); // true
xto.isNull(null); // true
xto.isUndefined(); // true
xto.isMap(new Map()); // true
xto.isSet(new Set()); // true
xto.isWeakMap(new WeakMap()); // true
xto.isWeakSet(new WeakSet()); // true
xto.isWeakMap(new ArrayBuffer()); // true
xto.isWeakMap(new DataView()); // true
xto.isPromise(new Promise(function() {})); // true
Get the name of the type, in lowercase, of any value. This is extended to include all of the ES6+ types
class CoolClass {
constructor() {
this.name = "My Cool Class";
xto.typeof([]); // 'array'
xto.typeof(new Int8Array()); // 'int8array'
xto.typeof({}); // 'object'
xto.typeof(''); // 'string'
xto.typeof(String('')); // 'string'
xto.typeof(new SyntaxError()); // 'error'
xto.typeof(new Date()); // 'date'
xto.typeof(/test/i); // 'regexp'
xto.typeof(function () {}); // 'function'
xto.typeof(true); // 'boolean'
xto.typeof(1); // 'number'
xto.typeof(null); // 'null'
xto.typeof(); // 'undefined'
xto.typeof(new Map()); // 'map'
xto.typeof(new Set()); // 'set'
xto.typeof(new WeakMap()); // 'weakmap'
xto.typeof(new WeakSet()); // 'weakset'
xto.typeof(new ArrayBuffer()); // 'arraybuffer'
xto.typeof(new DataView()); // 'dataview'
xto.typeof(new Promise(function() {})); // 'promise'
xto.typeof(new CoolClass()); // 'object'
Get the name of the instance of any value or object. This includes all of the ES6+ types as well as all classes.
function CoolObj() {
this.name = "My Cool Object";
class CoolClass {
constructor() {
this.name = "My Cool Class";
xto.instance([]); // 'Array'
xto.instance(new Int8Array()); // 'Int8Array'
xto.instance({}); // 'Object'
xto.instance(''); // 'String'
xto.instance(String('')); // 'String'
xto.instance(new SyntaxError()); // 'SyntaxError'
xto.instance(new Date()); // 'Date'
xto.instance(/test/i); // 'RegExp'
xto.instance(function () {}); // 'Function'
xto.instance(true); // 'Boolean'
xto.instance(1); // 'Number'
xto.instance(null); // 'Null'
xto.instance(); // 'Undefined'
xto.instance(new Map()); // 'Map'
xto.instance(new Set()); // 'Set'
xto.instance(new WeakMap()); // 'WeakMap'
xto.instance(new WeakSet()); // 'WeakSet'
xto.instance(new ArrayBuffer()); // 'ArrayBuffer'
xto.instance(new DataView()); // 'DataView'
xto.instance(new Promise(function() {})); // 'Promise'
xto.instance(new CoolObj()); // 'CoolObj'
xto.instance(new CoolClass()); // 'CoolClass'
Get an array of instance hierarchy of any value or object. This can be helpful when you want to see all of the parents of a particular class.
function CoolObj() {
this.name = "My Cool Object";
class CoolClass {
constructor() {
this.name = "My Cool Class";
class CoolClass2 extends CoolClass {
constructor() {
this.name = "My Cool Class 2";
xto.instances(new Int8Array()); // ['Int8Array', 'TypedArray', 'Object']
xto.instances(new SyntaxError()); // ['SyntaxError', 'Error', 'Object']
xto.instances(new Date()); // ['Date', 'Object']
xto.instances(null); // ['Null']
xto.instances(); // ['Undefined']
xto.instances(new Promise(function() {})); // ['Promise', 'Object']
xto.instances(new CoolObj()); // ['CoolObj', 'Object']
xto.instances(new CoolClass()); // ['CoolClass', 'Object']
xto.instances(new CoolClass2()); // ['CoolClass2', 'CoolClass', 'Object']
Browser compatibility
xtojs will not work on Internet Explorer or any other browser that does not support ES6.
This should also work in all LTS versions of Node.js. I would not recommend using older versions of Node.
I use semver for my versioning. If I increase the major version it is due to breaking changes.
- Pull Requests are accepted.
- Please maintain the existing coding style.
- Always add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
- Always run
npm test
Release history
2.2.0 - Aug 29, 2023 (952 bytes minified)
- Fixed package.json to load proper file for require and import
- Removed coveralls and travis related files and dependancies.
- Updated external packages.
2.1.0 - Feb 22, 2023 (952 bytes minified)
- Added CJS and ESM versions of the built code
- Converted all of the code to ES6+ greatly reducing its size
- Removed gulp and moved build into npm.
- Removed jshint and added eslint
- Removed coveralls support (for now?)
- Updated the documentation
- Added Terser to do minification and to generate both esm and cjs dist versions
- Updated README.md to include all changes.
- Updated testing to always test for
and other ES6+ features - Added support for:
2.0.0 - Dec 7, 2016 (1,170 bytes minified)
- Added
and reduced code size where possible. - Added
. Returnstrue
and all typed arrays. - Now
only returnstrue
. BREAKING CHANGE - Added tests for
and fixed forisArray
- Added
Version 2.0 breaking changes
As of version 2.0 the function
will only returntrue
for any typed arrays.Version 2.0 includes the function
to see if an object is either anArray
or a typed array.
1.1.2 - Dec 6, 2016
- Correcting Docs and changing version to allow NPM publish.
1.1.0 - Dec 6, 2016
- Correcting Docs. And correcting my NPM deployment.
1.0.0 - Dec 6, 2016
- Initial release