A basic local controller for xterm.js
Xterm.js local controller
A skeleton implementation for in-browser handling of input from an xterm.js terminal, with the following features:
- navigation within and editing of the current input line;
- line-by-line processing of pasted text;
- ctrl+c to discard the current input;
- navigation through local history using up and down arrow keys;
- correct navigation through wide Unicode characters.
The structure of this project is based roughly on the outdated implementation local-echo.
Install as an ES6 module using npm install --save xterm-local-skeleton
import TerminalController from "xterm-local-skeleton";
const terminal = new TerminalController({ ...XtermOptions });
Writing output
and TerminalController.writeln
are async functions that resolve when the terminal flushes. For maximal efficiency, they can be called consecutively without waiting for the previous call to resolve. The string is written to the terminal as UTF16-encoded text with raw escape sequences supported by xterm.js.
terminal.writeln("Hello, world!");
terminal.writeln("\x1b[31;1mSome warning!\x1b[0m");
terminal.write("Welcome!\r\n"); // CRLF line breaks are required as terminal escape sequences
Handling input
The terminal can be supplied with an async command handler. All inputs (even empty ones) will be delegated to the handler. The handler is allowed to emit text to the terminal asynchronously and does not need to wait for the terminal to flush before exiting.
terminal.setHandler(async (input) => {
if (input.trim() !== "") {
terminal.writeln(`Hello, ${input}!`);
Command line prompt
terminal.setPrompt("localhost$ ");
terminal.setPrompt(() => `${getName()}$ `); // allows computed prompts
History configurations
Additional options can be used to configure a persistent history storage in the browser's local storage:
const terminal = new TerminalController({
historySize: 100, // maximum number of entries kept in history
persistentHistory: "history" // stores history in local storage under this key