Xpell Real-Time Interpreter for Node.js
Xpell-Node - Real-Time Interpreter for Node.js and Web Applications
Xpell-Node is a real-time interpreter for Node.js application development, such application requires control on several modules and AI engine to run within high FPS.
Xpell enables real-time translation from any command (XCommand) to platform specific command.
The way to communicate with Xpell engine is to send XCommand that will be analyzed and activate the appropriate module:
- module (the name of the module to run the command)
- created (date/timestamp of the command)
- object - optional - the object within the module to run the command
- op (the operation (method/function) to run within the module)
- params (list of parameters)
Credits & License
Author: Fridman Fridman [email protected]
License: GPL-3
First Release: 02/01/2024
Copyright Aime Technologies 2024, all right reserved