DOM-agnostic implementation of XPath 2 parser and evaluator in JavaScript
xpath2.js - DOM-agnostic implementation of XPath 2 parser and evaluator in JavaScript
xpath2.js is a DOM-agnostic open-source XPath 2.0 implementation in JavaScript. Execution engine operates using XML Schema 1.1 data types as prescribed by specification.
- Full XPath 2.0 language support
- Arbitrary tree structure querying with XPath 2.0 language via custom DOMAdapter
- Custom collation support (using StaticContext)
- Custom function support (using StaticContext)
- Variable injection (using DynamicContext)
npm install xpath2.js
The simple API implementation lib/index.js
provided for reference.
Its primary purpose is to demonstrate implementation classes wiring and a simple usable solution.
Basic scenarious with evaluate function
xpath.evaluate(expression, evaluationContext, staticContext, initialScope, DOMAdapter)
Parameters list
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| expression
| String | Required | xpath expression |
| evaluationContext
| Variant | Optional | evaluation context (document, for example) |
| staticContext
| StaticContext or Function | Optional | compilation context or namespace resolver |
| initialScope
| Object | Optional | JavaScript variable values map |
| DOMAdapter
| DOMAdapter | Optional | document object model adapter |
Query without a context
const xpath = require("xpath2.js");
const result = xpath.evaluate("1 to 5");
console.log(result); // prints [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
Query a document not specifying namespaces
const xpath = require("xpath2.js");
const xmldom = require("xmldom"); // You are free to use any DOM implementation
const document = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString('<test>content</test>');
const result = xpath.evaluate("fn:string(/test/text())", document);
console.log(result); // prints [ 'content' ]
Query a document with namespace resolver
Evaluating expressions over documents that specify namespaces requires namespace resolver to be provided with the query. Take a note that namespace resolver is there to resolve prefixes found in XPath expressions, thus making use of prefixes in expressions scoped to the query, and not to the document.
A namespace resolver is a function that takes single argument String prefix and returns a namespace uri for it.
Exception XPST0081
will be thrown, should any of the prefixes used in expression are left unresolved.
const xpath = require("xpath2.js");
const xmldom = require("xmldom");
const document = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString('<foo><a:bar xmlns:a="http://a">content</a:bar></foo>');
const namespaceResolver = function(prefix) {
if (prefix == "b")
return "http://a";
return null;
const result = xpath.evaluate("fn:string(//b:bar/text())", document, namespaceResolver);
console.log(result); // prints [ 'content' ]
Passing a JavaScript variable to the evaluation context
const xpath = require("xpath2.js");
const result = xpath.evaluate("$a + 0.2", null, null, {a: 0.1});
console.log(result); // prints [ 0.3 ]
More challenging scenarious
Using execute function and managing contexts
const xpath = require("xpath2.js");
const xmldom = require("xmldom");
const document = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString('<foo><a:bar xmlns:a="http://a">content</a:bar></foo>');
const namespaceResolver = function(prefix) {
if (prefix == "b")
return "http://a";
return null;
const staticContext = xpath.createStaticContext(namespaceResolver);
// Set default function namespace to the one of XPath functions, so "fn" prefix can be dropped in queries
staticContext.defaultFunctionNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions";
const dynamicContext = xpath.createDynamicContext(staticContext, document);
const expression = xpath.compile("string(//b:bar/text())", staticContext);
const result = xpath.execute(expression, dynamicContext);
console.log(result); // prints [ 'content' ]
Note! Dynamic context carries date/time obtained during its creation