Checking XML syntax of files using pegjs grammar, pretty print XML files and concert XML into JSON
Validating the syntax of a xml text
xmlChecker.js (and xmlCheckerModule.js) is PEG.js grammar to validate a string against the XML syntax. xmlChecker.js doesn't validate the string against a XSD schema. xmlChecker.js can used to check a file on the fly, e.g. while editing the file in a web browser at development time.
xmlPrettifier.js (and xmlPrettifierModule.js) converts a string in the XML format to a prettified version of the string in XML.
xml2json.js (and xml2jsonModule.js) converts a string in the xml format to a json data structure using the same grammar as the xmlChecker.js .
- check the basic syntax according to the specification at [w3c](http://www.w3.org/TR/xml
- check if start and end tag matches
- check if namespace prefixes are declared
- easy integrateable in JavaScript code on client (xmlChecker.js for web browser) and server side (xmlCheckerModule.js for node.js or use mpn install xmlChecker)
- easy extendable
- pretty print xml code
- converting xml strings to JSON data structures
JSON conventions for XML content
- each XML element is a dictionary entry containing an array with attributes, elements, text values and comments
- element names are directly taken over including the full namespace
- each XML attribute is a dictionary entry conating an array of values
- attribute names are prefixed using a "@" and includes the full nampespace
- namespaces are prefixing the name of an element or attribute and are URL-encoded enclosed by two underlines
- the text value entries have the special name "#text"
- the cdata value entries have the special name "#cdata"
- comment entries have the special name "#comment"
Getting started
Just include the xmlChecker.js in your client code
<script src="/js/xmlChecker.js"/>
or import the module in node.js using npm install xmlChecker
var xmlChecker = require('xmlChecker');
and use it
catch error
alert("XML Parser: " + error.name + " at " + error.line + "," + error.column + ": " + error.message);
For more examples see the code in examples.
Just to use the library copy the file xmlChecker.js to your preferred location.
To modify the grammar you need to install PEG.js by
npm install pegjs
and compile it, e.g. using