a web bookmark manager by cli
一个简单的网页书签管理器 a simple web bookmark manager
1.安装 install
npm install -g xie-bookmark
2.添加书签 add bookmark
# 添加一个书签,会自动获取网页的标题 add a bookmark, will get the title of the web page automatically
lan add https://www.zhihu.com
# 添加一个书签,并指定标题 add a bookmark, and specify the title
lan add https://www.zhihu.com zhihu
3.查看书签 view bookmark
# 查看所有书签 view all bookmarks
# 搜索书签 search bookmarks
lan search zhihu
# 当不存在任何匹配命令的时候也会被当作查寻指令 when there is no matching command, it will also be treated as a search command
lan zhihu
4.重命名书签 rename bookmark
# 重命名书签 rename bookmark
lan rename 1 zhihu_new
5.删除书签 remove bookmark
# 删除书签 remove bookmark
lan remove 1
# 删除书签,无需确认 remove bookmark, no need to confirm
lan remove 1 -f
# 删除所有书签 remove all bookmarks
lan empty
# 删除所有书签,无需确认 remove all bookmarks, no need to confirm
lan empty -f
6.统计书签数量 count the number of bookmarks
lan count
7.根据url获取书签内容 get bookmark content by url
# 查看指定url的书签,所以你也可以通过这个功能来保存一些非web的东西 view the bookmark of the specified url, so you can also use this feature to save some non-web things
lan add book_name 'my love is gone'
lan get book_name
8.导出书签 export bookmark
# 导出书签 export bookmark
lan export
# 导出书签到指定文件 export bookmark to specified file
lan export bookmark.txt
9.导入书签 import bookmark
# 导入书签 import bookmark
lan import --data <data>
# 导入书签,无需确认 import bookmark, no need to confirm
lan import --data <data> -f
# 从指定文件导入书签 import bookmark from specified file
lan import --file bookmark.txt
# 从指定的网络地址导入书签 import bookmark from specified url
lan import --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xieyezi/xie-bookmark/master/bookmark.txt
10.合并书签 merge bookmark
# 合并书签 merge bookmark
lan merge --data <data>
# 合并书签,无需确认 merge bookmark, no need to confirm
lan merge --data <data> -f
# 从指定文件合并书签 merge bookmark from specified file
lan merge --file bookmark.txt
# 从指定的网络地址合并书签 merge bookmark from specified url
lan merge --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xieyezi/xie-bookmark/master/bookmark.txt
todo list:
- --pass 对书签进行导出加密
- 导出到url